HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility: Operating System Reference Manual > Chapter 3 Architected Interface Descriptions

AIFSYSWIDEGET Item Descriptions


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The following tables provide detailed descriptions of the item numbers associated with system wide information.

Job/Session Criteria Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with job/session criteria used by AIFSYSWIDEGET.

Table 3-38 AIFSYSWIDEGET Job or Session Criteria Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Range Capability; Release First Available Description

Job name (CA16) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the job/session keys and/or job/session numbers of jobs/sessions whose job names equal the specified criteria value. The 16-byte character array must contain the job name (left-justified and padded with blanks).

A 16-character identifier given to a job or session. It is left-justified, all capitals, and padded with blanks. All blanks represent a job or session that does not have a job name.


Job state (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the job/session keys and/or job/session numbers of jobs/sessions with a current state equal to the specified criteria value. Values and their meanings are as follows:


Introduced (INTRO)


Executing (EXEC)


Terminating (TERM)


Suspended (SUSP)


Waiting (WAIT)


Error (ERROR)


Initializing (EXEC*)


Scheduled (SCHED)

If a job or session is in the INIT state, there is no guarantee that any of the values returned by AIFSYSWIDEGET are valid.


Input priority (I32) Range capability: Yes; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the job/session keys and/or job/session numbers of jobs/sessions whose input priorities (INPRI) equal the specified criteria value(s). A value must be in the range 0..15. (A value of 15 is equivalent to using the ;HIPRI option of the JOB command.) When a job's input priority is higher than the system jobfence, the system allows the job to execute.

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Output priority (I32) Range capability: Yes; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the job/session keys and/or job/session numbers of jobs/sessions whose output priorities (OUTPRI) equal the specified criteria value(s). A value must be in the range 0..14.

When a job's output priority is higher than the outfence of the output device, the spool file that is associated with the $STDLIST for that job is sent to the device.

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


User name (CA16) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the job/session keys and/or job/session numbers of jobs/sessions logged on to the specified user. The format is a 16-byte character array containing the user name (left-justified and padded with blanks).


Group name (CA16) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the job/session keys and/or job/session numbers of jobs/sessions logged on to the specified group. The format is a 16-byte character array containing the group name (left-justified and padded with blanks). Since the same group name can be used in multiple accounts, criteria item 1011 must be specified in the following element of the itemnum_array/item_array pair.


Account name (CA16) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the job/session keys and/or job/session numbers of jobs/sessions logged on to the specified account. The format is a 16-byte character array containing the account name (left-justified and padded with blanks).


Executing priority (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the job/session keys and/or job/session numbers of jobs/sessions logged in the specified queue. The executing priority translates to the base of the queue that the job or session is logged on to. Values and meanings are as follows:


BS queue


CS queue


DS queue


ES queue


Job/session number (REC) Range capability: Yes; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the job/session keys and/or job/session numbers of jobs/sessions whose job/session numbers equal the specified criteria value(s).

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).

Record type: jsnum_type (Refer to appendix B.)


Session? (B) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the job/session keys and/or job/session numbers of either jobs or sessions. Values and their meanings are as follows:






HP DTC Portid (CA17) Put:No; Verify:Yes; Release 4.0

Returns the hpdtcportid system variable in SHOWVAR format. The format of hpdtcportid is DTC LAN station address followed by SIC and port numbers: 0800090001111 0002.


Job submitter job/session number (REC) Put:No; Verify:Yes; Release 4.0

Passing this criteria returns either of both of the keys and numbers for the job or session matching the submitter job or session number.


Job submitter job/session name (CA16) Put:No; Verify:Yes; Release 4.0

Passing this criteria returns either of both of the keys and numbers for the job or session matching the submitter job or session name.


Job submitter user name (CA16) Put:No; Verify:Yes; Release 4.0

Passing this criteria returns either of both of the keys and numbers for the job or session matching the submitter job or session user name.


Job submitter account name (CA16) Put:No; Verify:Yes; Release 4.0

Passing this criteria returns either of both of the keys and numbers for the job or session matching the submitter job or session account name.


