HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 8  System Catalog



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SYSTEM.PROCEDURE contains information about each procedure created in the DBEnvironment.

SYSTEM.PROCEDURE is initially empty, and it is updated whenever ALLBASE/SQL processes a CREATE PROCEDURE, DROP PROCEDURE, or TRANSFER OWNERSHIP statement on a procedure.

If a TRANSFER OWNERSHIP is done on the procedure, the owner field in this view is updated with the Name of the new owner.

Table 8-25 System.Procedure

Name Type Length Description
NAMECHAR20Name of the procedure
OWNERCHAR20Owner of the procedure
NUMPINTEGER4Number of parameters ( 0 to 1023) to the procedure
NUMRSMALLINT2 Number of result columns ( 0 to 1024) for a procedure defined with a WITH RESULT clause
MULTIRESULTSMALLINT2 Number of SELECT statements with no INTO clause in the procedure (0 if there are none)
CTIMECHAR16Time of creation: yyyymmddhhmmsstt
LANGUAGEIDSMALLINT2Code for the language of this procedure. Run NLUTIL.PUB.SYS to display a complete list of native languages and codes for your system.
DBEFILESETCHAR20Name of the DBEFileSet containing the procedure's definition and stored sections



   select * from system.procedure;


   NAME                |OWNER               |NUMP       |NUMR


   PROCESS12           |MANUFDB             |          3|     2

   DISCOUNTPART        |PURCHDB             |          1|     3


   Number of rows selected is 2

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>, or e[nd] >

   select multiresult, ctime, languageid from system.procedure;





             3|1991121010220700|         0|SYSTEM

             1|1991121011442200|         0|PURCHFS



   Number of rows selected is 2

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>, or e[nd] >

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