HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility: Operating System Reference Manual > Chapter 3 Architected Interface Descriptions



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The following tables provide detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items used by AIFDEVICEGET and AIFDEVICEPUT.

Device Criteria Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with device criteria items used by AIFDEVICEGET and AIFDEVICEPUT.

Table 3-6 AIFDEVICEGET/PUT - Device Criteria Items from System Tables

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Get; Put; Verify; Release First Available Description

LDEV (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

This is the LDEV for the device.


Device Type (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

This is the type of device as shown below:









Devices are recognized by MPE/iX through the system configuration software. For more information on device types, refer to the system configuration file IODFAULT.PUB.SYS or to the I/O configurator command LDEV in SYSGEN.


Device Subtype (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

This is the device subtype. For more information on device subtypes, refer to the system configuration file IODFAULT.PUB.SYS or to the I/O configurator command LDEV in SYSGEN.


JSMAIN PIN (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns the JSMAIN PIN for the owner of the device.


User-Defined Device Name (CA16) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns the real device name given with the ADEV option in SYSGEN.


Alternate Owner PIN (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns the alternate owner PIN of the specified device.


Auto Reply (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

True if the device will automatically reply to tape requests (also called auto-allocation).


Job Accepting (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

True if the device accepts HELLO and JOB logons.


Data Accepting (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

True when the device accepts DATA logons.


Duplicative (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

True when all input operations for a job or session are echoed to a corresponding device without intervention by the operating system software.


BOT (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns true when the tape is at Load Point (beginning of tape); otherwise it returns false.


Interactive (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

True when the device requires human intervention for all input operations. This is necessary to establish the person/machine dialog required to support a session.


Record Width (I32) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns or modifies the record width of this device.


Spool State (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns the device spool state as follows:


Not spooled


Owned by an input spooler


Owned by an output spooler


Device Ownership State (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0


Not owned by any process


Owned by a process


The operating system has temporarily reserved the device


The operating system has temporarily reserved the device

The states two and three are transitory states. Once complete the device should return to an owned or unowned state.


Device Is Up (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns true if the device is up. It returns false when the device is down.


Downed Request Pending (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns true if a down request is pending for the device; otherwise it returns false.


Trailer Disable (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns true if the trailer pages are suppressed in printing; otherwise it returns false.


Header Disable (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns true if the header pages are suppressed in printing; otherwise it returns false.


Spool Queues are Open (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns true if the spooling has been enabled for the device; otherwise it returns false.


Special Forms Mounted (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns true if special forms are mounted; otherwise it returns false.


Formal File Name Designator (CA8) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns the formal device file designator (for example, $STDIN). This name is left-justified and is padded with blanks to the right.


J/S Key (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns the job or session key, which can be passed to AIFJSGET/PUT.


I/O Device Class (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5

Returns and verifies the system I/O device class.


Device not configured




Tape drive




Printer ( printers having a CIPER_DM logical device manager )


Printer ( other non CIPER_DM printers listed in IODFAULT.PUB.SYS )


Spooled device


Data communication device


DS terminal


DS printer


User-defined device


I/O Device Subclass (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5

Returns and verifies the system I/O device subclass. The subclass definition is based on the I/O device class listed in item 13025.

For Terminals




Device connected to a TMUX






Virtual terminal


Virtual printer


PAD terminal


PAD printer


Null terminal


DHCF terminal


Pseudo terminal


Pseudo null terminal

For Tape



For Disk




Security Downed Device (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns true when the device has been downed by Security. This is a feature of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


Invalid Device Logon Count (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns the current invalid logon count for the specified interactive device. This is a feature of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


Terminal Password? (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns true when the specified terminal has a password. Only nailed terminals can have passwords. This is a feature of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


Device Key (ufid_type) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.0

Returns the ufid for the device file.


Terminal Device Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with terminal device items used by AIFDEVICEGET and AIFDEVICEPUT.

Table 3-7 AIFDEVICEGET/PUT TERMINAL Device Items from I/O Subsystem

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Get; Put; Verify; Release First Available Description

Terminal Type (I32) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the system-defined terminal type to be associated with an asynchronous port.