Process Criteria Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with process criteria used by AIFSYSWIDEGET.

Table 3-39 AIFSYSWIDEGET Process Criteria Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Range capability; Release First Available Description

Job/session number (REC) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the PIDs of processes related to the specified job/session number.

Record type: jsnum_type (Refer to appendix B.)


Scheduling state (I32) Range capability: Yes; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the PIDs of processes with a process state (as viewed by the dispatcher) equal to the specified value(s). It is the first item that should be interrogated to ascertain a process's state.

Valid values and their meanings are as follows:


Executing (only for Calling Process)




Short wait


Long wait



The processes in short wait and ready are linked together in the order of priority. A short wait is basically a wait for disk I/O, and the dispatcher expects the process to be ready in a short while.

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Scheduling queue (I32) Range capability: Yes; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the PIDs of processes belonging to the specified scheduling queue(s). Valid values and their meaning are as follows:


AS queue


BS queue


CS queue


DS queue


ES queue

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Priority (I32) Range capability: Yes; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the PIDs of processes with priority equal to the specified criteria value(s).

MPE/iX priorities are values in the range 0..32767. An MPE/iX priority is inverted with respect to an MPE V/E priority in that high MPE/iX priority values indicate higher priority. The conversion to MPE V/E priority can be accomplished as follows:

   MPEVpri = (32767 - MPEiXpri) div 128 (all values are decimal)

MPE/iX priorities are very transient for user processes. For processes whose priority is not fixed, this value is interpreted as the priority at which the process was last dispatched. For nonconstant priority processes, this value has no bearing on the priority at which the process is next dispatched.

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Process type (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the PIDs of processes with process type equal to the specified criteria value. Values and their meanings are as follows:


User (any process created by a user)


Son (process created by CI to run user programs)


Main (CI process)


Task (not in use)


System (some integral processes)


Detach (not connected to the PROGEN tree)


UCOP (JSmain)


Unknown (uninitialized processes)


Open file (REC) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the PIDs of processes accessing the specified file. Valid only for NM files.

Record type: ufid_type (Refer to appendix B.)


Capabilities (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the PIDs of all processes that have the specified capabilities. For example, if bit (25:1) is set to 1, PIDs of all processes that have PM capability are returned.

Bits (0:23)


Bit (23:1)

Batch access

Bit (24:1)

Interactive access

Bit (25:1)

Privileged mode

Bit (26:2)


Bit (28:1)

Multiple RINs

Bit (29:1)


Bit (30:1)

Extra data segment

Bit (31:1)

Process handling


Workgroup name (CA256) Range capability: No

Passing this criteria returns all the PIDs of the processes who are natural or artificial members of the specified workgroup name. The workgroup name should be terminated by a NULL character (ASCII 0).



File Criteria Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with file criteria used by AIFSYSWIDEGET.

Table 3-40 AIFSYSWIDEGET File Criteria Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Range capability; Release First Available Description

MPE file name (REC) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the UFID and/or file name of all files whose file names equal the specified criteria value. The name in each element of the record filename_type must be left-justified and padded with blanks. In addition, characters must be in the correct case (upper and/or lower). Use of @'s for wild carding is permitted. @ will default to home group and account. @.@ will default to home account. @.@.@ will get all files.

Use item 5036 if you are interested in both MPE and HFS files. This item can only be used for files that can be represented by MPE-semantics.

Record type: filename_type (Refer to appendix B.)


File code (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the UFID and/or file name of all files whose file codes match the specified criteria value.


Privileged level (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the UFID and/or file name of all files whose privileged level equals the specified criteria value. The valid range is 0..3 where 0 is the highest privileged level and 3 is the lowest.


HFS pathname (REC) Range capability: No; Release 4.5

Passing this criteria returns the path identifier and/or pathname of all files whose pathname meets the specified criteria value. The pathname in the record pathname_type must be left justified and padded with blanks. On input, the length in the record specifies the array size in bytes.

