HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility: Operating System Reference Manual > Chapter 3 Architected Interface Descriptions



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The following two tables provide summary and detailed descriptions of the item numbers associated with accounting information.

Item Summary

The following table summarizes the item numbers associated with accounting information. For more detailed information about these item numbers, refer to the table of accounting information item descriptions.

Table 3-1 Accounting Information Item Summary

6001CA16User nameNY   
6002CA16User passwordYY   
6003I32User capabilitiesYY   
6004I32Maximum priorityYY   
6005I32User logon countNY   
6006CA16User home groupYY   
6007I32User UDC IndexNY   
6008I32User local attributesYY   
6009CA16User password validationNN   
6010pathname_typeHome directoryNY   
6012pathname_typeInitial Logon ProgramNY   
6014BUser password requiredNY   
6015BUser password warningNY   
6016BUser password expiredNY   
6017BUser password invalidNY   
6018BUser name invalidNY   
6019I32Invalid user logon countNY   
6020U32User password aging start dateNY   
6021I32User password aging minimum daysNY   
6022I32User password aging maximum daysNY   
6023I32Password aging warning daysNY   
6024I32Password aging expiration daysNY   
6025CA16Encrypted user passwordNN   
6101CA16Group nameNY   
6102CA16Group passwordYY   
6103I32Group capabilitiesYY   
6104I32Group access/securityYY   
6105I32Group accumulated spaceYY   
6106I32Group maximum allowed spaceYY  
6107I32Group accumulated CPU timeYY   
6108I32Group maximum allowed CPU time YY   
6109I32Group accumulated connect time YY   
6110I32Group maximum allowed connect timeYY   
6112CA32Volume set nameNY   
6113CA16Group password validationNN   
6115CA16Encrypted group passwordNN   
6201CA16Account nameNY   
6202CA16Account passwordYY   
6203I32Account capabilitiesYY   
6204I32Account access/securityYY   
6205I32Account accumulated spaceYY   
6206I32Account maximum allowed spaceYY   
6207I32Account accumulated CPU time YY   
6208I32Account maximum allowed CPU timeYY   
6209I32Account accumulated connect timeYY   
6210I32Account maximum allowed connect time YY   
6211I32Account maximum priority YY   
6212I32Account UDC indexNY   
6213I32SYS UDC indexNY   
6214I32Account local attributes YY   
6215CA16Account password validationNN   
6218BAccount user passwords requiredNY   
6219CA16Encrypted account passwordNN   


NOTE: Spaces in the columns for Min, Max, and Error# indicate that there are no current values for those items.

Item Descriptions

The following three tables provide detailed descriptions of item numbers and corresponding items associated with user, group, and account information.

Table 3-2 Accounting Information: User Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Put; Verify; Release First Available Description

User name (CA16) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns the user name (left-justified and padded with blanks).


Password (CA16) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the password of the specified user.

The HP 3000 Security Monitor/iX Product available on Release 5.0 provides password encryption. With password encryption turned on, a new password is automatically encrypted before it is stored in the system directory. The encryption facility works one way. Even if you know the encryption algorithm, you cannot reconstruct a password in plain language from its encrypted version. Therefore, encrypted passwords are NOT returned in this item; instead the text "*ENCRYPTED*" is returned. See item 6025.


Capabilities (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the capability mask for this user. The item is a bitmap and, if the bit is set to 1, the user owns the corresponding capability. The user capabilities cannot be greater than the corresponding account capabilities.

Bit (0:1)


Bit (1:1)


Bit (2:1)


Bit (3:1)


Bit (4:1)


Bit (5:1)


Bit (6:1)


Bit (7:1)


Bit (8:1)


Bit (9:1)


Bit (10:1)


Bit (11:1)


Bit (12:1)


Bit (13:1)


Bit (14:1)


Bit (15:1)


Bits (16:7)

Unused (set to 0)

Bit (23:1)


Bit (24:1)


Bit (25:1)


Bits (26:2)

Unused (set to 0)

Bit (28:1)


Bit (29:1)

Unused (set to 0)

Bit (30:1)


Bit (31:1)



Maximum priority (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the priority that is the maximum allowed for the user. The maximum priority for a user is specified by using the MAXPRI parameter of the NEWUSER and ALTUSER commands. The values and their associated queues are listed below:


BS queue


CS queue


DS queue


ES queue


Logon count (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns the number of jobs and/or sessions open for this user.


