HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility: Operating System Reference Manual > Chapter 3 Architected Interface Descriptions


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Item Summary

The following table summarizes the item numbers associated with system configuration information. For more detailed information about these item numbers, refer to the table of system configuration information item descriptions.

Table 3-29 System Configuration Information Item Summary

3001I32Job fenceYY014-3005
3002I32Job limitYY016383-3006
3003I32Job countNY   
3004I32Session limitYY016383-3007
3005I32Session countNY   
3006I32Next job numberYY116383-3008
3007I32Next session numberYY116383-3009
3008I32Job securityYY03-3010
3009BSingle user?NY   
3010BOut of resources?NY   
3011BOut of LDEVs?NY   
3012BLow on disk?NY   
3013I32Logical consoleNY   
3014I32Physical consoleNY   
3015BA96Global allow maskYY   
3016BA64Logging maskYY   
3017I32Streams LDEVNY   
3018I32System outfenceYY114-3011
3019I32AS queue baseNY   
3020I32AS queue limitNY   
3021I32BS queue baseNY   
3022I32BS queue limitNY   
3023I32CS queue baseYY12713567-3012
3024I32CS queue limitYY12713567-3012
3025I32DS queue baseYY12713567-3012
3026I32DS queue limitYY12713567-3012
3027I32ES queue baseYY12713567-3012
3028I32ES queue limitYY12713567-3012
3029I32CS quantum maximumYY   
3030I32CS quantum minimumYY   
3031I32DS quantumYY   
3032I32ES quantumYY   
3033I32CS quantumNY   
3034I32Maximum open filesNY   
3035I32Maximum processesNY   
3036I32Maximum job/sessionsNY   
3037CA8MPE/iX version IDNY   
3038I32Serial numberNY   
3039I32Memory sizeNY   
3040I32Total DST entriesNY   
3041I32Available DST entriesNY   
3042I32Rounding factorNY   
3043I32Tick/msec conversion factorNY   
3044CA8AIF:MI version IDNY   
3045CA8AIF:OS version IDNY   
3046I32Cold load IDNY   
3047I32Current PIN highwater markNY   
3048I32Maximum LDEV numberNY   
3049I32CS Boost propertyYY01-3015
3050I32CS Queue timesliceYY   
3051I32DS Boost propertyYY01-3015
3052I32DS Queue timesliceYY   
3053I32ES Boost propertyYY01-3015
3054I32ES Queue timesliceYY   
3055I32Maximum Job LimitNY   
3056I32Maximum Session LimitNY   
3057CA8MPE Release VUFNY   
3058CA8MPE User VUFYY   
3059I32Max Number of ProcessorsNY   
3060BAutoboot ToggleYY   
3061I32Actual Num of ProcessorsNY   
3062CA256Logon PromptYY   
3063I32Default NM StackNY   
3064I32Maximum NM StackNY   
3065I32Default CM StackNY   
3066I32Maximum CM StackNY   
3067I32Default HeapNY   
3068I32Maximum NM HeapNY   
3069I32Maximum number of AIF portsNY   
3070I32Maximum Path LengthNY   
3071CA80Machine typeNY   
3072CA256Network node nameNY   
3073BPassword encryptionNY   
3074I32Minimum password lengthNY   
3075I32Maximum invalid logons per deviceNY   
3076BPassword prompt requiredNY   
3077BUDC failure terminationNY   
3078BMinimum assistance logonNY   
3079BFopen logging extensionNY   
3080I32Idle session terminationNY   
3081I32Down device timeoutNY   
3082BProgrammatic command disabling warningNY   
3083I32Password expiration interval in daysNY   
3084U32Next global password expiration dateNY   
3085I32Password expiration warningNY   
3086I32Embedded password disallowNY   
3087I32Cross stream restriction and authorizationNY   
3088I32Stream privilege and authorizationNY   
3089BAssurance of auditabilityNY   
3090BMaximum file protectionNY   
3091I32Global user password maximum daysNY   
3092I32Global user password minimum daysNY   
3093I32Global user password expiration daysNY   
3094I32Global user password warning daysNY   
3095I32Maximum invalid user logonsNY   
3096I32Disabled user timeoutNY   
3097BSecurity installedNY   
3099I32Number of currently configured workgroupsNY   
3100BPurge ScanYY   
3101BSystem-wide scan pending?NY   
3112I32Workgroup creation countNY   
3102I32Lower job number limitYY116383-3023
3103I32Upper job number limitYY016383-3024
3104I32Lower session number limitYY116383-3023
3105I32Upper session number limitYY016383-3024
3106I32Lower input spoolid limitYY19999999-3023
3107I32Next input spoolidYY19999999-3025
3108I32Upper input spoolid limitYY09999999-3024
3109I32Lower output spoolid limitYY19999999-3023
3110I32Next output spoolidYY19999999-3026
3111I32Upper output spoolid limitYY09999999-3024


Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with system configuration information.

Table 3-30 System Configuration Information Item Descriptions

Item Number Item Name (Data Type) Put; Verify; \ Description

Job fence (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the current jobfence on the system, a value in the range 0..14. If a job's input priority (INPRI) is higher than the system jobfence, that job attempts to log on. The jobfence can also be set using the JOBFENCE command.

3002Job limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns or modifies the maximum number of jobs allowed to be concurrently logged on to the system, a value from 0 to the value configured in SYSGEN. The job limit can also be set using the LIMIT command.
3003Job count (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the number of jobs that currently exist on the system.
3004Session limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns or modifies the maximum number of sessions allowed to be concurrently logged on to the system, a value from 0 to the value configured in SYSGEN. The session limit can also be set using the LIMIT command.
3005Session count (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the number of sessions that currently exist on the system.
3006Next job number (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns or modifies the number assigned to the next job that is streamed, a value in the range 1..16383. Do not set this value to that of an existing job number. You may set a value outside the range defined by the lower and upper job number limits, but it will not be used unless the limits are changed such that the value is in range before the system needs to assign it to a job. This is because the system always tries to assign a value within limits. See the SETCOUNTER command description for further details.
3007Next session number (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns or modifies the number assigned to the next session that successfully logs on, a value in the range 1..16383. Do not set this value to that of an existing session number. You may set a value outside the range defined by the lower and upper session number limits, but it will not be used unless the limits are changed such that the value is in range before the system needs to assign it to a session. This is because the system always tries to assign a value within limits See the SETCOUNTER command description for further details.
3008Job security (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the current job security with the following values:


Job security high


Job security low

 When job security is high, only the operator logged on to the console can use job control commands. When it is low, users can also issue these commands. Job security can also be set using the JOBSECURITY command.
3009Single user mode (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns true if the system is in single-user mode, and false if the system is in multiuser mode.
3010Out of resources (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns true if a logon has failed because the needed resources were not available. This flag is set back to false when a job or session logs off.
3011Out of LDEVs (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns true if a job has failed to log on because the specified output device is unavailable. This flag is set to false when that device becomes available.
3012Low on disk space (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns true if there is not enough disk space for a logon to succeed. This flag is set to false if there is enough disk space for a successful logon.
3013Logical console LDEV (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the current logical console's LDEV number. The logical console LDEV number can be changed using the CONSOLE command.
3014Physical console LDEV (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the physical console's LDEV number.
3015Global allow mask (BA96) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies a packed array of 96 booleans indicating the commands allowed for this system. True indicates that the corresponding command is allowed. Following are the commands and their array locations:

