HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL Advanced Application Programming Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 1 Using the Preprocessor

Full Preprocessing Mode


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Full preprocessing mode includes the following:

  • Checking SQL syntax.

  • Creating compilable output files.

  • Optionally storing an installable module containing sections in a DBEnvironment. (See the NOINSTALL option below.)

  • Creating a file that contains an installable copy of the module.

Full Preprocessing Mode Syntax Specification

Full Preprocessing Mode for C Applications

RUN PSQLC.PUB.SYS;INFO= "DBEnvironmentName[( {{MODULE(ModuleName)} {OWNER (OwnerName)} {FLAGGER(FlaggerName)} {ANSI} {NOINSTALL} {INSTALL (DBEFileSetName)} {{DROP {{PRESERVE} {REVOKE}}} {NODROP}} {{WARN} {NOWARN}} |...|)]" }

Full Preprocessing Mode for COBOL Applications

RUN PSQLPAS.PUB.SYS;INFO= "DBEnvironmentName[( {{MODULE(ModuleName)} {OWNER (OwnerName)} {FLAGGER (FlaggerName)} {ANSI} {NOINSTALL} {INSTALL (DBEFileSetName)} {{DROP {{PRESERVE} {DROP}}} {NODROP}} {{WARN} {NOWARN}} |...|)]" }

Full Preprocessing Mode for FORTRAN Applications

RUN PSQLFOR.PUB.SYS;INFO= "DBEnvironmentName[( {{MODULE(ModuleName)} {OWNER (OwnerName)} {FLAGGER (FlaggerName)} {ANSI} {NOINSTALL} {INSTALL (DBEFileSetName)} {{DROP {{PRESERVE} {DROP}}} {NODROP}} {{WARN} {NOWARN}} |...|)]" }

Full Preprocessing Mode for Pascal Applications

RUN PSQLCOB.PUB.SYS;INFO= "DBEnvironmentName[( {{MODULE(ModuleName)} {OWNER (OwnerName)} {FLAGGER (FlaggerName)} {ANSI} {NOINSTALL} {INSTALL (DBEFileSetName)} {{DROP {{PRESERVE} {DROP}}} {NODROP}} {{WARN} {NOWARN}} |...|)]" }



identifies the DBEnvironment in which a module is to be stored. You can use a backreference to a file defined in a file equation for this parameter.


assigns a name to the stored module. Module names must follow the rules governing ALLBASE/SQL basic names as described in the ALLBASE/SQL Reference Manual. If a module name is not specified, the preprocessor uses the PROGRAM-ID (for a C application) or the SourceFileName (for other languages) in upper case as the module name. This module name is stored in the module file, SQLMOD.


associates the stored module with a User@Account, a class name, or a group name. You can specify an owner name for the module only if you have DBA authority in the DBEnvironment where the module is to be stored. If not specified, the owner name is your log-on User@Account. Any object names in SQLIN not qualified with an owner name are qualified with this OwnerName.


is the name of the flagger being invoked. At this release FIPS127.1 is the only valid FlaggerName. FlaggerName is not case sensitive. Refer to the "Flagging Non-Standard SQL with the FIPS Flagger" chapter in this manual.


preprocesses the application in ANSI mode. The preprocessor generates an SQLCA declaration automatically and implicit updatability is in effect.

Refer to the sections "Understanding Implicit Updatability" and "Declaring the SQLCA" in this manual.


indicates that no sections are to be stored in a DBEnvironment during preprocessing. A module that can be installed in a DBEnvironment with the ISQL INSTALL command is generated.

This is the only option for which a DBEnviromnent name is not required. If a DBEnvironment name is specified, a connection is established, and bind errors and warnings are generated for missing objects. If no DBEnvironment name is specified, no connection is made and no bind errors or warnings are generated.


identifies the DBEFileSet in which a module's static sections are to be stored. A DBEFileSetName specified in the preprocessor command line overrides any explicit specification in the IN DBEFileSetName clause of any ALTER TABLE, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE RULE, CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, DECLARE CURSOR, or PREPARE statement within the preprocessed application.


Deletes any module currently stored in the DBEnvironment by the ModuleName and OwnerName specified in the INFO string.


Is specified when the program being preprocessed already has a stored module and you want to preserve existing RUN authorities for that module. If not specified, PRESERVE is assumed. PRESERVE cannot be specified unless DROP is also specified.


Is specified when the program being preprocessed already has a stored module and you want to revoke existing RUN authorities for that module. REVOKE cannot be specified unless DROP is also specified.