Home group (CA16) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the name of the home group of this user (left-justified and padded with blanks).


User UDC Index (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

The offset into COMMAND.PUB.SYS for user UDCs. COMMAND.PUB.SYS reflects the UDC environment that takes effect the next time the user logs on.


Local attributes (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the user definable attributes of this user.


Password validation (CA16) Put: No; Verify: No; Release 3.0

Passes a user password. The corresponding status in the itemstatus_array will contain an error and the overall_status an index if the actual user password does not match the specified user password.


Home directory (REC) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5

Returns the home directory associated with this user. The directory is in the format of an HFS pathname (for example, /SYS/PUB).

Record type: pathname_type (Refer to appendix B.)

6011UID (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5 Returns the user ID associated with this user. The user ID (UID) provides file owner class security for MPE/iX. The UID is added to the user database, HPUID.PUB.SYS, when a new user is created with the NEWUSER command.

Initial Logon Program (REC) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 4.5

Returns the initial logon program for this user. The program will be represented as an HFS pathname (for example, /SYS/PUB/CI).

Record type: pathname_type (Refer to appendix B.)


Encrypted? (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns true if the user password is encrypted and false when the user password is plain text. The encryption feature is enabled in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


User Password Required? (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns true if the user password is required and false when it is not. The required password is set via the USERPASS=REQ option on the NEWACCT and ALTACCT commands when the HP Security Monitor is installed. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


User Password Warning? (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns true if the user password warning is in effect and false when it is not. During the password warning period, the logon user is notified of the pending password expiration. This feature is enabled by the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


User Password Expired? (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns true if the user password is expired and false when it is not. This is a feature of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


User Password Invalid? (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns true if the user password is invalid and false when it is not. An invalid user password is one which has exceeded the maximum lifetime or expiration period. This is a feature of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


User Name Invalid? (B) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns true if the user name (ID) is invalid. A user name becomes invalid when the invalid user logon count has been exceeded. This is a feature of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


Invalid User Logon Count (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns the number of invalid logon attempts for a user name. This is a feature of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


User Password Aging Start Date (U32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns the start date of the password aging cycle. Password aging is enforced only on REQUIRED user passwords. This value is used only when item 6022 (maximum days) is greater than zero. The bits and their meanings are as follows:

Bits (0:16)


Bits (16:7)

The year of the century

Bits (23:9)

The day of the year

This is a feature of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


User Password Aging Minimum Days (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns the minimum period in days a new or changed user password cannot be altered. Password aging is enforced only on REQUIRED user passwords. This value is used only when item 6022 (maximum days) is greater than zero. A valid range of values is 0 to 364 days. This is a feature of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


User Password Aging Maximum Days (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns the maximum period in days for which a user password is valid, this includes the expiration period. Password aging is enforced only on REQUIRED user passwords. When the user maximum is set, the global user maximum age is ignored. The user maximum days cannot exceed the global user maximum days. A valid range of values is 0 to 365 days. This is a feature of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


Password Aging Warning Days (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns the warning period in days the user is given before the password expires. Password aging is enforced only on REQUIRED user passwords. This value is used only when item 6022 (maximum days) is greater than zero. A valid range of values is 0 to 364 days. This is a feature of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


Password Aging Expiration Days (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

Returns the number of days a user password is expired before becoming invalid. A user can still change an expired password. Once the password exceeds the expired period it is placed in an invalid state. Once invalid, only the system or account manager can change the password. Password aging is enforced only on REQUIRED user passwords. A valid range of values is 0 to 364 days. This is a feature of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


Encrypted Password (CA16) Put: No; Verify: No; Release 5.0

Returns the encrypted password of the specified user if one exists, otherwise, blanks are returned. See item 6002.


