HPlogo Using the HP 3000 Workload Manager: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Planning for Workgroups

Gathering Data for the Workload Manager


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In the following sections, you'll learn some techniques for using HP GlancePlus with the Workload Manager. You can use the performance tool of your choice to evaluate current system performance and, once you have set up workgroups on your system, evaluate their behavior.

Using GlancePlus to gather information

To use Workload Manager with GlancePlus, you edit the configuration file Glancnfg to add workgroups to an existing application class specification or to define a new application class that corresponds to a workgroup. When you associate the new WORKGROUP keyword with a Workload Manager workgroup, the resources used by this process will be added to the resources used by other processes in the application class.

You can set up GlancePlus applications in three ways, each of which is explained below.

  • One application class to one workgroup.

  • One application class to many workgroups.

  • One workgroup to many application classes.

Assigning one application class to one workgroup

To define an application class that maps exactly to a single workgroup, you enter the application name and the name of the workgroup in the configuration file. For example, the following specification defines an application called Data Entry and maps it to the Data_Entry workgroup:




This application class contains all processes that are members of the Data_Entry workgroup, and no other processes.

Assigning one application class to many workgroups

You may want to define an application class that partitions the processes in a workgroup into discrete groups. For example, suppose you have defined the following Sales workgroup:


:newwg Sales;memb_logon=("dept@.@.sales");base=160;limit=180

You can then define two different applications to view the processes in this one workgroup by adding this application class specification to the glancnfg file:






Assigning one workgroup to many application classes

There may be a situation in which you want one application class to provide data on multiple workgroups. For example, suppose that you have defined two workgroups on your system, Billing and Payroll, but for the purpose of performance evaluation, you can lump them into one application called Finance. To do so, you would add this application class specification to your glancnfg file:



   WORKGROUP=Billing, Payroll

Viewing workgroup data in GlancePlus

Once you have set up workgroups in the Glancnfg file, you can use the new Workload Manager screen to display information about workgroups. To access the Workload Manager screen, issue the K command from any window or, at the GlancePlus global window, press the Workload Manager softkey F1.

NOTE: To analyze a portion of the system workload, use the Filter screen to select the information that you want to see. Press the F key to define a filter, enter the appropriate information, (program, user, or application), and press Return.
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