HPlogo MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 7 Command Definitions S-SO



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Displays specific variable names and their current values. (Native Mode)


SHOWVAR[ varid] [ ,varid] ... [ ,varid]
[job= jobID]
[;USER | HP | ANY]



The name of the variable for which the current value is to be displayed.


The job or session number who's variables are to be displayed. Example: #J123 or S4321. SM capability is required to see the variables from another job or session. Only user-defined variables are visible when "jobID" is specified. It is recommended to always specify the USER option when using JOB=. This adds clarity to scripts and job streams, and preserves their functionality should JOB= be enhanced to display predefined variables.


Selects only the user-defined variables matching each varid. USER is the default when varid is omitted. It is recommended to use USER in conjunction with JOB=, see the note above.


Selects only the predefined HP variables matching each varid.


Allows all variables matching varid to be seen. ANY is the default when one or more varids are supplied, as long as jobid is not specified>

Operation Notes

This command displays to $STDLIST the variables specified and their values. It displays information in the format :


Users with SM capability may display user-defined variables for another job or session by using the JOB= parameter. If jobid matches the job ID of the user execuiting the command no restrictions are placed. Plaese specify the USER option in scripts and jobs that use JOB=. This documents the intent, and allows these scripts and jobs to function the same if JOB= is later enhanced to show predefined and use user-defined variables.

Anyone can specify the USER, HP and ANY options. However, an error is reported if HP is used in conjunction with a jobid.

Table 7-2 Specified Variable-ID/Result

(omitted)All variables and values that the user has set.
@All variables.
A,B,CValues for variables A, B, and C.
B@All variables whose names begin with B.


You may use the wildcard characters @, #, ?, and [ ] to specify a set or range of variables or file names in many commands.


Specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters, or the underbar character (_). Used by itself, it specifies all possible combinations of such characters. Used with other characters it indicates all the possible names that include the specified characters (@ABC@ = all names that include ABC anywhere in the name).


Specifies one numeric character. A###@ = all names that begin with A followed by any three digits, followed by any combination of zero to three alphanumeric (or underbar) characters.


Specifies one alphanumeric character. A?# = all three-character names that begin with A, followed by an alphanumeric character, followed by a digit.

[ ]

Specifies a set or range of characters. The set may appear anywhere in the name. This range specification is not case sensitive and, therefore, [A-K] is the same as [a-k]. If you specify a null set such as [k-a], then MPE/iX gives you a warning that this specification is invalid.

@[abc]@# =

All names containing a, b, or c and ending in a single digit.

[a-k]@ =

All names that begin with any one of the letters a through k.

[n-a] =

Not valid in variables and would be flagged as an error.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.


To display two specific variables, enter:

  SHOWVAR firstvariable, secondvariable

To display all variables beginning with a single alphabetic character and ending with the characters axval, enter:

  SHOWVAR ?axval

To display all variables created by the user with the SETVAR, INPUT, or SETJCW command, or with the HPCIPUTVAR, PUTJCW, or SETJCW intrinsics, enter:


To display all variables created currently in the variable table, those created by the user and all predefined variables, enter:


To display all user-defined variables for session 32. Must have SM capability, enter:

SHOWVAR ;job=#s32

To display all user-defined variables matching s@ for job 23. Must have SM capability, enter:

SHOWVAR s@ ;job=J23 ;user

To display all user-defined variables beginning with the letter "H". Note: the predefined HP variables, like HPPATH, are not shown, enter:

SHOWVAR h@ ;user

To display all predefined variables containing "TIME" in their names. User created variables, like MYTIME, would not be seen, enter:

SHOWVAR @time@ ;hp

Related Information




Appendix A, "Predefined Variables in MPE/iX"

Using the HP 3000 Series 900: Advanced Skills

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