The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). Console device managers only support type 10. See FCONTROL (38) in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Line Speed (I32) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the line speed setting for a terminal. All characters are 8 bits long (including the optional parity bit) plus two framing bits for a total of ten bits per character. The only supported line speeds are:


chars/sec 300 bits/sec


chars/sec 1200 bits/sec


chars/sec 2400 bits/sec


chars/sec 4800 bits/sec


chars/sec 9600 bits/sec


chars/sec 19200 bits/sec


chars/sec 38400 bits/sec { direct connect devices on DTC 72MX only }

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). Not valid on the physical console. See FCONTROL (10,11,40) and FDEVICECONTROL 3 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Parity Enable (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the parity generation and checking. If disabled, all eight bits of each character are passed untouched by the driver to the device. If enabled, the "parity setting" determines what kind of parity checking/generation is in effect. Both input and output parity are the same.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). This item is not valid on the physical console. See FCONTROL (23,24) and FDEVICECONTROL 9,11 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Parity Setting (I32) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the parity setting.


Forced to zero


Forced to one







The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). This item is not valid on the physical console. See FCONTROL (36) in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Echo enabled (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the echo status. When echo is enabled, all characters transmitted to the DTC are "echoed" back and appear on the terminal screen. In binary and block modes, this request is a no_op.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FCONTROL (12,13) and FDEVICECONTROL 4 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Echo End of Record and Newline (B) Not Supported

This item is not supported. It was incorrectly documented on Release 4.0 and does not work as previously stated.


Additional End of Record (C) Not Supported

This item is not supported. It was incorrectly documented on Release 4.0 and does not work as previously stated.


Unedited Terminal Mode - EOR (C) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item allows the user to replace the EOR character in unedited (transparent) terminal mode. Unedited mode is nearly binary; an EOR, subsystem break character, and the AEORs are the only special characters. Unedited mode is enabled by using non-null EOR and subsystem break characters.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FCONTROL (41) and FDEVICECONTROL 15 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Unedited Terminal Mode - Subsystem Break (C) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item allows the user to replace the subsystem break character in unedited (transparent) terminal mode. Unedited mode is nearly binary; an EOR, subsystem break character, and the AEORs are the only special characters. Unedited mode is enabled by using non-null EOR and subsystem break characters.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FCONTROL (41) and FDEVICECONTROL 15 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Binary Edit Mode (B) Not Supported

This item is not supported. It was incorrectly documented on Release 4.0 and does not work as previously stated.


Block Mode Alert Character (C) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the HP block mode alert character. The normal alert character is DC2.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FDEVICECONTROL 29 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information. Not supported by console device managers.


Enable/Disable user block mode (B) Not Supported

This item is not supported. It was incorrectly documented on Release 4.0 and does not work as previously stated.


Enable/Disable VPLUS Block Mode (B) Not Supported

This item is not supported. It was incorrectly documented on Release 4.0 and does not work as previously stated.


Read Timeout (I32) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the read timeout. The timer is good for the subsequent read request. The time unit is seconds. A zero or negative value indicates that the timeout is disabled.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FCONTROL (4) and FDEVICECONTROL 2 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Enable/Disable Read Timer(B) Not Supported

This item is not supported. It was incorrectly documented on Release 4.0 and does not work as previously stated.


Read Timer (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Returns the amount of time used for completion of the last read in hundreths of a second.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FCONTROL (22) and FDEVICECONTROL 8 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Line Delete Echo (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the line delete echo status. If this item is set to true, then it will echo !!! when the line delete character is used; otherwise, it does not echo the line delete character. Input data is deleted whether or not !!! is echoed.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FCONTROL (34,35) and FDEVICECONTROL 14 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Data Bits (I32) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the data bits per character. When 7 bits are used the current parity setting (see item 13104) controls parity generation and checking. When 8 bit characters are used parity checking is disabled.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FDEVICECONTROL 56 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information. Not valid on the physical console.


Carriage Control Position (B) Not Supported

This item is not supported. It was incorrectly documented on Release 4.0 and does not work as previously stated.


Enable/Disable Xoff Timer (B) Not Supported

This item is not supported. It was incorrectly documented on Release 4.0 and does not work as previously stated.


