HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Advanced Application Programming Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Flagging Non-Standard SQL with the FIPS Flagger

Secondary References to Non-Standard SQL


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In certain circumstances(paragraph 9c of FIPS 127.1) you may choose to use a nonstandard language extension (e.g. a COMPLEX data type for a FORTRAN application). It is required that the flagger detect all direct occurrences of such extensions. However, there is no requirement to detect secondary references to a non-standard extension. Secondary references may include variables, parameters, views, or other database identifiers that do not themselves violate syntax rules, but refer to an object that is non-standard or contain a non-standard extension. ALLBASE/SQL does not flag references to non-standard objects. For example, in the following statement, the use of View1.v1 in another SQL statement would be a secondary reference to the non-standard object View1 which contains the extension COUNT(*).

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