HPlogo HP Telnet/iX User's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Using the Telnet/iX Client

Running the Telnet/iX Client Program


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After you have established a session on the MPE/iX system, at the MPE/iX prompt enter:


A banner similar to the following appears:

Telnet Client [A5500000]  (C) Hewlett-Packard Co. 1994

If your CI variable, HPPATH, does not include ARPA.SYS, you can also enter the command as:




To exit from the Telnet/iX Client at any time, enter QUIT at the telnet> prompt.

Run-Time Options

You can start the Telnet/iX Client program and connect to a remote host in one step by using the INFO= string in the form:

:RUN TELNET.ARPA.SYS;INFO="remotehostname port"

remotehostname is the ARPA domain name (if the address of the Domain Names Services (DNS) Server is configured in the RESLVCF.NET.SYS file or the domain name is configured in the local HOSTS.NET.SYS file), the NS node name (if the remote and local hosts support Probe protocol or if the remote host name is configured in the local network directory), or the Internet Protocol (IP) address. port is the port designated for the Telnet/iX connection, (if no port is specified, the program attempts to contact a Telnet server at the standard Telnet port (23)) designated for the Telnet/iX connection supplied by your network administrator.

Once the connection has been established, enter the remote user login name and password when prompted as described in a later section under "Connecting and Logging On to a Remote Host".

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