HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 8  System Catalog



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SYSTEM.DBEFILESET contains information about DBEFileSets. This table initially contains a row for each DBEFileSet created when the DBEnvironment is configured. A row is added, updated, or deleted whenever ALLBASE/SQL processes an ADD DBEFILE, CREATE DBEFILESET, REMOVE DBEFILE, or DROP DBEFILESET statement.

SYSTEM.DBEFILESET and SYSTEM.DBEFILE contain all the information about where tables and indexes are stored.

Table 8-13 System.DBEFileSet

Column Name Type Length Description
DBEFSNAME CHAR 20 Name of the DBEFileSet
DBEFSNPAGES INTEGER 4 Number of pages in the DBEFileSet (the sum of the pages in all associated DBEFiles)
DBEFSUPAGES INTEGER 4 Number of pages in the DBEFileSet containing table and index data, excluding page table pages (the sum of the used pages in all associated DBEFiles)
DBEFSPTPAGES INTEGER 4 Number of page table pages in the DBEFileSet
DBEFSMPAGESINTEGER4Total maximum number of pages the DBEFileSet may be expanded (the sum of all DBEFMPAGES in System.DBEFile for the associated DBEFile)
CTIME CHAR 16 Time of creation: yyyymmddhhmmsstt
ATTACHED CHAR 2 Attached: Y for yes, N for no



   SELECT * FROM System.DBEFileSet ;




   SYSTEM              |             2|        100|          8

   PURCHFS             |             2|        100|          6

   WAREHFS             |             2|        100|          4

   ORDERFS             |             2|        100|          5


   Number of rows selected is 4

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> r




   |           4|        100|1990090614175200|Y

   |           2|        100|1990090614192370|Y

   |           2|        100|1990090614194160|Y

   |           2|        100|1990090614200170|Y


   Number of rows selected is 4

   U[p], d[own], l[eft], r[ight], t[op], b[ottom], pr[int] <n>,or e[nd]> e

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