HPlogo HP Telnet/iX User's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Troubleshooting

Cannot Run Telnet/iX Client


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  • Did you specify the correct filename.group.account to run the Telnet/iX Client program:


  • Check with your network administrator: The network and link(s) must be active.

  • If you are able to run the Telnet/iX Client program but you see the message telnet/tcp: Unknown service at the Telnet/iX prompt, Telnet/iX was unable to find the Telnet service entry in the SERVICES.NET.SYS data base file. Verify that the line "telnet 23/tcp" is in the file, and that telnet and tcp are in lower case letters. Refer to Configuring and Managing MPE/iX Internet Services manual for information on how to modify or create the SERVICES file.

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