Table 3-3 Accounting Information: Group Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Put; Verify; Release First Available Description

Group name (CA16) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns the name of the group (left-justified and padded with blanks).


Password (CA16) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the password of the specified group.

The HP 3000 Security Monitor/iX Product available on Release 5.0 provides password encryption. With password encryption turned on, a new password is automatically encrypted before it is stored in the system directory. The encryption facility works one way. Even if you know the encryption algorithm, you cannot reconstruct a password in plain language from its encrypted version. Therefore, encrypted passwords will NOT be returned in this item; instead the text "*ENCRYPTED*" is returned. See item 6015.


Capabilities (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the capability mask for this group. It is a bit map and, if the bit is set to 1, the group owns the corresponding capability. The group capabilities cannot be greater than the corresponding account capabilities. Bits and their meanings are listed below:

Bits (0:23)

Unused (set to zero)

Bit (23:1)


Bit (24:1)


Bit (25:1)


Bits (26:2)

Unused (set to zero)

Bit (28:1)


Bits (29:1)

Unused (set to zero)

Bit (30:1)


Bit (31:1)



Access (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the group access/security mask. Bits and their meanings are:

Bits (0:2)


Bit (2:1)

Read any

Bit (3:1)

Read account user

Bit (4:1)

Read account librarian

Bit (5:1)

Read group user

Bit (6:1)

Read group librarian

Bit (7:1)

Append any

Bit (8:1)

Append account user

Bit (9:1)

Append account librarian

Bit (10:1)

Append group user

Bit (11:1)

Append group librarian

Bit (12:1)

Write any

Bit (13:1)

Write account user

Bit (14:1)

Write account librarian

Bit (15:1)

Write group user

Bit (16:1)

Write group librarian

Bit (17:1)

Lock any

Bit (18:1)

Lock account user

Bit (19:1)

Lock account librarian

Bit (20:1)

Lock group user

Bit (21:1)

Lock group librarian

Bit (22:1)

Execute any

Bit (23:1)

Execute account user

Bit (24:1)

Execute account librarian

Bit (25:1)

Execute group user

Bit (26:1)

Execute group librarian

Bit (27:1)

Save any

Bit (28:1)

Save account user

Bit (29:1)

Save account librarian

Bit (30:1)

Save group user

Bit (31:1)

Save group librarian


Accumulated space (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the number of sectors currently allocated to files in this group.


Maximum space (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the maximum number of sectors that may be allocated to files in this group.


Accumulated CPU (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the number of CPU seconds used by this group.


Maximum CPU (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the maximum amount of CPU seconds allowed for this group.


Accumulated connect (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the accumulated connect time in minutes for this group.


Maximum connect (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the maximum number of connect minutes allowed for this group.


Linkage (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns the number of accounts this group is linked into. Currently has a value of 1.


Volume set name (CA32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns the name of the volume set on which this group resides (left-justified and padded with blanks).


Password validation (CA16) Put: No; Verify: No; Release 3.0

Passes a group password. The corresponding status in the itemstatus_array will contain an error and the overall_status an index if the actual group password does not match the specified group password.


Encrypted? (B) Put: No; Verify: No; Release 5.0

Returns true if the group password is encrypted and false when the group password is plain text. The encryption feature is enabled in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


Encrypted Password (CA16) Put: No; Verify: No; Release 5.0

Returns the encrypted password of the specified group if one exists, otherwise, blanks are returned. See item 6102.


Table 3-4 Accounting Information: Account Item Descriptions

Item NumberItem Name (Data Type) Put; Verify; Release First Available Description

Account name (CA16) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns the account name (left-justified and padded with blanks).


Password (CA8) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the password of the specified account.

