HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Advanced Application Programming Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 1 Using the Preprocessor

POSIX Preprocessor Invocation


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You can invoke the C preprocessor in any preprocessing mode, using POSIX command line options as described in the following sections. The preprocessor generates output files as POSIX byte-stream files (compatible with UNIX) using the naming conventions documented in the ALLBASE/SQL application programming guides for HP-UX.

An existing DBEnvironment name can be specified in the preprocessor command line in hierarchical file system (HFS) format. An HFS file name is one beginning with either a '.' or a '/.' The preprocessor converts the HFS DBEnvironment name to a conventional MPE/iX style file name (FileName.GroupName.AccountName). In the following example, the preprocessor converts the DBEnvironment name /SYS/SAMPLEDB/PARTSDBE to PARTSDBE.SAMPLEDB.SYS.

   POSIX> /SYS/PUB/PSQLC /SYS/SAMPLEDB/PARTSDBE -i ./ Source.sql -d -m Module

HFS file names of up to 1024 bytes are supported.

You can also specify HFS file names in #INCLUDE statements. These files are included during preprocessing.

POSIX Full Preprocessing Mode for C Applications

POSIX> /SYS/PUB/PSQLC DBEnvironmentName {[-i SourceFileName] [-p ModifiedSourceFileName] [-o OwnerName] [-m ModuleName] [-f FlaggerName] [-a] [-N] [-n DBEFileSetName] [-d [-r]] [-W] [-t]} |...|"



identifies the DBEnvironment in which a module is to be stored. This name must be specified in upper case.

-i SourceFileName

identifies the name of the input file containing the source code to be preprocessed. If not specified, ./sqlin is the default.

-p ModifiedSourceFileName

identifies the name for the modified source code file. If a name is not specified, the preprocessor generated code is written to a file with the same name as SourceFileName and with an appropriate file extension, as follows:

LanguageFile Name Extension


associates the stored module with a User@Account, a class name, or a group name. You can specify an owner name for the module only if you have DBA authority in the DBEnvironment where the module is to be stored. If not specified, the owner name is your log-on User@Account. Any object names in SourceFileName not qualified with an owner name are qualified with this OwnerName.


assigns a name to the stored module. Module names must follow the rules governing ALLBASE/SQL basic names as described in the ALLBASE/SQL Reference Manual. If a module name is not specified, the preprocessor uses the PROGRAM-ID in upper case as the module name. This module name is stored in the module file, ModifiedSourceFileName.sqlm.


is the name of the flagger being invoked. At this release FIPS127.1 is the only valid FlaggerName. FlaggerName is not case sensitive.

Refer to the "Flagging Non-Standard SQL with the FIPS Flagger" chapter in this manual.


preprocesses the application in ANSI mode. The preprocessor generates an SQLCA declaration automatically and implicit updatability is in effect.

Refer to the sections "Understanding Implicit Updatability" and "Declaring the SQLCA" in this manual.


indicates that no sections are to be stored in a DBEnvironment during preprocessing. A module that can be installed in a DBEnvironment with the ISQL INSTALL command is generated.

This is the only option for which a DBEnviromnent name is not required. If a DBEnvironment name is specified, a connection is established, and bind errors and warnings are generated for missing objects. If no DBEnvironment name is specified, no connection is made and no bind errors or warnings are generated.


identifies the DBEFileSet in which a module's static sections are to be stored.

A DBEFileSetName specified in the preprocessor command line overrides any explicit specification in the IN DBEFileSetName clause of any ALTER TABLE, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE RULE, CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, DECLARE CURSOR, or PREPARE statement within the preprocessed application.


deletes any module currently stored in the DBEnvironment by the ModuleName and OwnerName specified in the command string. If not specified, any module having these names is not dropped, and existing RUN authorities for that module are preserved.


is specified when the program being preprocessed already has a stored module and you want to revoke existing RUN authorities for that module. The -r option cannot be specified unless -d is also specified. If the -r option is not specified, it is assumed that all existing RUN authorities for that module are to be PRESERVED.


converts preprocessor generated bind warnings to errors. If -W is not specified, the default bind warnings will be generated.


For C applications only; used to support threaded applications. When specified, the C preprocessor will not generate the #include "SQLVAR" line at the beginning of SQLOUT. The user must insert a #include "SQLVAR" wherever local variables are required to compile and utilize application threads successfully.

POSIX Static Conversion Mode for C Applications

POSIX> /SYS/PUB/PSQLC -D [-iSourceFileName] [-pModifiedSourceFileName.c] [-fFlaggerName] [-a] [-t] |...|"



indicates that all static SQL statements are to be converted to dynamic statements, dynamic statements remain dynamic, and a module is not created.


identifies the name of the input file containing the source code to be preprocessed. If not specified, ./sqlin is the default.


identifies the name for the modified source code file. If a name is not specified, SourceFileName.c is the default.


is the name of the flagger being invoked. At this release FIPS127.1 is the only valid FlaggerName. FlaggerName is not case sensitive.

Refer to the "Flagging Non-Standard SQL with the FIPS Flagger" chapter in this manual.


preprocesses the application in ANSI mode. The preprocessorgenerates an SQLCA declaration automatically and implicit updatability is in effect.

Refer to the sections "Understanding Implicit Updatability" and "Declaring the SQLCA" in this manual.


For C applications only; used to support threaded applications. When specified, the C preprocessor will not generate the #include "SQLVAR" line at the beginning of SQLOUT. The user must insert a #include "SQLVAR" wherever local variables are required to compile and utilize application threads successfully.

POSIX Syntax Checking Mode for C Applications

POSIX> /SYS/PUB/PSQLC -s {[-iSourceFileName] [-pModifiedSourceFileName] [-fFlaggerName] [-a] [-t]} |...|"



causes the preprocessor to only check SQL syntax.


identifies the name of the input file containing the source code to be preprocessed. If not specified, ./sqlin is the default.


identifies the name for the modified source code file. If a name is not specified, SourceFileName.c is the default.


is the name of the flagger being invoked. At this release FIPS127.1 is the only valid FlaggerName. FlaggerName is not case sensitive.

Refer to the "Flagging Non-Standard SQL with the FIPS Flagger" chapter in this manual.


preprocesses the application in ANSI mode. The preprocessor generates an SQLCA declaration automatically and implicit updatability is in effect.

Refer to the sections "Understanding Implicit Updatability" and "Declaring the SQLCA" in this manual.


For C applications only; used to support threaded applications. When specified, the C preprocessor will not generate the #include "SQLVAR" line at the beginning of SQLOUT. The user must insert a #include "SQLVAR" wherever local variables are required to compile and utilize application threads successfully.

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