HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Appendix F SQLUtil



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Shows the information related to a DBEnvironment.


SQLUtil Only

SQLUtil Syntax

>> SHOWDBE DBEnvironment Name: DBEnvironmentName Maintenance Word: MaintenanceWord Output File Name (opt): OutputFileName



is the name of a DBEnvironment.


is the Maintenance Word.


is the name of the output file to which the output from this command should be directed. The default is the terminal.


  • This command shows information about the specified DBEnvironment.

  • Once this command is executed, the user will be prompted for subsequent SHOWDBE commands.

  • The DBEnvironment may be in use while this command is executed.


Any user may execute this command. However, the DBEnvironment Maintenance Word will not be displayed unless the user is the DBECreator, has SM capability, or supplies the correct Maintenance Word.


   >> showdbe

   DBEnvironment Name:    PartsDBE.SomeGrp.SomeAcct

   Maintenance Word:  Return 

   Output File Name (opt):   Return 

   -> startparms

   DBEnvironment Language:  NATIVE-3000

   AutoStart:  ON

   Audit Logging Is: ON

   Audit Logging Name is: Wrapper1

   Default Partition ID is: 1

   Maximum Number of Partitions Is: 10

   Comment Partition ID Is: 2

   Audit Elements Are: CHKPT, DATA, CMNT

   User Mode:  MULTI

   DBEFile0 Name:  PartsF0

   DDL Enabled:  YES

   No. of Runtime Control Block Pages: 128 

   No. of Data Buffer Pages:  200

   Data Buffer Pages Memory Resident:  NO 

   No. of Log Buffer Pages:  200 

   Max. Transactions: 100 

   Maximum Timeout:  NONE

   Default Timeout:  MAXIMUM

   Authorize Once per session:  OFF

-> quit
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