HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility: Operating System Reference Manual > Chapter 3 Architected Interface Descriptions



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Returns the virtual address and the spool file IDs of spool files that meet the specified selection criteria.


                  REC       REC      @64A         RECA

AIFSPFLIST (overall_status, seleq, spf_addr_array, spf_id_array,

               I32     I32        B

            spf_count, user_id, stop_search);



record by reference (required)

Returns the overall status of the call. A zero indicates a successful call. A negative value indicates an error in the overall call. A positive value indicates a warning. Refer to appendix A for meanings of status values.

Record type: status_type (Refer to appendix B.)


record by reference (optional)

Passes the selection criteria to be used as the filter for selecting the spool file to be returned by this routine. The maximum length of any selection equation is 277 characters. If defaulted to nil, all spool files on the system are returned.

The actual parameter should be delimited by the beginning and ending square brackets, "[" and "]". Blanks count as characters.

For example, to list all spool files owned by the user JON.DOE that are in the READY state, pass the following in the seleq parameter:


The character string passed is the same as that passed in the LISTSPF command.

Record type: sel_eq_type (Refer to appendix B.)

Default: nil


64-bit address array by reference (optional)

Returns virtual addresses specific to the spool files qualifying the selection criteria. If more qualifying spool files are found than can be returned in this array, it is only filled to its maximum capacity. However, the total number of qualifying spool files found is returned in spf_count.

Array type: globalanyptr

Default: nil


record array by reference (optional)

Returns the file IDs of the spool files selected. If more qualifying spool files are found than can be returned in this array, it is only filled to its maximum capacity. However, the total number of qualifying spool files is returned in spf_count.

Array type: array of spf_id_type (Refer to appendix B.)

Default: nil


32-bit signed integer by reference (optional)

Passes the number of elements available in the spf_addr_array and the spf_id_array.

Upon return, spf_count holds the number of spool files that qualify the selection equation.

If the arrays are too small to hold all the qualifying spool files, spf_count returns the total number of qualifying spool files instead of the number of entries returned in the arrays. A warning is also returned in the overall_status parameter.

If stop_search is not passed or set to false, the total number of qualified spool files on the system is returned. If stop_search is set to true, only up to user-specified spf_count of qualified spool files will be returned.

CAUTION: Since spf_addr_array and spf_id_array are passed by Pascal uncheckable anyvar, there is no way for this routine to tell the actual size of the arrays. It is important that you initialize this parameter to the number of elements in the spf_addr_array and/or spf_id_array before calling this routine.

31-bit signed integer by value (optional)

The user ID assigned to a vendor at the time of purchase of the Architected Interface Facility: Operating System product. If it is not passed, the caller must have previously called AIFACCESSON

Default: 0


Boolean by value (optional)

If true, search will stop after spf_count number of qualified spool files have been found. Default is searching for all the qualified spool files on the system.

Default: False

Operation Notes

The selection criteria is specified in the seleq parameter. The number of the spool files qualifying the selection criteria is returned in the spf_count parameter.

The spool file queues are organized by device class and device name. Within each queue, the spool files are sorted by priority and ready date/time. This procedure scans the spool file queue and finds all spool files satisfying the specified selection criteria. The spool files returned in the arrays will be in the same sequence as listed by the LISTSPF command, for example, sorted by device, priority and ready date/time.

Spool file address's are returned in the spf_addr_array and spool file IDs are returned in the spf_id_array. Either or both arrays can be defaulted to nil; in this case, no spool file ID or address is returned.

The list of spool file attributes that can be selected on are as follows:

  • Device name

  • File designator

  • Spool file ID

  • Number of pages in the spool file

  • Form ID

  • Spool file state

  • Job name

  • Disposition (SPSAVE or PURGE)

  • Number of copies

  • Priority

  • Job number

  • Number of records in the spool file

  • Owner of the spool file

  • $STDLIST of aborted job

  • Spool file ready date

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