HPlogo HP Driver for JDBC User's Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems

Appendix D Simple Client Source Code


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The Java source listing given in this appendix is a program demonstrating the use of HP Driver for JDBC to access an ALLBASE/SQL or IMAGE/SQL database. It can be run from any platform which has JDK 1.1 (or above) and HP Driver for JDBC installed. This program is part of the HP Driver for JDBC distribution and it is named SimpleClient.java.

/** * JDBC Simple Client * * This simple Java application loads a JDBC Driver, prompts the * user for connection information, creates the Driver URL, makes * the connection to the database, and sends user provided SQL * statements to the database. *  * If the result of the statement is a result set, it is printed * out. * * This code and information is provided "as is" without warranty * of any kind, either expressed or implied. *  */import java.io.*;import java.net.URL;import java.sql.*;class SimpleClient   {   private static Connection con = null;   private static Statement stmt = null;   /**     * Command:  java SimpleClient     */   public static void main(String args[])      {      /* User input fields */      String hostName       = getString("Host Name: ");      String userName       = getString("User Name: ");      String userPassword   = getString("User Password: ");      String dbName         = getString("Database Name: ");      /* Create the URL based on the user input */      String url = "jdbc:allbase://" +         hostName + "/" + dbName + "?";      /* Try to make the connection to the database */      try         {         /* Load the jdbc driver */         Class.forName("com.hp.jdbc.allbase.JdbcDriver");         /* Attempt to get a connection */         con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, userPassword);         }      catch (SQLException ex)         {         System.out.println("SQLException caught during connection:");         printException(ex);         System.exit(0);         }      catch (Exception e)         {         System.out.println("Exception caught during connection:");         e.printStackTrace();         System.exit(0);         }      /* Main loop */      String sql = null;      ResultSet rs = null;      while (true)         {         /* Ask user for an sql statement */         System.out.println("");         sql = getString("SQL -> ");         System.out.println("");         /* If empty string, then exit */         if (sql == null || sql.length() == 0)                      break;         /* Submit the sql statement */         try            {            stmt = con.createStatement();            /* If execute returns true, there is a result set */            if (stmt.execute(sql))               {               rs = stmt.getResultSet();               displayResultSet(rs);               }            /* Otherwise, there is an update count */            else               System.out.println(stmt.getUpdateCount() + " rows changed.");            }         catch (SQLException ex)            { printException(ex); }         catch (java.lang.Exception ex)            { ex.printStackTrace(); }         try            {            rs.close();            stmt.close();            rs = null;            stmt = null;            }         catch (Exception e)            {}         } /* End of main loop */      try         { con.close(); }      catch (Exception e)          {}      System.exit(0);      }   /**    * Print out SQLException information.     */   private static void printException(SQLException e)      {      SQLException ex = e;      System.out.println("SQLException:");      while (ex != null)         {         System.out.println("   SQLState   : " + ex.getSQLState());         System.out.println("   Vendor code: " + ex.getErrorCode());         System.out.println("   Message    : " + ex.getMessage());         ex = ex.getNextException();         System.out.println();         }      return;      }   /**    * Displays all columns and rows in the given result set    */   private static void displayResultSet (ResultSet rs)      throws SQLException      {      int i;      /* Get the ResultSetMetaData.  This will be used for      ** the column headings.      */      ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();      /* Get the number of columns in the result set */      int numCols = rsmd.getColumnCount();      /* For each column, print out the column names, separated by      ** commas      */      for (i=1; i <= numCols; i++)         {         System.out.print(rsmd.getColumnName(i));         /* Print separator */         if (i < numCols)                      System.out.print(", ");         }      System.out.println("\n");      /* Print out the data, fetching until end of the result set */      String colValue;      while (rs.next())         {         /* For each column, print out the data as String */         for (i=1; i<=numCols; i++)            {            colValue = rs.getString(i);            /* If data was null, use the null string instead */            if (rs.wasNull())               colValue = "<NULL>";            System.out.print(colValue);            /* Print separator */            if (i < numCols)                         System.out.print(", ");           }         System.out.println();         /* Fetch the next result set row */         }      System.out.println();      }   /**    * This captures console input until a CR is hit and    * then returns a Java String with the input.    */   private static String getString(String prompt)      {      BufferedReader in =         new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));      if (prompt != null)         System.out.print(prompt);      String rString = "";      try         { rString = in.readLine(); }      catch (Exception e)         { rString = ""; }      return rString;      }   }
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