Pathnames will be returned into the buffer pointed to by the buffer_ptr parameter. They will be returned as absolute or relative pathnames depending on the syntax of the name you specify for this item. For example, if you specify the pathname './@' on input, the names returned will be relative to the CWD (for example, ./file). If you specify the pathname '/SYS/PUB/@' on input, then the names returned will be absolute pathnames (for example, /SYS/PUB/file).

Record type: pathname_type (Refer to appendix B.)


File type (U32) Range capability: No; Release 4.5

Passing this criteria returns the files (MPE filename or HFS pathname) and unique file identifiers (UFID or path_identifier) of all files whose file type meets the specified criteria.

The following are the file types:

   0  -  ordinary

   1  -  ksam

   2  -  relative_io

   3  -  nm_ksam

   4  -  circular

   5  -  spool

   6  -  message

   7  -  resv

   8  -  cmfile

   9  -  dir_obj

   10 -  label_table

   11 -  xm_syslog

   12 -  pipe

   13 -  fifo

   14 -  symbolic link

   15 -  device link

Record type (U32) Range capability: No; Release 4.5

Passing this criteria returns the files (MPE filename or HFS pathname) and unique file identifiers (UFID or path_identifier) of all files whose record type meets the specified criteria.

The following are the record types:

   0  -  fixed

   1  -  variable

   2  -  undefined

   3  -  cm_spool

   4  -  account directory node

   5  -  user directory node

   6  -  group directory node

   7  -  fileset directory node

   8  -  temporary directory

   9  -  byte stream

   10 -  hierarchical directory

Recursion level (I32) Range capability: No; Release 4.5

Passing this criteria specifies the number of directory levels you wish to traverse in the hierarchical directory. Specify the value 0 to list only those files in the current level.

The default is infinite traversal; that is, traverse all directories and sub-directories. This item is ignored if using item 5001.


Ignore non-fatal errors? (B) Range capability: No; Release 5.0

Specifies whether or not the directory traversal should continue even if an non-fatal error is detected. An example of a non-fatal error is if a bad UFID is detected of if the user does not have the appropriate security (no TD) to traverse a directory.

If this item is FALSE and a non-fatal error is detected, the directory traversal will stop, the error will be returned in the item status array, and the file where the error was detected will be returned in the search key. The user can then process the error and continue by calling AIFSYSWIDEGET again with the search key.

The default is FALSE.


Accounting Criteria Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with accounting criteria used by AIFSYSWIDEGET.

Table 3-41 AIFSYSWIDEGET Accounting Criteria Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Range capability; Release First Available Description

User name (CA16) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the directory names whose user names equal the specified criteria value. Since the same user name may be used in multiple accounts, criteria item 6201 must be specified. The format is a 16-byte character array containing the identifier of the user name (left-justified and padded with blanks). Use of @'s for wild carding is permitted.


Capabilities (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the directory names that have the specified user capabilities. Item 6001 must also be specified. For example, if bit (0:1) is set to 1, all directory names (with user names indicated by criteria 6001) that have SM capability are returned.

Bit (0:1)


Bit (1:1)


Bit (2:1)


Bit (3:1)


Bit (4:1)


Bit (5:1)


Bit (6:1)


Bit (7:1)


Bit (8:1)


Bit (9:1)


Bit (10:1)


Bit (11:1)


Bit (12:1)


Bit (13:1)


Bit (14:1)


Bit (15:1)


Bits (16:7)

Unused (set to 0)

Bit (23:1)


Bit (24:1)


Bit (25:1)


Bits (26:2)

Unused (set to 0)

Bit (28:1)


Bit (29:1)

Unused (set to 0)

Bit (30:1)


Bit (31:1)



Local attributes (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the directory names whose group user-definable attributes equal the specified criteria value. Criteria items 6001 and 6201 must also be specified.


Group name (CA16) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the directory names whose group names equal the specified criteria value. Since the same group name may be used in multiple accounts, criteria item 6201 must be specified. The format is a 16-byte character array containing the identifier of the group name (left-justified and padded with blanks). Use of @'s for wild carding is permitted.