   ABORTIO     = 1      DELETESPOOLFILE = 19    LDISMOUNT    = 37

   ACCEPT      = 2      DISALLOW     = 20       MRJECONTROL  = 38

   DOWN        = 3      JOBFENCE     = 21       JOBSECURITY  = 39

   GIVE        = 4      LIMIT        = 22       DOWNLOAD     = 40

   HEADOFF     = 5      STOPSPOOL    = 23       MIOENABLE    = 41

   HEADON      = 6      SUSPENDSPOOL = 24       MIODISABLE   = 42

   REFUSE      = 7      OUTFENCE     = 25       LOG          = 43

   REPLY       = 8      RECALL       = 26       FOREIGN      = 44

   STARTSPOOL  = 9      RESUMEJOB    = 27       IMF CONTROL  = 45

   TAKE        = 10     RESUMESPOOL  = 28       SHOWCOM      = 46

   UP          = 11     STREAMS      = 29       OPENQ        = 47

   MPLINE      = 12     CONSOLE      = 30       SHUTQ        = 48

   DSCONTROL   = 13     WARN         = 31       DISCRPS      = 49

   ABORTJOB    = 14     WELCOME      = 32       VSRESERVESYS = 50

   ALLOW       = 15     MON          = 33       VSRELEASESYS = 51

   ALTSPOOLFILE = 16    MOFF         = 34       VSCLOSE      = 52

   ALTJOB      = 17     VMOUNT       = 35       VSOPEN       = 53

   BREAKJOB    = 18     LMOUNT       = 36       SPOOLER      = 54

                                                unused       = 55..96
3016System logging mask (BA64) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies a packed array of 64 booleans indicating the system logging mask. True indicates that the logging type is on. Following are the logging types and their array locations:

   Log failure         =  0      AIF                          = 30

   System up           =  1      Processor launch event       = 31

   Job initiation      =  2      Password changes             = 34

   Job termination     =  3      System logging configuration = 35

   Process termination =  4      Restore logging              = 36

   File close          =  5      Printer access failure       = 37

   Shutdown            =  6      ACD changes                  = 38

   Power failure       =  7      Stream initiation            = 39

   Spooling log        =  8      User logging                 = 40

   Line disconnect     =  9      Process creation             = 41

   Line close          = 10      Security config. change      = 42

   I/O error           = 11      Chgroup                      = 43

   Physical (dis)mount = 12      File open                    = 44

   Logical (dis)mount  = 13      Command logging              = 45

   Tape labels         = 14      Maintenance request log      = 46

   Console log         = 15      Diagnostic control unit      = 47

   Program file event  = 16      Diagnostic information       = 50

   Call progress       = 17      High-priority machine check  = 51

   DCE information     = 18      Low-priority machine check   = 52

   Unused              = 19      Directory open/close logging = 55

   NCS spooling        = 20      CM file close                = 60

   Unused           = 21-29      Chdir                        = 61

                                 Process adopt                = 62

                                 Chown                        = 63
3017Streams LDEV (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the streams LDEV as currently set on the system. The streams LDEV can also be set using the STREAMS command.
3018System outfence (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns or modifies the system outfence, a value in the range 1..14. A value of 14 prevents all spool files on the system from being printed. The system outfence can also be set using the OUTFENCE command.
3019AS queue base (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns the base of the AS queue. This value is the highest priority that any process in the AS queue can have. This priority can be mapped to MPE V by the following formula:

   MPEVPri = (32767 - MPEiXPri) DIV 128   (All formula values are decimal.)

3020AS queue limit (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns the AS queue limit. This value is the lowest priority that any process in the AS queue can have. This priority can be mapped to MPE V by the following formula:

   MPEVPri = (32767 - MPEiXPri) DIV 128   (All formula values are decimal.)

3021BS queue base (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns the base of the BS queue. This value is the highest priority that any process in the BS queue can have. This priority can be mapped to MPE V by the following formula:

   MPEVPri = (32767 - MPEiXPri) DIV 128   (All formula values are decimal.)

3022BS queue limit (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns the BS queue limit. This value is the lowest priority that any process in the BS queue can have. This priority can be mapped to MPE V by the following formula:

   MPEVPri = (32767 - MPEiXPri) DIV 128   (All formula values are decimal.)

3023CS queue base (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns the base of the CS queue. This value is the highest priority that any process in the CS queue can have. It can be set using the TUNE command. This priority can be mapped to MPE V by the following formula:

   MPEVPri = (32767 - MPEiXPri) DIV 128   (All formula values are decimal.)

3024CS queue limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the CS queue limit. This value is the lowest priority that any process in the CS queue can have. It can also be set using the TUNE command. This priority can be mapped to MPE V by the following formula:

   MPEVPri = (32767 - MPEiXPri) DIV 128   (All formula values are decimal.)

