HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix I SQLAudit



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Locks the log files according to transaction information contained in an audit point file.


SQLAudit Only

SQLAudit Syntax

SQLAudit >> LO [CK ] AUDIT [POINT] Audit Point File >> FileName Display Audit Point Information (n/y) >> { n [o] y [es]} Lock Log for Audit Point (n/y) >> { n [o] y [es]}



is the name of the file containing audit point information. This file must have been previously created by the command GET AUDITPOINT.


respond NO if you do not want to display audit point information; respond YES to confirm that you do want to display audit point information.


respond NO if you do not want to lock the log files; respond YES to confirm that you do want to lock the log files.


  • This command is used to lock the audit point (determined from the audit point file) in the DBEnvironment log files. When this happens, all transactions committed after the audit point are protected from being overwritten until the log lock is changed or removed. Log locks can be changed through the commands GET AUDITPOINT and LOCK AUDITPOINT. Log locks can be removed through the command UNLOCK AUDITPOINT, or using the SQL command START DBE NEWLOG.

  • This command automatically replaces any currently held lock on the log files. Only one log lock can exist on the DBEnvironment log files at any one time.

  • If the lock cannot be acquired (for example, if you have specified an audit point that is no longer valid), the old log lock remains.

  • You must be connected to the DBEnvironment to use this command. If you have not connected to the DBE (using the SET DBENVIRONMENT command), SQLAudit issues a warning and automatically issues the SET DBENVIRONMENT command.


You must have DBA authorization in order to use this command.


   SQLAudit >> lock auditpoint

   Audit Point File >> STARTPT

   Display Audit Point Information (n/y) >> no

   Lock Log for Audit Point (n/y) >> yes

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