Group capabilities (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the directory names that have the specified group capabilities. Item 6101 must also be specified. For example, if bit (31:1) is set to 1, all directory names (with group names indicated by criteria 6101) that have PH resource capability are returned.

Bits (0:23)

Unused (set to 0)

Bit (23:1)


Bit (24:1)


Bit (25:1)


Bits (26:2)

Unused (set to 0)

Bit (28:1)


Bit (29:1)

Unused (set to 0)

Bit (30:1)


Bit (31:1)



Account name (CA16) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the directory names whose account names equal the specified criteria value. The format is a 16-byte character array containing the identifier of the account name (left-justified and padded with blanks). Use of @'s for wild carding is permitted.


Account capabilities (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the directory names that have the specified account capabilities. Item 6201 must also be specified. For example, if bit (0:1) is set to 1, all directory names (with account names indicated by criteria 6201) that have SM capability are returned.

Bit (0:1)


Bit (1:1)


Bit (2:1)


Bit (3:1)


Bit (4:1)


Bit (5:1)


Bit (6:1)


Bit (7:1)


Bit (8:1)


Bit (9:1)


Bit (10:1)


Bit (11:1)


Bit (12:1)


Bit (13:1)


Bit (14:1)


Bit (15:1)


Bits (16:7)

Unused (set to 0)

Bit (23:1)


Bit (24:1)


Bit (25:1)


Bits (26:2)

Unused (set to 0)

Bit (28:1)


Bit (29:1)

Unused (set to 0)

Bit (30:1)


Bit (31:1)



Local attributes (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the directory names whose account user-definable attributes equal the specified criteria value. Criteria item 6201 must also be specified.


Spool File Criteria Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with spool file criteria used by AIFSYSWIDEGET.

Table 3-42 AIFSYSWIDEGET Spool File Criteria Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Range capability; Release First Available Description

File state (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of spool files whose states equal the specified criteria value. Values and their meanings are as follows:


Open state (job/data input spool file being accessed)


Active state (job/data input spool file being created)


Create state (output spool file being created)


Defer state (defer option specified for output spool file)


Ready state (spool file ready to be input or output)


Transfer state (output spool file being transferred to remote node)


Print state (output spool file being printed on a device)


Problem state (abnormality preventing output spool file from printing)


Del_pending state (output spool file to be deleted after closing)


Spsave state (output spool file copies printed, SPSAVE option specified)




Priority (I32) Range capability: Yes; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of spool files whose output priorities equal that of the specified criteria value(s).

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Disposition (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of either of the following:

  • Spool files that are to be save after they are printed

  • Spool files that are to be purged after they are printed

Values and their meanings are as follows:


Save after printing


Purge after printing


STDLIST of aborted job (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns spool file address and/or spool file number of either of the following:

  • Spool files that are the $STDLIST of an aborted job

  • Spool files that are not the $STDLIST of an aborted job

Values and their meanings are as follows:


Not $STDLIST of an aborted job


$STDLIST of an aborted job


Copies (I32) Range capability: Yes; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of spool files whose total number of copies to be printed equals the specified criteria value(s).

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Ready date (I32) Range capability: Yes; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of spool files whose created dates equal the specified criteria value(s). The format in the 32-bit integer is the same as that returned by the CALENDAR intrinsic. The format of the data passed is as follows:

Bits (0:16)

Unused (set to 0)

Bits (16:7)

The year of the century

Bits (23:9)

The day of the year

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Number of pages (I32) Range capability: Yes; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of spool files whose number of pages equal the specified criteria value(s).

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


User name and account name of creator (CA32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of spool files whose creator user and account names equal the specified criteria value. The first 16 bytes hold the user name, and the second 16 bytes hold the account name. The names should be left-justified and padded with blanks. Only the first 8 bytes of each field is used.


Job/session # (REC) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of spool files whose creator job/session numbers equal the specified criteria value.

The format of the data passed is as follows:

Bits (0:2)

Job or session (see below)

Bits (2:30)

The job/session number

The values of bits (0:2) and their meanings are as follows:


Session not current to the system


Session current to the system


Job current to the system


Job not current to the system

Record type: Bit32 (Refer to appendix B.)