3025DS queue base (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the base of the DS queue. This value is the highest priority that any process in the DS queue can have. It can also be set using the TUNE command. This priority can be mapped to MPE V by the following formula:

   MPEVPri = (32767 - MPEiXPri) DIV 128   (All formula values are decimal.)

3026DS queue limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the DS queue limit. This value is the lowest priority that any process in the DS queue can have. It can also be set using the TUNE command. This priority can be mapped to MPE V by the following formula:

   MPEVPri = (32767 - MPEiXPri) DIV 128   (All formula values are decimal.)

3027ES queue base (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the base of the ES queue. This value is the highest priority that any process in the ES queue can have. It can also be set using the TUNE command. This priority can be mapped to MPE V by the following formula:

   MPEVPri = (32767 - MPEiXPri) DIV 128   (All formula values are decimal.)

3028ES queue limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the ES queue limit. This value is the lowest priority that any process in the ES queue can have. It can also be set using the TUNE command. This priority can be mapped to MPE V by the following formula:

   MPEVPri = (32767 - MPEiXPri) DIV 128   (All formula values are decimal.)

3029CS quantum maximum (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns or modifies the maximum number of milliseconds that a process in the CS queue may execute before its priority starts decaying.
3030CS quantum minimum (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns or modifies the minimum number of milliseconds that a process in the CS queue must execute before its priority may be reduced.
3031DS quantum (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns or modifies the number of milliseconds that a process in the DS queue may run before its priority starts decaying. This can also be set using the TUNE command.
3032ES quantum (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns or modifies the number of milliseconds that a process in the ES queue may run before its priority starts decaying. This can also be set using the TUNE command.
3033CS quantum (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the average number of milliseconds that a process in the CS queue executes before it is interrupted. It is used to decide when a process in the CS queue should have its priority decayed. It is maintained dynamically by the system and is very transient in nature.
3034Maximum number of open files (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the maximum number of files a process can have open at the same time.
3035Maximum number of processes (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the maximum number of processes that can be executing on the system at the same time.
3036Maximum number of jobs/sessions (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the maximum number of jobs and sessions that can be configured by SYSGEN. The combined number of jobs and sessions configured by SYSGEN cannot exceed this number.
3037MPE/iX version ID (CA8) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the version ID (VUF) for the MPE/iX operating system on the machine.
3038Serial number (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the machine's serial number (CI variable HPSUSAN).
3039Memory size (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the memory size, interpreted as the number of 2-K pages.
3040Total number of DST entries (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the total number of DST entries on the system.
3041Available number of DST entries (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the total number of unused DST entries on the system.
3042Rounding factor (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Timer counters should be multiplied by this value to convert them to ticks.
3043Tick to millisecond conversion factor (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the number of ticks in one millisecond for the machine.
3044AIF:MI version ID (CA8) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the Architected Interface Facility: Measurement Interface product version that is on the machine.
3045 AIF:OS version ID (CA8) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the Architected Interface Facility: Operating System product version that is on the machine.
3046 Cold load ID (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns a value that is increased each time the machine is booted.
3047Current PIN Highwater Mark (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the current highwater PIN number in use. The maximum value that can ever be returned in this field can be found by item #3035.
3048Maximum LDEV number (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns the maximum logical device number that can be configured on the machine.
3049CS boost property (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the current boost property of the CS queue. Values and their meanings are as follows:





3050CS queue timeslice (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns or modifies the maximum number of milliseconds that a CPU-bound process running in the CS queue can monopolize the CPU. When a process in the CS queue has held the CPU for the timeslice, the dispatcher examines the running process and makes the necessary adjustments. This value is accurate to 100-millisecond granularity and has a minimum value of 100 milliseconds.
3051DS boost property (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the current boost property of the DS queue. Values and their meanings are as follows:





3052DS queue timeslice (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0
 Returns or modifies the maximum number of milliseconds that a CPU-bound process running in the DS queue can monopolize the CPU. When a process in the DS queue has held the CPU for the timeslice, the dispatcher examines the running process and makes the necessary adjustments. This value is accurate to 100 millisecond granularity, and has a minimum value of 100 milliseconds.
3053ES Boost property (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the current boost property of the ES queue. Values and their meanings are:





3054ES queue timeslice (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the maximum number of milliseconds that a CPU-bound process running in the ES queue can monopolize the CPU. When a process in the ES queue has held the CPU for the timeslice, the dispatcher examines the running process and makes the necessary adjustments. This value is accurate to 100 millisecond granularity, and has a minimum value of 100 milliseconds.





