HPlogo Performing System Management Tasks: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 10 Planning Your Backup Strategy

Verifying Your Backup Media


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Use the VSTORE command to verify that your backup media is good and can be used in a recovery. This step can prevent the possible loss of data resulting from attempting to restore files on a tape that is damaged or defective.

The parameters for the VSTORE command are defined below:

ONERR=Specifies what to do if VSTORE encounters an error. To stop processing if it encounters an error, use ONERR=SKIP. To continue, use ONERR=SKIP.
SHOWSpecifies where to display the results of the VSTORE command. To display them on the console, use SHOW. To print the results, use SHOW=OFFLINE.
LOCALUse to verify files that were written to tape from a group and account other than the logon account of the verifier.
DIRECTORYUse to verify the file system directory.

To verify your tapes

To verify your backup tape set, do the following:

  1. Create a backreference by entering:

  2. Enter the VSTORE command to verify the copies of the files in the specified directory. For example, to select all files in all groups in all accounts and display the results on the console, enter:


To use the file equation issued by the system for your logon user name, use a semicolon as a place holder for the tape file reference. For example:


To print the results of VSTORE

To print the results of the VSTORE command, add the parameter SHOW=OFFLINE. For example, to select all files in all groups in all accounts and print the results, enter:

NOTE: Once you have created your backup tapes and are ready to restore them, you can use the new CHECKSLT command to check the tape and to estimate the amount of contiguous disk space required on LDEV 1 for the restore.
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