Job name (CA16) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of spool files whose creator job names equal that of the specified criteria value.


File designator (CA16) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of spool files whose formal file designators equal the specified criteria value.


Target device (REC) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of spool files whose destination logical device number (LDEV), device name, and device class equal the specified criteria value.

Record type: device_name_type (Refer to appendix B.)


Forms ID (CA16) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the output spool file address and/or spool file number of spool files whose forms IDs equal the specified criteria value.


Number of records (I32) Range capability: Yes; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of spool files with the number of records equal to the specified criteria value(s).

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Input/output (I32) Range capability: No; Release 3.0

Passing this criteria returns the spool file address and/or spool file number of either input spool files or output spool files. Values and their meanings are as follows:


Return input spool files


Return output spool files



Device Criteria Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with device criteria used by AIFSYSWIDEGET.

Table 3-43 AIFSYSWIDEGET Device Criteria Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Range Capability; Release First Available Description

Logical Device Number (I32) Range Capability: Yes; Release 4.0

This is the LDEV number for the device.

Specifying a LDEV number will return the LDEV number and the device key if it is configured.

Specifying a range of LDEV numbers will return a list of configured LDEV's and the device keys within that range.

A range of LDEV numbers can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value will be the lower limit ( >= ) and the second value, the upper limit ( <= ).


User-Defined Device Class Name (C16) Range Capability: No; Release 4.0

This is the name of the device class assigned by the user using the I/O configurator command ACLASS in SYSGEN. The name is in upper-case, left-justified and padded with blanks to the right. Use of @'s for wild carding is permitted (for example, '@TAPE@').

Specifying a device class will return the configured LDEV numbers and the device keys belonging to that device class.


Device Class Criteria Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with device class criteria used by AIFSYSWIDEGET.

Table 3-44 AIFSYSWIDEGET Device Criteria Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Range Capability; Release First Available Description

Logical Device Number (I32) Range Capability: Yes; Release 4.0

This is the LDEV number for the device.

Specifying a LDEV number will return the user-defined device classes of which the LDEV belongs and the corresponding device class keys.

Specifying a range of LDEV numbers will return a list of user-defined device classes and device keys for each LDEV within that range.

A range of LDEV numbers can be requested by passing the same criteria item number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value will be the lower limit ( >= ) and the second value, the upper limit ( <= ).


User-Defined Device Class Name (C16) Range Capability: No; Release 4.0

This is the name of the device class assigned by the user using the I/O configurator command ACLASS in SYSGEN. The name is in upper-case, left-justified and padded with blanks to the right. Use of @'s for wild carding is permitted (for example, '@TAPE@').

Specifying a device class or a wildcarded device class will return the device class(es) and the device class key(s).


Console Reply Information Criteria Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with console reply criteria used by AIFSYSWIDEGET.

Table 3-45 AIFSYSWIDEGET Console Reply Information Criteria Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Range Capability; Release First Available Description

Process Type (I32) Range capability:No; Release 4.0

Passing this criteria returns all reply request ids associated with either of the following:

  • System Processes

  • User Processes

Values and their meanings are as follows:


System Process


User Process


Creation Time (I32) Range capability:Yes; Release 4.0

Passing this criteria returns all reply request ids for the creation time passed in. The format that can be passed is the same as returned by the CLOCK Intrinsic.

Bits (0:8)

The hour of the day

Bits (8:8)

The minute of the hour

Bits (16:8)

The seconds

Bits (24:8)

The tenths of seconds


Job/Session Number (REC) Release 4.0

Passing this criteria returns all reply request ids associated with the job or session number that is passed in. This is only valid for user processes.

The format of Job or Session Number is:

Bits (0:2)

Job or session (1=session, 2=job)

Bits (2:30)

Job or session Number


Pin of the request (I32) Release 4.0

Passing this criteria returns all reply request ids associated with the pin that is passed in.


Workgroup Criteria Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of the item numbers and corresponding items associated with the new criteria, workgroup used by AIFSYSWIDEGET. The return value for the workgroup area is workgroup name(s).

