HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL C Application Programming Guide: HP 9000 Computer Systems > Chapter 10 Programming with LONG Columns

Putting Data into a LONG Column with a [BULK] INSERT Command


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As with any column, use the INSERT command to initially put data into a LONG column. At the time of the insert, all input devices must be on the system in the locations you have specified. Should your insert operation fail, nothing is inserted, a relevant error message is returned to the program, and the transaction continues. Depending on your application, you might want to write a verification routine that reads a portion of each specified input device to make certain valid data exists prior to using the INSERT command.

The next examples are based on the PartsTable created and altered in the previous section, "Defining LONG Columns with CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE." Additional examples of LONG column I/O string usage are found in the ALLBASE/SQL Reference Manual .

Insert Using Host Variables for LONG Column I/O Strings

When inserting a single row, use a version of the LONG Column I/O String for each LONG column following the VALUES clause, as below.






An example of the values that might be stored in the host variables, :PartPictureIO and :Part ModuleIO, are shown in the last two fields of a hypothetical record in the section, "Example Data File", that appears later in this chapter. In the above example, the values, bracket and 200, are coded as constants, rather than coming from the data file. The following represents a record could be read into host variables in preparation for the above INSERT statement. The constants, bracket and 200, in the statement could alternately be read into host variables.

	bracket    200 0'<../tools/bracket >bracket'   0'<../module/mod88 > mod88'    0

Bulk Insert Using Host Variables for LONG Column I/O Strings

The following example illustrates how to define and use an appropriate host variable for a BULK INSERT into PartsTable. Define an entry in your host variable array for each LONG column I/O string.


/* This code segment reads a data file into a host variable array, one line */

/* at a time.  It parses the buffer and displays each record as it's        */

/* read and loaded.  Then a BULK INSERT to an ALLBASE/SQL database table is */

/* performed.  Maximum number of records per BULK INSERT is 25.             */

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXSIZE 25



/* PartNum is used to read in the PartNumber as a string.                   */

char PartNum[7];

/* Note that all of the columns allow null values, and an indicator         */

/* variable has been defined for each.                                      */


struct    {

  char      PartName[11];

  sqlind    PartNameInd;

  int       PartNumber;

  sqlind    PartNumberInd;

  char      PartPictureIO[31];  /* IO string for LONG column PartPicture */ 

  sqlind    PartPictureInd;

  char      PartModuleIO[31];   /* IO string for LONG column PartModule  */

  sqlind    PartModuleInd;

  } PartsTableRows[25];         /* INSERT up to 25 rows at a time        */

char      SQLMessage[133];


          /* End Host Variable Declarations */




int InsertRows()              /* function to insert rows in PartsTable */


StartIndex = 1;

NumberOfRows = counter1;






                   VALUES (:PartsTableRows,



if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0) {



} /* End of InsertRows Function */


/* Here you could accept data from the user or from a file.        */

/* For this example, a file is used.                               */

int main()      /* function to initialize host variable array from */        

                /* a file */


   char s[225];

   int  i = 0;

FILE *ptr;

ptr = fopen("data_file","r");

    while (fgets(s,225,ptr) & (i < MAXSIZE)) {

        sscanf (s, "%10c %2d%2c %2d%30c %2d%30

              PartsTableRows[i].PartName, &PartsTableRows[i].PartNameInd,

              PartNum, &PartsTableRows[i].PartNumberInd,



              PartsTableRows[i].PartModuleIO, &PartsTableRows[i].PartModuleInd);

/* We read PartNumber as a string, but assign it as an integer.           */

/* atoi converts the ascii to integer.                                    */

        PartsTableRows[i].PartNumber = atoi(PartNum);

        printf ("%10s %2d %2d %2d %30s %2d %30s %2d\n",

              PartsTableRows[i].PartName, PartsTableRows[i].PartNameInd,

              PartsTableRows[i].PartNumber, PartsTableRows[i].PartNumberInd,



              PartsTableRows[i].PartModuleIO, PartsTableRows[i].PartModuleInd);



}             /* end of initialize function */  




Example Data File

The file, in this case named data_file, that your program reads might look something like this. Note that it is limited to 80 characters per record to facilitate documentation.

hammer     011 0'<../tools/hammer >hammer'     0'<../module/mod11 > mod11'    0

file       022 0'<../tools/file >file'         0'<../module/mod22 > mod22'    0

saw        033 0'<../tools/saw > saw'          0'<../module/mod33 > mod33'    0 

wrench     044 0'<../tools/wrench >wrench'     0'<../module/mod44 > mod44'    0

lathe      055 0'<../tools/lathe >lathe'       0'<../module/mod55 > mod55'    0

drill      066 0'<../tools/drill >drill'       0'<../module/mod66 > mod66'    0 

pliers     077 0'<../tools/pliers >pliers'     0'<../module/mod77 > mod77'    0



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