HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility: Operating System Reference Manual > Chapter 3 Architected Interface Descriptions



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Returns a raw KSAM/XL file structure based on the file-specific information passed in the user buffer.


   I32                           REC        A    I32

filenum :=  AIFKSMCREATE (overall_status, buffer, bytes, 

                  I32        A         A

               user_id, group_name, acct_name,

                  CA36      B          I16  

               creator,   old_date,  dev_num, 

                  A         A          A 

               vol_class, vol_name, vol_set_name,


               directory, file_name);

Functional Return


32-bit signed integer by reference (required)

Returns an integer value used to identify the opened file in subsequent AIF VVVcalls.



record by reference (required)

Returns the overall status of the call. A zero indicates a successful call. A negative value indicates an error in the overall call. Refer to appendix A for meanings of status values.


character array by reference (required)

An array containing all of the information necessary to duplicate a KSAM/XL file. The information including the KSAM/XL control block was obtained from an AIFKSMREAD. It is used by AIFKSMCREATE to create a KSAM/XL file. The information includes the file label, file label extension, the KSAM/XL control block, and a HFS pathname for files in the hierarchical directory.

The minimum buffer size is 10,240 bytes.


32-bit signed integer by value (required)

An integer specifying the length of the information in the buffer.


32-bit signed integer by value (optional)

The user ID assigned to a vendor at the time of purchase of the Architected Interface Facility: Operating System product.


Character array by reference (optional)

Specifies an existing group where the KSAM/XL file will be created. If this parameter is not provided, the default group is where the KSAM/XL file being read resides.

Array type: mpe_name_type (Refer to appendix B.)


Character array by reference (optional)

Specifies an existing account where the KSAM/XL file will be created. If this parameter is not provided, the default account is where the existing KSAM/XL file resides.

Array type: mpe_name_type (Refer to appendix B.)


Character array by reference (optional)

Specifies the creator of the file being created. If this parameter is not provided, the creator in the file label of the existing KSAM/XL file is used.

Note that with the introduction of the hierarchical file system, the creator concept has been replaced with the concept of the file owner, which includes both the user and account name; therefore, the format of this parameter has changed to USER.ACCOUNT (padded with blanks). The name is also not upshifted.

Array type: mpe_name_type (Refer to appendix B.)


Boolean by value (optional)

By specifying the old_date to be true, the original modification and last access dates in the file label are retained. Default is false.


Short integer by reference (optional)

Specifies the logical device number where the KSAM/XL file will be created.


Character array by reference (optional)

Specifies a volume class name on which the KSAM/XL file will be created.

Array type: t_vol_class_name (Refer to appendix B.)


Character array by reference (optional)

Specifies the volume class on which the KSAM/XL file will be created.

Array type: t_volume_name (Refer to appendix B.)


Character array by reference (optional)

Specifies the volume set on which the KSAM/XL file will be created.

Array type: t_vol_set_name (Refer to appendix B.)


record by reference (optional)

Passes the absolute pathname of the directory where the KSAM/XL file will be created. If this parameter is specified, then the group_name and acct_name parameters will be ignored. An example of a valid pathname for this parameter is /SYSUTIL/MPEXL/tools_directory/.

Record type : pathname_type (Refer to appendix B).


record by reference (optional)

Passes the new name of the KSAM/XL file to be created. If this name is specified along with group_name and acct_name, then the file is created in the MPE domain. If directory is specified then a POSIX file is created. A directory option overrides the group_name and acct_name.

If file_name is specified and neither directory, nor group_name and acct_name are specified, then the file is created in the same domain as the original file with a new name.

Record type: pathname_type (Refer to appendix B)

Operation Notes

The AIFKSMCREATE call creates a raw KSAM/XL file using the information contained in the buffer. The first AIFKSMREAD of a KSAM/XL file must be called before AIFKSMCREATE to obtain the necessary information in buffer for creating the file. At the end of AIFKSMCREATE, the data pointer is positioned to the next physical byte to be written, or at the end of the file if the entire file has been completely written.

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