3055Maximum job limit(I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0
 Returns the maximum job limit which can be set by the operator with the :LIMIT command. The maximum job limit is set by using the command JOB MAXLIMIT=n in SYSGEN.
3056Maximum session limit (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0
 Returns the maximum session limit which can be set by the operator with the :LIMIT command. The maximum session limit is set by using the command SESSION MAXLIMIT=n in SYSGEN.
3057MPE release version (CA8) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0
 Returns the MPE release version number in fhe format of V.UU.FF as shown in the SHOWME command. For example: RELEASE:A.41.00.
3058MPE user version (CA8) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0
 Returns or modifies the MPE users version number in the format of V.UU.FF as shown in the SHOWME command. For example: USER VERSION: A.41.00.
3059Maximum number of processors (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0
 Returns the maximum number of processors allowed on the system. This number is system specific and defined by the OS.
3060Autoboot toggle (B) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0
 Returns or modifies the autoboot flag in the PDC stable storage. Stable storage has a write life of 1000 writes. After that the values can no longer be guaranteed. Use with caution.
3061Actual number of processors (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0
 Returns the actual number of processors on the system. This is configurable at system boot up time.
3062Logon Prompt (CA256) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5
 Returns or modifies the system logon prompt.
3063Default NM Stack (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5
 Returns the value of default NM stack configured by SYSGEN.
3064Maximum NM Stack (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5
 Returns the value of maximum NM stack configured by SYSGEN.
3065Default CM Stack (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5
 Returns the value of default CM stack configured by SYSGEN.
3066Maximum CM Stack (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5
 Returns the value of maximum CM stack configured by SYSGEN.
3067Default Heap (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5
 Returns the value of the default heap configured by SYSGEN.
3068Maximum NM Heap (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5
 Returns the value of the maximum NM heap configured by SYSGEN.
3069Maximum number of AIF ports (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5
 Returns the maximum number of AIF ports.
3070Maximum Path Length (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5
 Returns the maximum path length currently allowed on the system. The length includes one byte for the Null terminator required at the end of the pathname.
3071Machine type (CA80) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the hardware type on which the system is running. For example, Series 955.
3072Network Node Name (CA256) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the node name of the system in the communication network. This is the local domain name used during NS Configuration in NMMGR.
3073Password Encryption (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns true when global password encryption is on and false when off. When set to true, new or altered account, group, and user passwords are encrypted. The encryption feature is enabled in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3074Minimum Password Length (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the minimum password length. A valid range of values is 0 to 8. The minimum password length feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3075Maximum Invalid Logons per Device (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the global maximum invalid logon count per NAILED terminal. The valid range of values is 0 to 32766. The maximum invalid logons per device feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3076Password Prompt Required (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the global feature indicating whether all interactive attempts to initiate jobs or sessions must NOT have embedded passwords in the logon string. A value of true indicates embedded passwords are not allowed on the HELLO, STREAM, or STARTSESSION commands issued from a terminal. If passwords are present, the logon will be rejected regardless of their validity. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3077UDC Failure Termination (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns true when session termination is enabled for an error in UDC initiation. When this option is enabled, a UDC initiation failure at the account or system level UDC will cause the job/session to be terminated except in the case where MANAGER.SYS or OPERATOR.SYS is logged on at the system console. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3078Minimum Assistance Logon (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns true when terse error messages are enabled for errors encountered in parsing and verifying the logon command. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3079FOPEN Logging Extension (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns true when all FOPEN calls are logged and false for FOPEN FAILURE ONLY logging. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3080Idle Session Termination (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the configured length of time that a CI process will wait on a read. If there is no response during that duration, then the idle session is terminated. The valid range of values is from 0 to 546 minutes. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3081Down Device Timeout (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the DOWN device timeout value in seconds. When the timeout expires for the DOWN device the Security Process will UP the device. Changing this value in the HP Security Monitor does NOT impact any timeouts currently in effect. The valid range of values is 0 to 32766 seconds. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3082Programmatic Command Disabling Warning (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns true when programmatic access to a command causes a warning to be logged via the command logging facility. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3083Password Expiration Interval in Days (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the global password expiration interval in days. When a password expiration date arrives this interval is added to the expiration date to automatically set the next global user password expiration date. A valid range of values is 0 to 365 days. This feature is in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3084Next Global Password Expiration Date (U32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns the next global password expiration date. When this feature is enabled it expires all the REQUIRED user passwords on the same global expiration date. The format returned in the 32-bit integer is similar to the CALENDAR intrinsic. The bits and their meanings are as follows:

Bits (0:16)


Bits (16:7)

The year of the century

Bits (23:9)

The day of the year

 This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3085Password Expiration Warning (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the warning interval in days for all user passwords that are set to expire on the next global expiration date. A valid range of values is 0 to 364 days. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3086Embedded Password Disallow (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns true when :STREAM command will not accept optional embedded password syntax on the JOB card, regardless of the password validity. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3087Cross Stream Restriction and Authorization (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns a value of one when the Cross Stream Restriction is enabled. This prevents a person without SM or AM from streaming jobs that log on another user. A value of three is returned when the Cross Streaming Authorization supplemental option is enabled. This allows the creator to stream a "protected job", when the creator name and user name in the job card match. The bits and their meanings follow:

Bits (0:30)


Bits (30:1)

Cross Stream Authorization

Bits (31:1)

Cross Stream Restriction

 This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3088Stream Privilege and Authorization (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns a value of one when the Stream Privilege feature is enabled. This allows certain authorized users to stream particular jobs with no password verification requirement. This privilege is granted to users with SM, or AM capabilities within an account, and the job's owner. A value of three is returned when the privilege authorization mechanism is enabled. This means the stream privilege can also be extended to the creator, when the creator name and user name in the job card match.

Bits (0:30)


Bits (30:1)

Stream Privilege Authorization

Bits (31:1)