The HP 3000 Security Monitor/iX Product available on Release 5.0 provides password encryption. With password encryption turned on, a new password is automatically encrypted before it is stored in the system directory. The encryption facility works one way. Even if you know the encryption algorithm, you cannot reconstruct a password in plain language from its encrypted version. Therefore, encrypted passwords are NOT returned in this item; instead the text "*ENCRYPTED*" is returned. See item 6219.


Capabilities (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the capability mask for this account. It is a bit map and, if the bit is set to 1, the account owns the corresponding capability. The account capabilities cannot be less than the corresponding user and group capabilities. Bits and their meanings are listed below:

Bit (0:1)


Bit (1:1)


Bit (2:1)


Bit (3:1)


Bit (4:1)


Bit (5:1)


Bit (6:1)


Bit (7:1)


Bit (8:1)


Bit (9:1)


Bit (10:1)


Bit (11:1)


Bit (12:1)


Bit (13:1)


Bit (14:1)


Bit (15:1)


Bits (16:7)

Unused (set to zero)

Bit (23:1)


Bit (24:1)


Bit (25:1)


Bits (26:2)

Unused (set to zero)

Bit (28:1)


Bit (29:1)

Unused (set to zero)

Bit (30:1)


Bit (31:1)



Access (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the account access/security mask:

Bit (0:4)

Unused (set to zero)

Bit (4:1)

Read any

Bit (5:1)

Read AC

Bit (6:1)

Append any

Bit (7:1)

Append AC

Bit (8:1)

Write any

Bit (9:1)

Write AC

Bit (10:1)

Lock any

Bit (11:1)

Lock AC

Bit (12:1)

Execute any

Bit (13:1)

Execute AC

Bit (14:1)

Save any

Bit (15:1)

Save AC

Bit (16:16)

Unused (set to zero)


Accumulated space (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the number of sectors currently allocated to files in this account.


Maximum space (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the maximum number of sectors that may be allocated to files in this account.


Accumulated CPU (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the number of CPU seconds used by this account.


Maximum CPU (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the maximum number of CPU seconds allowed for this account.


Accumulated connect (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the accumulated connect time in minutes for this account.


Maximum connect (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the maximum number of connect minutes allowed for this account.


Maximum priority (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies a priority that is the maximum allowed for the account. The maximum priority for an account is specified by using the MAXPRI parameter of the NEWACCT and ALTACCT command. The values and their associated queues are:


BS queue


CS queue


DS queue


ES queue


Account UDC Index (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

The offset into COMMAND.PUB.SYS for account UDCs. COMMAND.PUB.SYS reflects the UDC environment that takes effect the next time the user logs on.


System UDC Index (I32) Put: No; Verify: Yes; Release 5.0

The offset into COMMAND.PUB.SYS for system UDCs. COMMAND.PUB.SYS reflects the UDC environment that takes effect the next time the user logs on.


Local attributes (I32) Put: Yes; Verify: Yes; Release 3.0

Returns or modifies the user definable attributes of this account.


Password validation (CA16) Put: No; Verify: No; Release 3.0

Passes an account password. The corresponding status in the itemstatus_array will contain an error and the overall_status an index if the password does not match the specified account password.


GID (I32) Put: No; Verify: No; Release 4.5

Returns the Group ID associated with this account. The Group ID (GID) provides file group class security for MPE/iX. The GID is added to the group database, HPGID.PUB.SYS, when a new account is created with the NEWACCT command.


Encrypted? (B) Put: No; Verify: No; Release 5.0

Returns true if the account password is encrypted and false when the account password is plain text. The encryption feature is enabled in the Global Security Options Menu of the HP Security Monitor. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


Account Users Passwords Required (B) Put: No; Verify: No; Release 5.0

Returns true when all users in an account are required to have user level passwords. The required password is set via the USERPASS=REQ option on the NEWACCT and ALTACCT commands when the HP Security Monitor is installed. For more information see the MPE/iX Security Features System Manager's Guide.


Encrypted Password (CA16) Put: No; Verify: No; Release 5.0

Returns the encrypted password of the specified account if one exists, otherwise, blanks are returned. See item 6202.


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