Block Mode Type(I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns the type of block mode supported by the driver. Possible return values are:


Both line and DTC style block mode


PAD terminal supporting page block mode

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FDEVICECONTROL 28 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Enable/Disable Typeahead (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the typeahead enable status. If this item is set to true, then typeahead is enabled. On false, typeahead is disabled.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FDEVICECONTROL 51 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Bypass Typeahead (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the bypass typeahead status. If it is true,the next read should bypass the typeahead buffer and read the data directly from the device. The data in the typeahead buffer is not flushed, and can be obtained by subsequent reads. This function is valid only when typeahead is enabled.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FDEVICECONTROL 61 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Flush Typeahead Data (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This items returns or modifies the flush typeahead status. If this item is true, the driver flushes typeahead buffer. This request is valid for the next read only. This request is only valid if typeahead is enabled.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FDEVICECONTROL 60 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Enable/Disable Console Mode (B) Not Supported

This item is not supported. It was incorrectly documented on Release 4.0 and does not work as previously stated.


Ctl-A read timeout (I32) Not Supported

This item is not supported. It was incorrectly documented on Release 4.0 and does not work as previously stated.


Enable/Disable Device XON/XOFF (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the device XON/XOFF flow control. When device XON/XOFF is enabled, the controller stops sending data to the device when it receives XOFF and resumes when it receives XON. When device XON/XOFF is disabled, the XON and XOFF characters are passed to the host as data. When XON/XOFF flow control is disabled, data overruns can occur.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). This item is not valid on the physical console. See FDEVICECONTROL 26 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


XOFF Timer (I32) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the XOFF timer. A positive value, representing a time limit in seconds, enables the timer. A zero or negative value, disables the timer.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). This item is not supported by console device managers. See FDEVICECONTROL 27 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Read Trigger Character (C) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the read trigger character (normally DC1). A NULL character means there is no read trigger character.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FDEVICECONTROL 32 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Backspace Character (C) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the back space character in normal editing mode.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FDEVICECONTROL 36 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Line Delete Character (C) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the line deletion character for normal editing (usually control-X).

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FDEVICECONTROL 37 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


End Of Record Character (C) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the end-of-record character used in edited or unedited mode. A NULL character disables the EOR character.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FDEVICECONTROL 39 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Subsystem Break Character (C) Not Supported

This item is not supported. It was incorrectly documented on Release 4.0 and does not work as previously stated.


Enable/Disable Form Feed Character (B) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the directive to allow the substitution of the form feed character in the output stream. When the value is true, the device driver does not substitute the form feed character when it is encountered in the carriage control of terminals. When the value is false, the form feed character is replaced.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). This item is not supported by console device managers. See FDEVICECONTROL 52 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Form Feed Character (C) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the form feed replacement character. Only the form feed in carriage control information will be replaced. The form feed in data is not replaced.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FDEVICECONTROL 53 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information. Not supported by console device managers.


Backspace Response (I32) Get: Yes; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item returns or modifies the response action when a backspace character is received. Valid values are:


Remove character from input and back cursor up one space


Remove character from input and erase character (backspace,space,backspace)

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). See FDEVICECONTROL 55 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Last Subsystem Break Character (C) Not Supported

This item is not supported. It was incorrectly documented on Release 4.0 and does not work as previously stated.


Terminal Type File (Str26) Get:No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item modifies the terminal type or printer type file for use with a device. This file may be created through the TTUTIL utility. This is the only item that is supported by serial printers.

The behavior of this item varies with the connection type (for example, DTC direct connect, PAD, or Telnet/iX). This item is not supported by console device managers. See FDEVICECONTROL 1 in the Asynchronous Serial Communications Programmer's Reference Manual for more information.


Printer Device Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with Printer device criteria items used by AIFDEVICEGET and AIFDEVICEPUT.

Table 3-8 AIFDEVICEGET/PUT PRINTER Device Items from I/O Subsystem

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Get; Put; Verify; Release First Available Description

Left Margin (I32) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item allows the caller to get or set the left margin.


Lines Per Inch (I32) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item allows the caller to get or set lines per inch. Valid values are either 6 or 8.


End of Job (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item allows the caller to set the end of job.


Tape Device Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and correspon ding items associated with TAPE device criteria items used by AIFDEVICEGET and AIFDEVICEPUT.

Table 3-9 AIFDEVICEGET/PUT TAPE Device Items from I/O Subsystem

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Get; Put; Verify; Release First Available Description

Fatal Errors (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item allows the caller to get the fatal error information from the tape generic status.


No fatal error


Tape runaway


Multiple tracks in error


Timing error


Command reject


Unit failure


Data parity error


Command parity error


Density (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item allows the caller to get the density information from the tape generic status.


