HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Advanced Application Programming Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 4 Using Parameter Substitution in Dynamic Statements

Where to Use Dynamic Parameters


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Use a dynamic parameter as you would a constant in an expression in the DML operations listed below:

Table 4-1 Where to Use Dynamic Parameters

DML OperationClause

[1] In the case of an INSERT statement, dynamic parameters can be used in the WHERE or HAVING clause of a Type 2 INSERT.


See the ALLBASE/SQL Reference Manual chapter, "Expressions," for more information regarding constants in expressions.


The examples below are shown to clarify the conditions under which dynamic parameters cannot be used. The following locations are not valid:

  • In any select list.

  • In any statement that is not dynamically preprocessed with the PREPARE statement.

  • As both operands of a single, arithmetic operator or comparison operator. The following example is not valid:

       SELECT * FROM PurchDB.Parts
               WHERE SalesPrice > (? * ?)
  • As the operand of a minus sign or a null predicate. The following examples are not valid:

       INSERT INTO PurchDB.OrderItems VALUES (-?,?,?)
       UPDATE PurchDB.Parts
          SET SalesPrice = ?
        WHERE ItemNo = ?
           OR (ItemNo IS NULL AND ? IS NULL)
  • As the entire argument of an aggregate function. The following example is not valid:

       SELECT * FROM PurchDB.Orders
            GROUP BY PartNumber
              HAVING MAX(?) > 543
  • As the parameter of a NULL predicate. For example, the following is not valid:

       SELECT * FROM PurchDB.Parts
               WHERE ItemNo = ? 
                  OR (ItemNo IS NULL AND ? IS NULL)
  • As both the first and second expressions of a BETWEEN predicate. The following example is not valid:

       SELECT * FROM PurchDB.Orders
               WHERE ? BETWEEN ? AND 100
  • As both the expression and the first parameter of an IN predicate. The following example is not valid:

       SELECT * FROM PurchDB.Orders
               WHERE ? IN (?, 4000, 5000, 6000)
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