HPlogo Using the HP 3000 Workload Manager: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 1 Introducing the Workload Manager

New and Modified Commands


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The following table summarizes the new and modified CI commands that are available with Release 5.0 of MPE/iX. For a complete description of the commands, refer to Chapter 5.

Table 1-2 Workload Manager and CPU Scheduling Commands


This command continues to allow process attributes to be set. Use the new ;WG= option to explicitly place a process in a workgroup. Such a process becomes an artificial member of the workgroup. You also use the ;WG= option to allow a process to migrate to its natural workgroup.

Note that you should not use the ;PRI= option to place a process at a fixed priority. Instead, create a workgroup with the base and limit set to the desired priority value and use the ;WG= option to place the process in that workgroup.

ALTWGUse this new command to alter any of the scheduling characteristics of an existing workgroup, including base and limit priorities, quantum bounds, boost property, timeslice, and CPU percentages. The processes belonging to that workgroup will be scheduled in accordance with the new parameters. (To alter the name of a workgroup or its membership criteria, you must use the NEWWG command.)
NEWWGUse this new command to create a new, user-defined workgroup to add to the current configuration. You can also use NEWWG to replace the current configuration with a new one. To do so, you specify an indirect file that contains the specification for the complete set of workgroups you want to use instead.
PURGEWGUse this command to purge the workgroup(s) specified on the command line. You may use wildcards to purge multiple workgroups and choose from a variety of prompting and display options. You also use PURGEWG to execute deferred purgescans.
SHOWPROCThis command continues to display process attributes. A new format, DETAIL, provides information regarding the attributes that can determine workgroup membership (logon, program, subqueue) and the resulting workgroup. The DETAIL display format also distinguishes processes that are artificial members of a workgroup from natural members of the workgroup.
SHOWQUse this command to display scheduling data for all processes and the scheduling characteristics of the CS_Default, DS_Default and ES_Default workgroups. This command has not been changed and the three system-defined workgroups appear as traditional scheduling subqueues in the left-most column of the STATUS display.
SHOWWGUse this new command to display scheduling and process data for the specified workgroup(s). The SHOWWG command supports a variety of formats including summary information on the workgroups, member processes, and detailed information. It also offers an output format that, when redirected to a file, is suitable for input to the NEWWG command.
TUNEYou can continue to use this command to change the scheduling characteristics of the CS subqueue (CS_Default workgroup), the DS subqueue (DS_Default workgroup, and the ES subqueue (ES_Default workgroup). Or, you can use the ALTWG command to do so. You must use ALTWG to modify the scheduling characteristics of all user-defined workgroups.


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