HPlogo Configuring and Managing MPE/iX Internet Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 8 DNS BIND/iX

How to Run The DNS Server


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  1. Configure and start Syslog/iX see Appendix E “Configure and Run Syslog/iX”

  2. Examine /BIND/PUB/etc/named.conf and customize for your own environment.

  3. Configure the zone data files referenced in your /BIND/PUB/etc/named.conf.

  4. Add your server's IP address as the first nameserver entry in /etc/resolv.conf for all MPE and HPUX hosts that you wish to use this server for resolution queries. On MPE hosts, make sure that /etc/resolv.cnf is actually a symlink pointing to the real data at RESLVCNF.NET.SYS.

  5. :stream JNAMED.PUB.BIND

  6. Stop BIND by issuing the command :ABORTJOB.

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