Terminates preprocessing if any module currently exists in the DBEnvironment by the ModuleName and OwnerName specified in the INFO string. If not specified, NODROP is assumed.


Converts preprocessor generated bind warnings to errors.


Generates the default bind warnings. If neither NOWARN or WARN is specified, the default bind warnings are generated.


For C applications only; used to support threaded applications. When specified, the C preprocessor will not generate the #include "SQLVAR" at the beginning of SQLOUT. You must insert a #include "SQLVAR" wherever local variables are required to compile and utilize application threads successfully.


  • Unless you have specified the NOINSTALL option without specifying a DBEnvironment name, when the program being preprocessed already has a stored module, be sure to use the DROP option, or else an error will result. Also, be sure that no one is currently executing the module when you invoke the preprocessor. To avoid conflicts, do your preprocessing in single-user mode during off-hours.

  • Unless the NOINSTALL option is specified without specifying a DBEnvironment name, the preprocessor starts a DBE session in the DBEnvironment named in the preprocessor command by issuing a CONNECT TO 'DBEnvironmentName' statement. If the autostart flag is OFF, the DBE session can be initiated only after a START DBE statement has been processed (by means of ISQL or an embedded SQL program). Remember that if multiple, simultaneous users run a program, you should issue the START DBE statement only once.

  • If the DBEnvironment to be accessed is operating in single-user mode, preprocessing can occur only when another DBE session for the DBEnvironment does not exist.

  • When the preprocessor's DBE session begins, ALLBASE/SQL processes a BEGIN WORK statement. When preprocessing is completed, the preprocessor submits a COMMIT WORK statement, and any sections created are committed to the system catalog. If the preprocessor detects an error in SQLIN, it processes a ROLLBACK WORK statement before terminating, and no sections are stored in the DBEnvironment. Preprocessor warnings do not prevent sections from being stored.

  • Since any preprocessor DBE session initiates only one transaction, any log file space used by the session is not available for re-use until after the session terminates. You can issue a CHECKPOINT statement in ISQL before preprocessing to review the amount of available log space. Refer to the ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide for additional information on log space management, such as using the START DBE NEWLOG statement to increase the size of the log file.

  • During preprocessing, system catalog pages accessed for embedded statements are locked. In multiuser mode, other DBE sessions accessing the same objects may have to wait, so there is potential for a deadlock. You have several options to use to attempt to avoid a deadlock situation.

    • Minimize competing transactions when preprocessing an application.

    • Ask your DBA to specify the system tables that utilize row level locking. Refer to the ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide appendix, "Locks Held on the System Catalog," and to the section "Changing System Table Lock Types" for further information.

    • Use the INSTALL (DEBFileSetName) preprocessor parameter option to maximize transaction concurrency. This option specifies the DBEFileSet in which a module's static sections are to be stored.

  • For improved runtime performance, use the UPDATE STATISTICS statement in ISQL before preprocessing for each table accessed in a data manipulation statement when an index on that table has been added or dropped and when data in the table is often changed.

  • If you specify an OwnerName or ModuleName in a language other than NATIVE-3000 (ASCII), be sure that the language you are using is also the language of the DBEnvironment in which the module will be stored.

  • When you invoke the preprocessor with the FLAGGER option, your application must contain an ANSI mode compiler directive in order for the compiler to detect non-standard statements. The following table lists the appropriate directive for each language:

    Cccxl ... ;info='-Aa'
    Pascal$standard_level 'ANSI'$

  • If implicit updatability is specified (using the ANSI option), any column in a select list can be updated or deleted, so long as the FOR UPDATE clause has not been used in the SELECT statement definition. Refer to the later section, "Understanding Implicit Updatability."

  • If a DBEFileSet is specified and the module owner does not have authority to store sections in that DBEFileSet, a warning is given and any sections are stored in the default DBEFileSet instead.


To preprocess a program, you need DBA or CONNECT authority for the DBEnvironment specified in the preprocessor command line. You also need table and view authorities for the tables and views which the program will access at run time. To store sections in a specified DBEFileSet, the module owner must have SECTIONSPACE authority on the DBEFileSet.

DBEnvironment CONNECT authority can be explicitly granted. If you have DBECreator or DBA authority or module OWNER authority, you have CONNECT authority by default. SECTIONSPACE authority for other than the default DBEFileSet must be explicitly granted by a DBA. If you have DBA authority, you can issue the GRANT statement for any DBEFileSet.

