HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility: Operating System Reference Manual > Chapter 3 Architected Interface Descriptions



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Physically and logically mounts magneto-optical media by loading it into a magneto-optical drive and mounting it into the file system.


                REC      I32     REC     

AIFMOMOUNT(overall_status, ldev, media_label,

                  I32A         @64A         RECA    

             itemnum_array, item_array, itemstatus_array,





record by reference (required)

Returns the overall status of the call. A zero indicates a successful call. A negative value indicates an error in the overall call, not specific to any particular item. A positive value indicates the last element in itemstatus_array, signaling an error condition. Refer to appendix A for meanings of status values.

Record type: status_type (Refer to appendix B.)


32-bit signed integer by value (required)

The logical device number (ldev) of the optical drive where the specified media should be mounted.


record by reference (required)

Passes an optical media label for the optical media to mount. This record consists of a media name, subname1, and subname2. The media name consists of an array of 1 to 32 characters and identifies the first part of the media label. Subname1 and subname2 consist of arrays of 1 to 16 characters and identify the second and third parts of the media label. Each of the fields of this record must be left justified.

The media name, subname1, and subname2 must contain either a name or the character "@". "@" indicates that this field should be ignored. (Refer to the item description of media label in the "AIFMOALLOCATE Item Descriptions")

Record type: media_label_type (Refer to Appendix B.)


32-bit signed integer array by reference (optional)

This is an array of integers, terminated by an element containing the value zero, used to define the corresponding option given in the item_array parameter. If this optional parameter is specified, the item_array parameter and the itemstatus_array parameter must both be supplied.

Default: nil


64-bit address array by reference (optional)

An array with the same number of elements as the itemnum_array parameter, each of which is a globalanyptr that points to the appropriate type needed by each particular item number. The value used for each option is taken from, or returned to, the location pointed to by the globalanyptr in this array. When this parameter is supplied, the itemnum_array parameter and the itemstatus_array parameter must both be supplied.

Array type: globalanyptr (Refer to Appendix B.)

Default: nil


record array by reference (optional)

If problems are detected with the specific items, an error status is placed in the corresponding element of this array for each item with an error. The overall_status parameter indicates whether any individual items contained errors, and the element of the last detected error. This array must contain as many elements as are contained in the itemnum_array and the item_array parameters.

A zero indicates a successful operation. A negative value indicates an error condition. A positive value indicates a warning.

Array type: status_type (Refer to Appendix B.)

Default: nil


32-bit signed integer by value (optional)

The user ID assigned to a vendor at the time of purchase of the Architected Interface Facility: Operating System product. If it is not passed, the caller must have previously called AIFACCESSON.

Default: 0

Operation Notes

AIFMOMOUNT provides a way to physically mount a specific piece of magneto-optical media in a magneto-optical drive and then logically mount it in the file system. The logical mount of the magneto-optical media is implicit and it is performed automatically through this AIF.

The following sections provide a brief overview of some of the concepts related to mounting media in a magneto-optical disk library system: MOUTIL, Volume Set, and Media Label.


To initially load an optical disk library system with optical media, the user must run the MOUTIL utility. Through MOUTIL, the user can load/unload media, initialize and scratch media, synchronize internal tables, and perform other housekeeping commands. Once media has been loaded, initialized, or synchronized within an optical disk library system, applications can make use of AIFMOMOUNT to mount media into the MPE/iX File System. Note, when initializing optical media that will be accessed through the magneto-optical AIFs, the INITMO command in MOUTIL should be used with the STORE=NO option.

Volume Set

The basic entity used by the Media Manager is a user volume. When optical media is mounted (e.g. through AIFMOMOUNT), each surface is treated as a master user volume with no member volumes, that is, a single user volume set. 'Mounted' refers to the Media Manager physically mounting the media by moving the media from a storage slot to a drive and then logically mounting it by causing it to go 'online', thus causing an implied VSOPEN to occur.

The volume set described here is the same as a volume set managed through Volume Management. The only differences include the following. The optical media volume set is formatted through the MOUTIL utility as opposed to the VOLUTIL utility, and it is indirectly mounted through the Media Manager. Another difference is that an optical media volume set can only consist of a single volume, the master volume. Also, the volume set name for optical media is limited to 8 alphanumeric characters ("_" and "." are not allowed) as opposed to 32 alphanumeric characters for a non-optical media volume set. This limitation exists because the Media Manager uses the volume set name to create a group, in the account HPOPTMGT, with the same name as the volume set name of the optical media. This group is created in order for the Media Manager to access media information on an optical media volume set. The file MEDINFO.(volume set name).HPOPTMGT is built on the media when it is initialized through MOUTIL and it contains optical media information used by the Media Manager. In addition, the Media Manager uses this group to bind the volume set directory to the system directory.

