HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix I SQLAudit



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Establishes or releases the connection to the DBEnvironment.


SQLAudit Only

SQLAudit Syntax

SQLAudit >> SE[T] DBEN[VIRONMENT] { DBEnvironmentName OFF } SQLAudit >> SE [T] DBEN [VIRONMENT] DBEnvironment Name >> { DBEnvironmentName OFF }



specifies the name of the DBEnvironment with which you wish to establish a connection.


terminates (or releases) your connection to the DBEnvironment.


  • This command is used to establish or release a connection with the DBEnvironment.

  • DBEnvironmentName or OFF can be entered as part of the command line, or they can be entered in prompt mode.

  • When OFF is specified, the current DBEnvironment (if set) is released, terminating the database session. You may issue the SET DBENVIRONMENT command to connect to a second DBEnvironment without issuing a SET DBEN OFF in between the two commands. In this case, SQLAUDIT automatically releases the first DBEnvironment before connecting to the second. When you exit SQLAudit without specifying a SET DBEN OFF, the current DBEnvironment is automatically released.


Only CONNECT authority is required to issue this command. However, no auditing can be performed unless you also have DBA authority.


   SQLAudit >> set dben PartsDBE

   SQLAudit >> set dbenvironment

   DBEnvironment Name >> OFF

   SQLAudit >> 

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