HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility: Operating System Reference Manual > Chapter 3 Architected Interface Descriptions



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Replaces the current set of workgroup(s) by a new set of workgroup(s) specified in the file.


                    REC         I32         I32A

AIFWGREPLACE(overall_status, file_num, itemnum_array,

                @64A         RECA         I32

              item_array, itemstatus_array, user_id )



record by reference (required)

Returns the overall status of the call. A zero indicates a successful call. A negative value indicates an error in the overall call. A positive value indicates a warning.

Record type: status_type


32-bit signed integer by value (required)

Passes the file number of the ASCII file which defines the new set of workgroup(s).


32-bit signed integer array by reference (optional)

An array of integers where each element is an item number indicating the operating system information to be added. New information must be located in a data structure pointed to by the corresponding element in item_array. If n item numbers are being passed, element n+1 must be a zero to indicate the end of element list.


64-bit address array by reference (optional)

An array where each element is a 64-bit address pointing to a data structure containg new information to be passed to the operating system. Information and its required data type are defined by the item number passed in the corresponding element in the itemnum_array.

Array type: globalanyptr


Record array by reference (optional)

An array where each element returns the status of the operation performed in the corresponding element in item_array. A zero indicates a successful operation. A negative value indicates an error condition.


32-bit signed integer by value (optional)

The user ID assigned to a vendor at the time of purchase of the Architected Interface Facility: Operating System product. If it is not passed, the caller must have previously called AIFACCESSON.

Default: 0

Operation Notes

AIFWGREPLACE requires a file number as an input parameter. The file containing the workgroup specifications needs to be opened by the caller. The file should be an ASCII file (i.e., The file may be temporary or permanent and have fixed or variable length records). The file will contain specifications for creating user-defined workgroups. Workgroup creation will not begin until all specifications within the file have passed a syntax check. Furthermore, the system will consider the creation an atomic operation (i.e., either all workgroups within the file will be created or none). The file thus establishes a new set of workgroups, deleting all existing workgroups. This results in the creation of new workgroups, and the deletion of the old workgroups. The five default workgroups cannot be deleted; if they are not in the specified file, they will retain their existing characteristics.

If a semantic or syntax error occurs while processing the file, AIFWGREPLACE returns overall status less than zero. If the overall status error number is between the syntax or semantic error range, and the first three items (19501 to 19503) are specified, then the CI error information is returned in those items.

The specification for an individual workgroup is given below.

         Workgroup =           workgrp

         ;MEMB_LOGON =         logon

         ;MEMB_PROFILE =       profile

         ;MEMB_PROGRAM =       program

         ;MEMB_QUEUE =         queue

         ;Base =          base

         ;Limit =         limit

         ;MinQuant =      min

         ;MaxQuant =      max

         ;Boost =         {DECAY | OSCILLATE}

         ;Timeslice =     tslice

         ;MinCpuPct =     min percentage

         ;MaxCpuPct =     max percentage

Multiple specifications are permitted within a particular membership criteria (with commas as delimiters), and each criteria need not be specified (unspecified criterias are assumed matches). Although a minimum of one criteria is required. An "&" or Return may be used to indicate the continuation of a specification onto a new line.

The example above shows each parameter on a new line. However, the entire workgroup specification may reside in one physical record. The only requirement is that it is illegal to have two workgroup specification in the same physical record.

Specifications my be "commented out" by using the COMMENT keyword, as shown below. Characters appearing on the same line and after the COMMENT keyword will be ignored.

        COMMENT   Workgroup =     Old_Finance_Wg

        COMMENT   ;QUEUE =         ES

        COMMENT   ;Base =          200

        COMMENT   ;Limit =         230

        COMMENT   ;MinQuant =      200

        COMMENT   ;MaxQuant =      1000

        COMMENT   ;Boost =         DECAY

        COMMENT   ;Timeslice =     400

Below is an example of a file that defines workgroups:























This file results in following distribution of processes to the workgroups.

ProgramUser LogonQueueWorkgroup

Workgroup Information Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with AIFWGREPLACE

Table 3-49 AIFWGREPLACE Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name, Data Type, and Description

Output Buffer (REC);

Returns the pointer to the buffer in the file where the CI error occured.

Record type: buffer_type. The maximum size of n which is user-defined is 512.


Error Column Number (I32);

Returns the column number where CI error occured.


CI Error (I32);

Returns the CI error that occured.


Validate? (B);

Passes an option whereby the data passed is checked for syntax and semantic errors and status is returned without any action being taken on the current population of workgroups.

Default : False


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