HPlogo HP Telnet/iX User's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 Accessing the Telnet/iX Server

Connecting and Logging On to an HP 3000 Remote Host


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After you have established a session to your local system, which supports the Telnet protocol and TCP/IP, run the Telnet client on that system. Use the client to establish a Telnet connection to the HP 3000 running MPE/iX version 5.5 or later.

The same commands are used to connect to any remote host supporting the Telnet protocol.

For information on connecting and logging on to a remote host, refer to Chapter 3 “Using the Telnet/iX Client”

Logging On

Once the connection has been established, you will be prompted with the HP 3000 system prompt. At the system prompt, issue the MPE :HELLO command.

For example, from an HP 9000:

:telnet node3000
Connected to node3000.cup.hp.com.
Escape character is "^]".
MPE XL: hello manager.sys
HP3000 Releases: N.55.08 User Version: N.55.08 TUE, JAN 16, 1996, 10:35 AM
MPE/iX HP31900 C.03.18 Copyright Hewlett-Packard 1987. All rights reserved.
                    *                                      *
                    *        Welcome to the HP 3000        *
                    *                                      *
You are logged onto ldev 2.
NOTE: To return to the Telnet prompt from the MPE session, issue the escape character [CTRL]-].

Once connected to the HP 3000, issue MPE/iX commands as you would from a DTC, VT, or console connection.

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