HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix H SQLMigrate



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Checks for and repairs migration corruption that may have been caused by a previous release of ALLBASE/SQL. You should only issue the REPAIR command when asked to do so so by a qualified Hewlett-Packard representative.


SQLMigrate Only

SQLMigrate Syntax

REPAIR 'DBEnvironmentName';



identifies the DBEnvironment to be repaired.


  • This command will check for and repair migration corruption that may have been caused by a previous release of SQLMigrate. Migration corruption occurs when a release of SQLMigrate has a defect, so it does not modify a DBEnvironment correctly when the MIGRATE command is issued.

  • The REPAIR command may only be used when no other user is accessing the DBEnvironment.

    At the end of the REPAIR command, one of the following two messages will be issued:

       REPAIR SUCCEEDED: No migration corruption has been detected.
       REPAIR SUCCEEDED: Migration corruption has been detected and repaired.


   SQLMIGRATE=> repair 'PartsDBE';

   REPAIRED: The INDEX base table has been corrected.

   REPAIRED: The VIEWDEF base table has been corrected.

   REPAIR SUCCEEDED: Migration corruption has been detected and repaired.


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