HPlogo HP Telnet/iX User's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Using the Telnet/iX Client

Connecting and Logging On to a Remote Host


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From the Telnet/iX Client, you must establish a connection to the remote host you wish to access.

From the telnet> prompt, enter the OPEN command followed by the remotehostname which is the ARPA domain name or NS node name if the Internet Protocol (IP) address, (see "Node Names" below), and port (if no port is specified, the program attempts to contact a Telnet server at the standard Telnet port (23)) designated for the Telnet/iX connection supplied by your network administrator:

telnet>  OPEN [remotehostname] [port]
NOTE: Only one connection can be open at any given time. In order to open a second connection, the first must be closed.

IP addresses are assigned by your network administrator to uniquely identify computer systems to allow communication between systems on the network.

IP addresses, also called internet addresses, are in the form:


Where nnn is a number from 000 to 255, inclusive. For example, if the IP address of the remote system is , you would enter:

telnet>  OPEN

Node Names

Besides using IP addresses with the Telnet/iX Client OPEN command, you can use either an ARPA domain name or an NS node name in the OPEN command. NS names are recognized if the remote and local hosts support the Probe protocol or if the remote host name is configured in your local node network directory. ARPA domain names are configured in the ASCII file HOSTS.NET.SYS; or an address which points to a system running Domain Names Services (DNS) is configured in the ASCII file RESLVCNF.NET.SYS. For ARPA domain name configuration information, refer to the HP 3000/iX Network Planning and Configuration Guide. Obtain the node names from your network administrator. For example, if the name, node2, is configured as a remote host name on your network, you can enter:

telnet>  OPEN node2

Logging On

When opening a remote host connection, you can use any of the following:

telnet>  OPEN [IP address] [port]
or OPEN [ARPA domain name] [port]
or OPEN [NS node name] [port]


:telnet [IP address] | [ARPA domain name] | [NS node name] [port]

Once the connection has been established, enter the remote user login name and password when prompted. You must know the user logon syntax for the remote host you are accessing. For example, an HP 9000 login name could be: myname. You would enter the following when prompted:

login: myname
password: (enter password) /users/student:

Passwords are not echoed back to your terminal screen.

Closing a Connection/Accessing Another Remote Host

After establishing a connection to a remote host from Telnet/iX command mode, you can access another remote host by first typing the escape character (default [CTRL]-]), entering the CLOSE command, and then entering another OPEN command (the CLOSE command is necessary, because only one connection can be open at any give time):

telnet> CLOSE
telnet> OPEN [remotehostname] [port]

If you issue the CLOSE command without an existing open connection, you will see the message "? Need to be connected first."

NOTE: If you established a connection to a remote host via the run-time option, issuing the CLOSE command will exit you from the Telnet program.
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