HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL COBOL Application Programming Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 13 Programming with ALLBASE/SQL Functions

Transaction Management with TID Access


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TID data access is fast, and it must be used with care. A great deal of flexibility of use is possible, and exactly how it should be used depends on your application programming needs.

The next sections look at performance, concurrency and data integrity issues involved in designing database transactions that use TID access. Although a possible usage scenario is given, you must decide how to combine the elements of transaction management to best suit your purposes. The following concepts are highlighted:

  • Comparing TID Access to Other Types of Data Access.

  • Insuring that the Optimizer Chooses TID Access.

  • Verifying Data that is Accessed by TID.

  • Stable versus Volatile Data.

  • Using Isolation Levels with the TID Function.

  • Considering Interactive User Applications.

  • Coding Strategies.

TID access requires an initial SELECT, BULK SELECT, FETCH or BULK FETCH to obtain TID values. You can then SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE data by TID.

Comparing TID Access to Other Types of Data Access

When using TID functionality, data access speed is always improved compared to the speed of other ALLBASE/SQL access methods, for the following reasons:

  • Index access must lock more pages (i.e. index pages).

  • Relation access locks more pages to find the TID of any qualifying row.

  • Hash access employs more search overhead.

Note that use of the TID function in a WHERE clause does not guarantee that TID access will be chosen by the optimizer. For example, the following statement would utilize TID access:

   DELETE FROM PurchDB.Parts 

          WHERE TID() = :PartsTID AND PartName = 'Winchester Drive' 

However, in the next statement TID access would not be used because it uses an OR:

   DELETE FROM PurchDB.Parts

          WHERE TID() = :PartsTID1 OR TID() = :PartsTID2 

See the "Expressions" chapter of the ALLBASE/SQL Reference Manual for a full explanation about using TID access.

Verifying Data that is Accessed by TID

It is important to note that a TID in ALLBASE/SQL is unique and is valid until its related data is deleted. You must take precautions to assure that the data you are selecting or changing exists when your statement executes. (Note that a TID can be reassigned after its data has been deleted.)

You can rely on the existence of a given TID, if you know its data won't be deleted. That is, you know the nature of the data is non-volatile. In this case, you can select the TID and update by TID with the assurance that data integrity will be maintained. An example might be a table that has been created as private. Another example might be a table that you know is currently being accessed only by your application. (You have begun the transaction with the RR isolation level, or you have used the LOCK TABLE command.)

By contrast, you may be dealing with data that changes frequently. In cases where you are using the CS, RC, or RU isolation levels, you must verify that your data has not changed between the time you select it and the time you update or delete it. A method is to end the transaction in which you selected the data, and begin an RR transaction in which you use a SELECT statement with the TID function in the WHERE clause. See the following section titled "Coding Strategies" for an example.

When you attempt to access a row for update or delete, the status checking procedure is the same as for a statement that does not contain the TID function. An application must check the sqlcode field of the sqlca for a value of 100.

Considering Interactive User Applications

Some transaction management basics that apply to TID functionality when used in interactive applications are listed below:

  • Be sure to avoid holding locks against the database within a transaction driven by interactive user input. This is sometimes termed "holding locks around terminal reads." It means that the speed at which the user enters required data determines the execution time of your transaction and thus the time span of transaction locks.

  • Does your transaction use the RR isolation level? If so, there is no need to verify your data prior to updating or deleting within the same transaction.

  • Does your transaction use the CS, RC, or RU isolation level? If so, in order to maintain data integrity, you must verify that the data has not changed before you attempt to update or delete it. By verifying the data in this way, you insure that it still exists and can determine whether or not it has changed from the time it was last presented to the user.

Coding Strategies

Suppose you are writing an application that will be executed by many simultaneous users in an online transaction processing environment. You want each user to be able to locate and update just a few rows in a table that is frequently accessed by many users.

The following scenario illustrates the use of two transactions with different isolation levels. Figure 13-3 uses the RC isolation level with a BULK SELECT statement to obtain data and the RR isolation level with a SELECT statement based on TID access to verify the data before it is updated.

Figure 13-3 Using RC and RR Transactions with BULK SELECT, SELECT, and UPDATE

   Define two arrays, one (OrdersArray) to hold the qualifying rows of the Orders

   table and another (NewOrdersArray) to hold the rows that the user wants to change.

   Be sure to define an element in each array to hold the TID value.

   Begin the transaction with RC isolation level.  This ensures maximum 

   concurrency for committed data.  Locks are released immediately following 

   data access.

   BEGIN WORK RC                        

   BULK SELECT TID(), OrderNumber, VendorNumber, OrderDate

               INTO   :OrdersArray, :StartIndex, :NumberOfRows;

               FROM   PurchDB.Orders

               WHERE  OrderNumber BETWEEN 30510 AND 30520


   Once all qualifying rows have been loaded into OrdersArray, end the 

   transaction.  Then loop through the array displaying the rows and accepting any 

   user entered changes in NewOrdersArray.  Include the appropriate TID

   values with each NewOrdersArray entry. 