Table 3-46 AIFSYSWIDEGET Workgroup Criteria Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name, Data Type, and Description

Workgroup name (CA256) Wildcarding capability: No

Passing this criteria returns the name of the workgroups that match the passed workgroup name. The name must be left-justified and terminated by a NULL character (ASCII 0). Use the @ symbol to represent all the workgroups.


Logon/User specification (CA256) Wildcarding capability: No

Passing this criteria returns all the workgroups that have the specified jobname, username.acctname as one of its membership criteria. The logon must be left-justified and terminated by a NULL character (ASCII 0). Use the @ symbol to represent all logons on the system. Only one logon/user can be specified. For example



Program/File name (REC) Wildcarding capability: No

Passing this criteria returns all the workgroups that have the specified file as one of its membership criteria. The name must be left-justified. The length of the item passed must be specified in the length field of the pathname_type record. Use the @ symbol to represent all files on the system. Only one program/file name can be specified. For example,


Record Type: pathname_type. The maximum size of n which is user-defined is 512.


Queue (CA20);

Passing this criteria returns all the workgroups that have the specified queue as one of its membership criteria. The queue must be left-justified and terminated by a NULL character (ASCII 0). Use the @ symbol to represent all queues of the set. Only one queue can be specified. For example,



Queue (I32) Range capability: Yes

Passing this criteria returns all the workgroups that have the specified queue as one of its membership criteria. Values and their meanings are as follows:


AS Queue


BS Queue


CS Queue


DS Queue


ES Queue

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).

The queue is represented as a character array in AIFWGADD and AIFWGGET/PUT. In order to have ranging capabilities, queue is represented by integers in AIFSYSWIDEGET. See item 19005 of AIFWGADD and AIFWGGET/PUT.


Base Priority (I32) Range capability: Yes

Passing this criteria returns all the workgroups that have the specified base priority value(s).

MPE/iX priorities are values in the range 0..32767. An MPE/iX priority is inverted with respect to an MPE V/E priority in that in MPE/iX higher priority values indicate higher priority. The conversion to MPE V/E priority can be accomplished as follows:

MPEVpri = (32767 - MPEiXpri) div 128 (all values are decimal)

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Limit Priority (I32) Range capability: Yes

Passing this criteria returns all the workgroups that have the specified limit priority value(s).

MPE/iX priorities are values in the range 0..32767. An MPE/iX priority is inverted with respect to an MPE V/E priority in that in MPE/iX higher priority values indicate higher priority. The conversion to MPE V/E priority can be accomplished as follows:

MPEVpri = (32767 - MPEiXpri) div 128 (all values are decimal)

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Minimum Quantum (I32) Range capability: Yes

Passing this criteria returns all the workgroups that have the specified minimum quantum value(s).

Values for minimum quantum range from 0 to 32767 milliseconds.

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Maximum Quantum (I32) Range capability: Yes

Passing this criteria returns all the workgroups that have the specified maximum quantum value(s).

Values for maximum quantum range from 0 to 32767 milliseconds.

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Timeslice (I32) Range capability: Yes

Passing this criteria returns all the workgroups that have the specified timeslice value(s).

Values for timeslice range from 100 to 32700

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Boost Property (I32) Range capability: No

Passing this criteria returns all the workgroups that have the specified boost property value. Values and their meanings are as follows:





Since Boost Property has only two values, range capability is not needed. If boost property is not specified, it is ignored as search criteria.


Minimum CPU Percentage (I32) Range capability: Yes

Passing this criteria returns all the workgroups that have the specified Minimum CPU Percentage value(s).

The value can range from 0% to 100%.

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).


Maximum CPU Percentage (I32) Range capability: Yes

Passing this criteria returns all the workgroups that have the specified Maximum CPU Percentage value(s).

The value can range from 0% to 100%.

A range of values can be requested by passing the same criteria number in consecutive elements of itemnum_array and by passing the lower and upper limits in the corresponding consecutive elements of item_array. The first value must be the lower limit (>=) and the second value, the upper limit (<=).



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