Stream Privilege

 This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3089Assurance of Auditability (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns true if the assurance of auditability feature is set. When enabled, all jobs and sessions will log off if any system logging errors occur. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3090Maximum File Protection (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns true when maximum file protection is enabled. When enabled, if no ACD is attached to a newly created file, a system default ACD is automatically defined for the file. After the file is created with the default ACD, users other than the CREATOR of the file, or users with SM or AM capability will be denied file access. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3091Global User Password Maximum Days (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the maximum period in days for which a password is valid; this includes the expiration period. Password aging is enforced only on REQUIRED user passwords. A valid range of values is 0 to 365 days. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3092Global User Password Minimum Days (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the minimum period in days a new or changed user password cannot be altered. Password aging is enforced only on REQUIRED user passwords. A valid range of values is 0 to 364 days. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3093Global User Password Expiration Days (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the number of days a user password is expired before becoming invalid. A user can still change an expired password. Once the password exceeds the expired period it is placed in an invalid state. Once invalid, only the system or account manager can change the password. Password aging is enforced only on REQUIRED user passwords. A valid range of values is 0 to 364 days. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3094Global User Password Warning Days (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the warning period in days the user is given before the password expires. Password aging is enforced only on REQUIRED user passwords. A valid range of values is 0 to 364 days. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3095Maximum Invalid User Logons (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the maximum number of invalid user logon attempts before the user becomes invalid. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3096Disabled User Timeout (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns the user ID timeout value in seconds. When the timeout expires for the invalid user the Security process will enable the user. Changing this value does not impact any user timeouts currently in effect. The valid range of values is 0 to 32766 seconds. This feature is set in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3097Security Installed (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns true when the HP Security Monitor is installed. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.
3099Number of currently configured workgroups (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes
 Returns the number of workgroups on the system. The minimum value that would be returned is 5, which represents the five default workgroups.
3100Purge Scan (B) Put:Yes; Verify: Yes
 This item for AIFSCGET returns the value denoting that a scan of all processes that belong to purged workgroups is in progress or not. However for AIFSCPUT if this item is passed, it is used as an option to explicitly initiate a purge-pending scan. A purge pending scan checks processes that are assigned to purge-pending workgroups for reassignment to other workgroups.
3101System-wide Scan pending? (B) Put:No; Verify: Yes
 Returns or verifies value denoting that a scan of all processes for reassignment to workgroups is pending or not.
3102Lower job number limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns or modifies the lower limit of the range of job numbers to be assigned. Job numbers will be assigned outside of this range only when all job numbers within the range are in use. The lower limit must be a positive integer less than the current upper limit or the absolute job number limit (16383), whichever is less. An upper limit of 0 is considered the same as the absolute job number limit.
3103Upper job number limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns or modifies the upper limit of the range of job numbers to be assigned. Job numbers will be assigned outside of this range only when all job numbers within the range are in use. The upper limit must either be 0, or a positive integer greater than the current lower limit but less than or equal to the absolute job number limit (16383). An upper limit of 0 is considered the same as the absolute job number limit.
3104Lower session number limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns or modifies the lower limit of the range of session numbers to be assigned. Session numbers will be assigned outside of this range only when all session numbers within the range are in use. The lower limit must be a positive integer less than the current upper limit or the absolute session number limit (16383), whichever is less. An upper limit of 0 is considered the same as the absolute session number limit.
3105Upper session number limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns or modifies the upper limit of the range of session numbers to be assigned. Session numbers will be assigned outside of this range only when all session numbers within the range are in use. The upper limit must either be 0, or a positive integer greater than the current lower limit but less than or equal to the absolute session number limit (16383). An upper limit of 0 is considered the same as the absolute session number limit.
3106Lower input spoolid limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns or modifies the lower limit of the range of input spoolids to be assigned. Input spoolids will be assigned outside of this range only when all input spoolids within the range are in use. The lower limit must be a positive integer less than the current upper limit or the absolute input spoolid limit (9999999), whichever is less. An upper limit of 0 is considered the same as the absolute input spoolid limit.
3107Next input spoolid (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns or modifies the number assigned to the next input spoolid, value in the range 1..9999999. Do not set this value to that of an existing input spoolid. You may set a value outside the range defined by the lower and upper input spoolid limits, but it will not be used unless the limits are changed such that the value is in range before the system needs to assign it to a spoolid. This is because the system always tries to assign a value within limits. See the SETCOUNTER command description for further details.
3108Upper input spoolid limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns or modifies the upper limit of the range of input spoolids to be assigned. Input spoolids will be assigned outside of this range only when all input spoolids within the range are in use. The upper limit must either be 0, or a positive integer greater than the current lower limit but less than or equal to the absolute input spoolid limit (9999999). An upper limit of 0 is considered the same as the absolute input spoolid limit.
3109Lower output spoolid limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns or modifies the lower limit of the range of output spoolids to be assigned. Output spoolids will be assigned outside of this range only when all output spoolids within the range are in use. The lower limit must be a positive integer less than the current upper limit or the absolute output spoolid limit (9999999), whichever is less. An upper limit of 0 is considered the same as the absolute output spoolid limit.
3110Next output spoolid (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns or modifies the number assigned to the next output spoolid, a value in the range 1..9999999. Do not set this value to that of an existing output spoolid. You may set a value outside the range defined by the lower and upper output spoolid limits, but it will not be used unless the limits are changed such that the value is in range before the system needs to assign it to a spoolid. This is because the system always tries to assign a value within limits. See the SETCOUNTER command description for further details.
3111Upper output spoolid limit (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0
 Returns or modifies the upper limit of the range of output spoolids to be assigned. Output spoolids will be assigned outside of this range only when all output spoolids within the range are in use. The upper limit must either be 0, or a positive integer greater than the current lower limit but less than or equal to the absolute output spoolid limit (9999999). An upper limit of 0 is considered the same as the absolute output spoolid limit.
3112Workgroup Creation Count (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes
 Returns the number of times the workgroup file has been regenerated. Everytime a change is made to a workgroup or the set of workgroups, this count is incremented. Thus it can be used to verify whether the workgroup set has been modified between AIF calls.


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