Table authorities are implicitly specified at the time the table is created and depend on the table type (PRIVATE, PUBLICREAD, PUBLIC, or PUBLICROW). Once a table has been created, its implicit authorities can be changed by the table OWNER, the DBECreator, or another DBA. Table authorities are removed by using the REVOKE statement and are added by using the GRANT statement.

For example, for a PUBLIC or a PUBLICROW table, you are implicitly granted authority for any type of table access when the table is created. For a PUBLICREAD table, you must have explicitly granted authority for any table access except READ access which is an implicit grant. For a PRIVATE table, there are no implicit grants at table creation time; only the table OWNER or a DBA can access a PRIVATE table, unless specific authorities are granted to others.

Note, in the case of the sample database, PartsDBE, the creation script REVOKEs all implicit table authorities, and desired authorities must be explicitly granted.

NOTE: When preprocessing, you cannot name another user as module owner unless you are a DBA of the DBEnvironment or you are the current module owner.

Example of Full Preprocessing of a C Application




                                          WED, OCT 25, 1991,  1:38 PM

   HP36216-02A.E1.02             C Preprocessor/3000         ALLBASE/SQL 

   (C)COPYRIGHT HEWLETT-PACKARD CO.  1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,

   1989,1990,1991. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.





   HP32501A.07.20 EDIT/3000 FRI, OCT 27, 1991,  10:17 AM







   SQLIN                = CEX2.SOMEGRP.SOMEACCT

   DBEnvironment        = partsdbe

   Module Name          = CEX2




           =:PARTNUMBER ;

   ******  ALLBASE/SQL warnings (DBWARN 10602)

   ******  in SQL statement ending in line 133

   ***     User SomeUser@SomeAcct does not have SELECT authority on 


   (DBERR 2301)

     1 Sections stored in DBEnvironment.




DBEnvironment Access in Full Preprocessing Mode

When you invoke the preprocessor in full preprocessing mode, and specify an ALLBASE/SQL DBEnvironment, the preprocessor starts a DBE session for that DBEnvironment when preprocessing begins and terminates that session when preprocessing is completed.

: RUN PSQLC.PUB.SYS; INFO="DBEnvironment (MODULE (ModuleName))"

When the preprocessor terminates its DBEnvironment session, it issues a COMMIT WORK statement if it encountered no errors. Created sections are stored in the DBEnvironment and associated with the module name.

ALLBASE/SQL accesses the specified DBEnvironment during preprocessing, even if your application does not use SQL statements that store sections in this DBEnvironment. Therefore, unless you specify the -N option, you must specify the name of a valid DBEnvironment. Note that a DBEnvironment name is not required by other preprocessing modes.

Accessing Multiple DBEnvironments in Full Preprocessing Mode

In some cases an ALLBASE/SQL program is used with one or more DBEnvironments in addition to the DBEnvironment accessed at preprocessing time. In these cases, you can use ISQL to install the installable module created by the preprocessor into each additional DBEnvironment accessed by your program.

An alternative method of accessing more than one DBEnvironment from the same program would be to divide the program into separate compilable files. Each source file would access a DBEnvironment. In each file, start and terminate a DBE session for the DBEnvironment accessed. Then preprocess and compile each file separately. When you invoke the preprocessor, identify the DBEnvironment accessed by the source file being preprocessed. After a file is preprocessed, it must be compiled so that no linking is performed before the next source file is preprocessed. When all source files have been preprocessed and compiled, link them together to create an executable program.

For example, to preprocess several ALLBASE/SQL application programs in the same group and account and compile and link the programs later, you should do the following for each program:

  • Before running the preprocessor, equate SQLIN to the name of the file containing the application you want to preprocess:

       :FILE SQLIN = InFile
  • Run the preprocessor for each DBEnvironment and module, as in the following example in C:

       :RUN PSQLC.PUB.SYS;INFO="DBEnvironment1 (MODULE (ModuleName1))"
  • After running the preprocessor, save and rename the output files so that they will not be overwritten. For example:

    :RENAME SQLOUT, OutFile1
    :RENAME SQLVAR, VarFile1
  • When you are ready to compile the program, you must equate each output file name for a given DBEnvironment/module combination to its standard ALLBASE/SQL name, then issue the compile command, as in the following example:

    :FILE SQLOUT = OutFile1
    :FILE SQLVAR = VarFile1

  • After all applications have been complied, link their object files, as follows:


To preprocess a program, or to use an already preprocessed ALLBASE/SQL application program, you must satisfy the authorization requirements for each DBEnvironment accessed.

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