HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix F SQLUtil



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Stores a copy of an archive log file that is ready for backup.


SQLUtil Only

SQLUtil Syntax

>> STORELOG DBEnvironment Name: DBEnvironmentName Maintenance Word: MaintenanceWord Log Identifier (opt): LogIdentifier To File Name? FileName Use Static Store (y/n)? { Y [es] N [o]} Store Log File (y/n)? { Y [es] N [o]}



is the name of the DBEnvironment with which the file you are storing is associated.


is the Maintenance Word.


is the log identifier number of the log file to be stored. Use the SHOWLOG command to display this number.


is the device name for the tape or disk device that will receive the store file.


  • This command lets you store an archive log file. The file to be stored must not be the current log file, and it must have the backup status of Ready for Backup in a dynamic SHOWLOG display.

  • If you specify the log identifier number for a log file that is Ready for Backup, only the specified log file will be stored.

  • If you omit the LogIdentifier, ALLBASE/SQL will store only the log file with the lowest sequence number that is storable-- that is, has the lowest log sequence number and has Ready for Backup status in a dynamic SHOWLOG display.

  • If you specify a log identifier number of 0, every log file which currently has the status Ready for Backup will be automatically stored to the same tape in order of increasing log sequence number. This allows you to store multiple log files to a single tape.

  • If the LogIdentifier number you enter corresponds to a log file that is in use, the store will not take place.

  • If more than one volume is required to store the log file, a request will be displayed on the console. The next tape can then be mounted. No reply is necessary for the continuation of the store on the new mount.

  • For each successful STORELOG, label the backup tape with the log file name, sequence number, and the date and time of the backup. The sequence number will let you restore and recover log files in the correct order in the event that rollforward recovery is needed.

  • If your system has the TURBOSTORE enhancements to the STORE utility, you should reply N to the prompt "Use Static Store (y/n)?" If you do not have TURBOSTORE, reply Y.

  • The DBEnvironment may be in use while this command is executed. However, if your system does not have the TURBOSTORE enhancements to the STORE utility, the DBEnvironment must not be in use.


You must be the DBECreator, have SM capability, or supply the correct Maintenance Word to use this command.


STORELOG of single specified log file

   >> storelog

   DBEnvironment Name:  PartsDBE

   Maintenance Word:   Return 

   Log Identifier (opt): 2

   To File Name? TAPE

   Use Static Store (y/n)? n

   Store Log File (y/n)? y

   Log file 'lgn1' with Sequence Number            11 was stored.

STORELOG using a log identifier of 0 to store multiple log files to the same device


   >> storelog

   DBEnvironment Name:  PartsDBE

   Maintenance Word:   Return 

   Log Identifier (opt): 0

   To File Name? TAPE

   Use Static Store (y/n)? n

   Store Log File (y/n)?y

   Log file 'ptslogA2' with Sequence Number             5 was stored.

   Log file 'ptslogA1' with Sequence Number             6 was stored.

   Log file 'ptslogA3' with Sequence Number             7 was stored.

   Log file 'ptslogA5' with Sequence Number             8 was stored.
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