HPlogo ALLBASE/NET User's Guide: HP 9000 Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Setting Up ALLBASE/NET

Using NETUtil


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NETUtil is the utility you use to create and maintain your AliasDB and NETUsers files. For descriptions of the NETUtil commands and examples of how they are used, refer the "NETUtil Reference" chapter.

Invoking NETUtil

To invoke NETUtil, type netutil at the shell prompt. The NETUtil prompt looks like this:


Special Control Characters

You can enter these special control characters while you are using any NETUtil command:

  • A double forward slash (//), which stops the execution of a command while in prompting mode and returns the NETUtil prompt.

  • The user's interrupt character (usually the ASCII DEL key or Control-C), which terminates an executing command and returns the NETUtil prompt.

  • The user's EOF character (usually Control-D), which terminates an executing command and returns the shell prompt.

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