HPlogo HP Telnet/iX User's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Using the Telnet/iX Client

Issuing MPE/iX Commands From Within Telnet/iX Client


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You can enter MPE/iX commands by preceding the command name with an exclamation point (!). The command will execute, and return you to the telnet> prompt on completion. For example, you can list your current group files on your local system with the LISTF command as follows:

telnet> !LISTF,2
FILENAME   	CODE               -----------LOGICAL RECORD-------­­----
                              SIZE      	TYP     	 EOF      	LIMIT
		BLDPARMS                       		80B      	FA        	22         22
FTP        NMPRG              128W      	FB       985        985
		FTPDOC                         80B      FA       234	     204800
		TELNET     NMPRG              128W      	FB      2104       2104
		TELNTDOC                       		80B      	FA        43	         43

From within the Telnet/iX Client, you cannot change groups. To list files in other than the current group, include the group name in the LISTF command. For example:

telnet> !LISTF @.group1

You can also run programs, such as an editor, from the Telnet/iX Client. Upon exiting the program, you are returned to the telnet> prompt, if you did not originally have a remote connection.

You can also issue MPE/iX commands while connected to a remote host. Type [CTRL]-] to get the Telnet prompt, and issue the command preceded by the exclamation point (!) as above.