HPlogo Installing and Managing HP ARPA File Transfer Protocol Network Manager's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Troubleshooting



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Cannot Connect by Node Name (IP Address OK)

An MPE/iX FTP user cannot connect by NS node name, but can connect using the remote system IP address:

  • If the node name is configured in the network directory, check to see that it is configured correctly. If it is not, configure the node name.

  • For remote nodes that support probe or probe proxy, and are not configured in the network directory, examine the network configuration.

Cannot Connect by IP Address

Check that the user entered the correct IP address. The correct format for an IP address is: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

where nnn is a number from 000 to 255, inclusive. For example, an IP address could be: Note that preceding zeros are not used.

Next, check the following:

  • Is the network up and running on the system?

  • Run PING/iX to the remote host system. PING/iX can be run as follows (see Appendix C “PING/iX Utility” for more information):

    :Run ping.net.sys;info="inpaddress [,packets] [,bytes]"

  • Specify the remote IP address, number of packets you want to send, and bytes of data per packet. Use [CTRL-Y] to stop PING/iX.

  • If PING works, is the FTP server up and running on the remote host system?

  • If PING does not work, is the network link active on the remote host system?

Cannot Logon to Remote

First turn verbose and debug on.

  • If an MPE/iX user cannot log on to the remote system, verify the logon account and passwords are correct.

  • Try to log on to the remote system with the user's account and password(s).

Cannot Transfer Files

For FTP file transfer problems, first turn verbose and debug on.

  • Use the LS or DIR command to verify the file name spelling.

  • Check how the file names are entered. Some systems support both upper and lower case file names. Some systems support characters in file names that are not supported on MPE/iX.

  • Supported file types for MPE/iX: must be binary, bytestream, or ASCII, fixed or variable records.

  • Check the default file transfer type being used. Enter: ftp> TYPE

  • Check the size of records, and file types supported on the remote host and MPE/iX. For MPE/iX specific information, refer to the HP ARPA File Transfer Protocol Users Guide.

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