Once an optical media volume set is mounted, it can be treated as any user volume set on the system.

Media Label

Since optical media volume sets can only consist of a single volume, the master volume, the Media Label can be used to logically relate optical media volume sets (optical media surfaces) when multiple surfaces are required. The media label consists of three parts: a media name and two subnames. The media label is user definable and can be updated using AIFMOPUT. Once the media label has been initialized through MOUTIL, it can be modified in order to manage and logically relate optical media. Media labels do not have to be unique within a particular library system or across library systems. One example of logically relating optical media is as follows. Consider the case where you would want to relate 3 optical media volume sets. You could name them in the following way:

  • media name = MYMEDIA subname1 = SET1 subname2 = DEC92

  • media name = MYMEDIA subname1 = SET2 subname2 = JAN93

  • media name = MYMEDIA subname1 = SET3 subname2 = FEB93

Though the media label allows you to logically relate optical media, it does not provide you with the same capability as a multiple volume, volume set (that is, files will not span optical media).


Attempting to mount media will fail with an error if the specified drive is not currently allocated (using AIFMOALLOCATE). If media is mounted in a drive and no one is accessing the media (that is, no files are open), the media can be dismounted and another media mounted. If the pin item is not specified an attempt is made to mount the media on behalf of the calling process. If the process who allocated the drive where the media was mounted terminates before the dismount is performed, before the deallocate is performed, the dismount and deallocation will occur during normal process termination clean up.

If a particular item is specified more than once in a call to this AIF, the first occurrence of it will be used. For example, if item 17303 (volume set) is passed in twice. The volume set name will be returned in the corresponding item array for the first index for which this item was passed. A warning will be returned in the item status array for the second index for which this item was passed. A value will not be returned in the item array for the second index. Likewise, if item 17302 (prompt for media) is passed in twice. The first value that is passed is used to perform the mount. The second prompt for media value is ignored. A warning is returned in the item status array.

AIFMOMOUNT Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with AIFMOMOUNT.

Table 3-22 AIFMOMOUNT Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Release First Available Description

Pin (I32) Release 5.0

Passes the pin for the process that allocated the specified optical drive. This is used for verification of ownership for an optical media drive. If 0 is passed, the pin of the calling process is used.

Default: Pin of the calling process


Prompt for Media (I32) Release 5.0

Passes an indicator specifying the media prompting when media is in use or could not be found. The valid inputs are as follows:

  • 1 - no prompting

  • 2 - prompt media not found

  • 3 - prompt media in use

If "no prompting" is specified then no system console message is issued to mount the media which could not be found and an error will be returned. If "prompt media not found" is specified then the user will be prompted with a system console message to mount the requested media if the media does not currently exist within the library the specified drive has access to. If "prompt media in use" is specified then the user will be prompted with a system console message to mount media with the same name if the specified media is currently being used.

This item prints out a system console message and waits for an operator reply. If the reply is outstanding and is not processed immediately, any subsequent magneto-optical AIF calls may appear to be hung waiting for the first reply to be processed and the mount to complete. For similar reasons, caution should be used when using this item with the nowait item.

Default: 1


Volume Set Name (CA8) Release 5.0

Returns a character array that identifies the volume set name of the media mounted. This item is not valid if the nowait identifier item specifies an 'initiation' request.


Nowait identifier (I32) Release 5.0

This item allows the user to initiate a mount request and to have control returned before completion of the mount.

When a 0 is passed specifying 'initiation', the call to this AIF will initiate the mount but will return before it completes. A unique non-zero identifier is returned and must be used in a second call to AIFMOMOUNT to complete the mount request.

Note, the process that 'initiates' the mount must be the process that 'completes' the mount. For example, the following will fail with an error: Process 1 calls AIFMOMOUNT with the nowait item set to the value 0. Process 2 passes the pin item with the value 1 (for Process 1) and calls AIFMOMOUNT with the nowait item set to the identifier returned from the previous AIFMOMOUNT. The second call to AIFMOMOUNT will fail with an error, since Process 2 did NOT 'initiate' the mount.

Also, any errors that occur during the actual mounting of the media are not returned until you 'complete' the mount.

When the second call to AIFMOMOUNT is made to complete the mount, using a non-zero value for the nowait identifier, the ldev and media label parameters are ignored. In addition, any items that are passed are ignored.

The maximum number of nowait requests per process is 32. That is, only 32 nowait requests can be outstanding from both AIFMOMOUNT and AIFMODISMOUNT at any one time.

Default: Mount is performed before returning to user


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