HPlogo Getting Started HP 3000 Series 9X8LX Computer Systems > Chapter 7 Performing Tasks Using HP Easytime/iX

Managing Sessions


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When you log on to the MPE/iX system, you begin a session. This is your means of communicating with the computer. A session begins when you log on (HELLO) and ends when you log off (BYE).

The menus at the top of the Session Management screen contain all of the tasks necessary for managing your sessions, including the following:

  • deleting sessions

  • sending messages to other users

  • limiting the number of sessions on the system

  • displaying a set of sessions

  • sorting a list of sessions

To access Session Management

  1. Move the cursor to Session Management on the Main menu.

  2. Press either F3, Return, or Spacebar.

The Session Management screen provides information about all the sessions that are logged on to the computer, including:

  • name of the session

  • user name and account of the session

  • name of the program that the session is running (if there is one)

  • date and time when the session was started

  • which session is your session

The following figure illustrates the Session Management screen.

Figure 7-1 Session Management

[Session Management]

To delete (abort) a session

Before performing routine maintenance on the system, for example, a backup, you may want to delete any active sessions (log other users off the system). This ensures that any files currently locked by an application are available for backup.

  1. Select one or more sessions from the Session Management screen.

  2. Press F2 A to open the Actions menu.

  3. Press D for Delete.

    A dialog box prompts you to confirm deletion.

  4. Press F5 {{YES}} to delete sessions.

CAUTION: If a user is working in an application, this task aborts the program, and data may be lost. For this reason, be sure to send a warning message prompting users to log off before you delete sessions. See the following procedure about how to send messages to users.

To send messages to users

You can send messages to one or more users on the system. For example, you can send a message asking users to log off before you shut down the system.

  1. Select one or more sessions from the Session Management screen.

  2. Press F2 A to open the Actions menu.

  3. Press S for Send Message.

  4. Type the message to be sent to other users.

    Your message can be up to 80 characters in length. The field shifts to the left as you type, providing more space.

    If you want a user to reply to your message, be sure to include your session name so that the user knows which session to answer. The session name and user are not automatically displayed with the message.

  5. Press F5 {{OK}} to send the message.

To limit the number of sessions on the system

If you are the system administrator, you can limit the number of users allowed to log on to the system at one time.

  1. Press F2 A to open the Actions menu.

  2. Press L for Limit No. of Sessions.

    A dialog box prompts you to type the session limit.

  3. Type the number of sessions allowed to run concurrently.

  4. Press F5 {{OK}} to set the session limit.

To display a set of sessions

When you log on to HP Easytime/iX and go to Session Management, you see all of the sessions currently logged on to the system. You can use the View menu to restrict your view to a particular set of sessions, for example, those in a specific account.

  1. Press F2 V to open the View menu.

  2. Press V for Set View.

    A dialog box prompts you to type a set of sessions. The following example displays all sessions for all users, in the account FINANCE.

  3. Type the set of sessions that you would like to view.

    You can use wildcard characters to define the set.

  4. Press F5 {{OK}} to display the new view.

    Only those sessions that you specified are now displayed on your screen. This new view will last until you exit HP Easytime/iX, or change the view again.

To reset the view

If you have set the view to show only selected sessions, you can quickly reset it to display all sessions on the system.

  1. Press F2 V to open the View menu.

  2. Press R for Reset View.

To sort a list of sessions

You can define how sessions are sorted (order in which they are displayed) on the Session Management screen. When you start HP Easytime/iX and go to Session Management, sessions are sorted alphabetically by session name. You can change this to sort sessions, for example, by user.

  1. Press F2 V to open the View menu.

  2. Choose one of the following settings:

    • sort by Session Name

    • sort by User

    • sort by Account

    The sessions on your screen will be sorted according to the setting that you selected. An asterisk (*) appears in front of the selected setting. This setting is valid until you exit HP Easytime/iX, or until you change the sort again.