   When all user changes have been entered, use a loop to compare the previously 

   fetched rows (in OrdersArray) with the same rows as they now exist in the 



   Begin your transaction with the RR isolation level.  No other transaction can

   access the locked data until this transaction ends, providing maximum data 


   BEGIN WORK RR                        

            For each entry in NewOrdersArray, do the following:


            SELECT TID(), * 

                   INTO   :TIDvalue, :OrderNumber, :VendorNumber, :OrderDate

                   FROM   PurchDB.Orders 

                   WHERE  TID() = :TIDHostVariable

            Verify the selected data against the corresponding data in OrdersArray.

            If the row is unchanged, update it using TID access.

            UPDATE PurchDB.Orders

                   SET   OrderNumber = :NewOrderNumber :NewOrderNumberInd,

                         VendorNumber = :NewVendorNumber :NewVendorNumberInd,

                         OrderDate = :NewOrderDate :NewOrderDateInd

                         WHERE TID() = :TIDHostVariable

            If the row has changed or has been deleted, inform the user and offer 

            appropriate options.


Reducing Commit Overhead for Multiple Updates with TID Access

Figure 13-4 shows how to reduce COMMIT overhead when performing multiple updates following a BULK FETCH. Two loops are used, each with its own cursor and own set of locks.

In the outer loop, a BULK FETCH is performed with a cursor to load an array. The transaction enveloping the outer loop uses an RC isolation level to allow maximum concurrency while the user is entering data at the terminal. The locks associated with the BULK FETCH cursor are released after each fetch.

The inner loop uses another cursor to FETCH a single row of data based on the TID value. Since an RC isolation is being used, the data must be refetched to prevent other transactions from modifying it. The data is verified, and an UPDATE is performed.

After the inner loop has finished updating the rows of data, a COMMIT WORK is issued to actually commit the updates to the data base and to release the exclusive locks held by the updates in the inner loop. This use of a single COMMIT WORK for the multiple updates in the inner loop reduces overhead.

Figure 13-4 Using TID Access to Reduce Commit Overhead

   Define two arrays, one (PartsArray) to hold the qualifying rows of the Parts

   table and another (NewPartsArray) to hold the rows that the user wants to

   change. Be sure to define an element in each array to hold the TID value.

   Declare the cursor (BulkCursor) used by the BULK FETCH   4   that 

   loads the PartsArray.


           SELECT TID(), PartNumber, PartName, SalesPrice

           FROM PurchDB.Parts

   Declare the cursor (TidCursor) used to UPDATE   11   an individual row based

   on the TID value.

   DECLARE TidCursor CURSOR FOR                                          1 

           SELECT PartName, SalesPrice

           FROM PurchDB.Parts

           WHERE TID() = :HostPartTid

           FOR UPDATE OF PartName, SalesPrice

   Begin the transaction with a RC isolation level.  This ensures maximum

   concurrency while assuring that only commited data is read.

   BEGIN WORK RC                                                         2 

   OPEN the cursor associated with the BULK FETCH   4  .  The KEEP CURSOR

   parameter maintains the cursor position across transactions until the

   CLOSE   6  statement.  The WITH NOLOCKS parameter releases all locks

   associated with the cursor when the COMMIT WORK   7   statement is executed. 


   The following COMMIT WORK   3   statement preserves the open cursor 

   position and automatically starts a new transaction with an RC isolation level.

   COMMIT WORK                                                           3 

   Loop until no more rows are fetched

      BULK FETCH BulkCursor INTO :PartsArray                             4 

      Display the rows in PartsArray and move any changes entered by the user

      to NewPartsArrray.  Include the appropriate TID value with each

      NewPartsArray entry.

      For each row in the NewPartsArray

         VerifyAndUpdate   8  

      End For

      The following COMMIT WORK   5   statement commits the updates   11   in

      VerifyAndUpdate and releases the locks held.

      COMMIT WORK                                                          5 

   End Loop

   CLOSE BulkCursor                                                        6 

   The final COMMIT WORK   7   statement ends the transaction started by the

   BEGIN WORK RC   2  .  Any locks still held are released.

   COMMIT WORK                                                             7 

   Begin the VerifyAndUpdate routine.                                          8 

      Assign to HostPartTid the TID value in NewPartsArray.


      OPEN TidCursor


      Using the cursor declared above   1   as TidCursor, perform a FETCH   9  

      and REFETCH   10   to verify the data.  The REFETCH   10   places a lock

       on the data page, to prevent another transaction from modifying the data.

      The lock is held until all the rows in the NewPartsArray have been updated

      and when the COMMIT WORK   5   is performed.


      FETCH TidCursor INTO :PartName, :SalesPrice                          9 

      REFETCH TidCursor INTO :PartName, :SalesPrice                        10 


      Verify the fetched data against the corresponding row in PartsArray.

      If the row is unchanged, update it using the TID cursor.


         UPDATE PurchDB.Parts                                              11 

                SET PartName   = :NewPartName,

                    SalesPrice = :NewSalesPrice

                WHERE CURRENT OF TidCursor


      If the row has changed or has been deleted, inform the user and offer   

      appropriate options.


      CLOSE TidCursor

   End the VerifyAndUpdate routine.
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