Unrecognized density


800 BPI (NZRI)


1600 BPI (PE)/ DDS format


6250 BPI (GCR)


Unit Number (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This item allows the caller to get the tape drive unit number. This is not the physical address, but an additional identifier. For HPIB devices and SCSI devices, this will always be zero. When tape devices are supported that use this additional identifier, this field will report that value.


End of File (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Returns true when the tape is positioned at the end of file marker.


Beginning of Tape (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

If it returns true, the tape is positioned at the beginning of tape (BOT/load point)


End of Tape (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

If it returns true, the tape is positioned at the end of tape (EOT).


Immediate Report (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Returns true when the tape device is operating in immediate report mode. This means that the device will buffer data until it has enough data to flush to tape. This is the recommended mode of operation.


Track Error (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

If it returns true, a single track was found in error.


Unit Online (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

If it returns true, the tape drive is online.


Write Protect (B) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

If it returns true, it indicates that the tape is write protected.


Rewind (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Rewinds the tape to the beginning of tape. NOTE: The tape unit is left online at the end of the rewind.


Rewind Offline(No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Rewinds tape to the beginning of tape and puts it offline. The tape remains in the drive.


Write Tape Mark (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Causes one tape mark to be written to tape. Writing tape marks past end-of-tape is permitted.


Forward File (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Moves the tape forward over the next tape mark but before the next record.


Backward File (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Moves the tape backward over the previous file mark that is encountered or to the beginning of tape if there is no file mark. The position is immediately in front of the file mark.


Forward Record (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Moves the tape forward to the beginning of the next record.


Backward Record (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Moves the tape backward to the beginning of the previous record. If previously positioned at the end of a record, the new position is at the beginning of that record.


Gap Tape (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Moves the tape forward and erases approximately 3.5 inch of tape. For DDS drives, this does nothing.


Set Density (I32) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Set the density that a tape will be written at


6250 BPI for HP 7978 & 7980


1600 BPI for HP 7974, 7978, 7979, all 7980s, and all DDS


800 BPI for HP 7974 and some 7978, 7979, and 7980


compressed for HP 7980XC and 7980SX


no compression for HP 7980XC and 7980SX

Density can only be set when a tape is at load point. The density change can vary at the point in which it is displayed. Some devices reflect the change immediately while other devices reflect the density change as the first record is being written. This behavior is device dependent and is not guaranteed to be consistent across all tape drives.


Set Start/Stop (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Set the HP 7974 to operate in a start/stop mode (50 ipd). This command does nothing on all other devices.


Set Streaming (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

Set the HP 7974 to operate in a streaming mode. If data is not available to continually write to tape, the drive stops the tape. The drive then repositions itself before it can begin writing again. This item does nothing on all other devices as they are always in this mode.


Enable/disable Immediate Report (No value) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

With immediate report enabled, the device queues up requests. Performance improves when immediate report is enabled.


Enable/Disable Data Compression (B) Get: No; Put: yes; Verify: no; Release 5.0

Enable or disable data compression on a HPC1504B or HPC1521B DDS drive. This item is not supported on other DDS devices and all 1/2in tapes. The data compression setting will remain in effect until reset via AIFDEVICEPUT or the DEVCTRL.MPEXL.TELESUP program.


Remote Load (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This loads a tape to BOT but does not place the drive online. Not valid for the HP 7974 or HP 7978A.


Remote Unload (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This unloads a tape and either opens the door (for all 7980s) or ejects the tape (for all DDS). Not valid for the HP 7974 or HP 7978A.


Remote Online (No value needed) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This places the drive online. If this item is done to a drive with no tape, or the door is open (7980), the request does not complete until a tape is inserted or the door is closed. Not valid for the HP 7974, HP 7978A/B.


Enable/Disable Eject (B) Get: No; Put: Yes; Verify: No; Release 5.0

This allows both 1/2in and DDS tape devices to be dynamicaly configured to eject the media following an application rewind/offline or close. This item is not supported on HP 7974, 7978, 7979, 7980, 7980XC, and HP4280 devices. This behavior is device dependent and is not guaranteed to be consistent across all tape drives.


Disk Device Item Descriptions

The following table provides detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with Disk device criteria items used by AIFDEVICEGET and AIFDEVICEPUT.

Table 3-10 AIFDEVICEGET/PUT Disk Device Items from I/O Subsystem

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Get; Put; Verify Release First Available Description

Disk Size (I32) Get: Yes; Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.0

This returns the disk size in pages (8 sectors per page) from the disk controller.


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