HPlogo Performing System Management Tasks: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 7 Using Threshold Manager

Configuring a Threshold


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You use three commands to configure thresholds on your system.

  • To add a threshold, use the ADDTHRESHOLD command

  • To delete a threshold, use the DELETETHRESHOLD command

  • To change the configuration of a threshold, use the MODIFYTHRESHOLD command

Before you change a threshold in any way, you may want to issue the SHOW command for the resource to see the current settings. For example, to display the state of the File_Extents resource, at the Thmgr: prompt enter:

   Thmgr: SHOW File_Extents

To add a threshold

Use the ADDTHRESHOLD command to add a maximum of two thresholds to a resource monitored by Threshold Manager. If this is the first time you are adding a threshold to a resource, you can also enter your choices for notification and control. (Later, if you need to change any of the parameters for the threshold, you can do so with the MODIFYTHRESHOLD command.)

You can issue the ADDTHRESHOLD command at the Thmgr: prompt or from a job. The syntax is:


RESOURCEOne of the list of valid resource names displayed when you issue the SHOW command.
THRESHOLDAn integer value that indicates the resource limit expressed as a percentage. For example, a value of 80 indicates that the threshold is set at 80% of capacity.
NOTIFYOne of two responses, YES, which enables notification (i.e., displays messages on the system console when this resource exceeds the threshold) or NO, which disables notification. The default is YES.
CONTROLOne of two responses, JOB_SESSION_CONTROL, which limits job and session logons if the threshold is crossed, and NULL_CONTROL, which does not limit job and session logons. The default is NULL_CONTROL.

For example, to add an 80% utilization level threshold to the locality_list_entries resource, enter:

   Thmgr:  ADDTHRESHOLD  Locality_List_Entries  80   YES 


In this example, the last two parameters, YES and JOB_SESSION_CONTROL indicate the type of resource control for Locality_List_Entries. If this resource exceeds 80% utilization, then:

  • a message will appear on the console (unless notifications have been disabled globally, in which case no threshold information appears on the console)

  • no new users or jobs will be able to log onto the system

The default for notification is YES; the default for control is NULL_CONTROL (which means that Threshold Manager does not prohibit new jobs and sessions when a threshold has been crossed). To add a new threshold that uses these defaults, it isn't necessary to specify the parameters. So, for example, to add a 60% utilization threshold to the CM_Ports resource, at the Thmgr: prompt enter:

   Thmgr: ADDTHRESHOLD CM_Ports 60

In this example, when the CM_Ports resource exceeds the 60% utilization level, the system displays a message to that effect but continues to permit job and session logons.

NOTE: Before you configure Threshold Manager, it is important to understand the effect on the system when the JOB_SESSION_CONTROL is associated with a threshold. When such a threshold is exceeded, no users can log onto the system. To quickly override this control, enter the DISABLEMANAGER (DM) command.

To delete a threshold

Use the DELETETHRESHOLD command to delete a threshold from a resource and to cancel all notification and control options associated with the resource.

You can enter the command at the Thmgr: prompt or from a job. The syntax is:

DELETETHRESHOLD (DT) [RESOURCE=] {ResourceName} [THRESHOLD=] {ThresholdValue}

RESOURCEOne of the list of valid resource names displayed when you issue the SHOW command.
THRESHOLDAn integer value that indicates the resource limit expressed as a percentage. For example, a value of 80 indicates that the threshold is set at 80% of capacity.

For example, to delete an 80% threshold from the Shared_Global_Space resource, enter:

  Thmgr: DELETETHRESHOLD Shared_Global_Space 80

To modify a threshold

Use the MODIFYTHRESHOLD command to modify any of the system resources controlled by Threshold Manager. You can change any or all of the following:

  • one of the threshold values for the resource

  • the control, so that Threshold Manager either does, or does not, permit new jobs and sessions to log on once the threshold is exceeded

  • the notification, so that Threshold Manager either displays or supresses notifications about the threshold.

You can enter the MODIFYTHRESHOLD command at the Thmgr: prompt or from a job. The syntax is:


RESOURCEOne of the list of valid resource names displayed when you issue the SHOW command.
OLDTHRESHOLDThe existing threshold for this resource, which is a percentage value expressed as an integer. This is a required parameter.
NEWTHRESHOLDThe new threshold for this resource, which is a percentage value expressed as an integer. If you do not want to modify the threshold, but want to modify control or notification, enter positional commas for this parameter.
NOTIFYOne of two responses, YES, which enables notification (i.e., displays messages on the system console when this resource exceeds the threshold) or NO, which disables notification. The default is YES.
CONTROLOne of two responses, JOB_SESSION_CONTROL, which limits job and session logons if the threshold is crossed, and NULL_CONTROL, which does not limit job and session logons. The default is NULL_CONTROL.

For example, to change the utilization threshold for the File_Descriptors resource from the 80% to the 85% level, enter:

   Thmgr: MODIFYTHRESHOLD  File_Descriptors 80 85

Or, for example, to change the control for the Virtual_Storage resource from off to on, enter:

   Thmgr: MODIFYTHRESHOLD Virtual_Storage 80 80 ,, 


Since all parameters are positional, you can choose how to enter multiple parameters for a Threshold Manager command. For example, to change notification for the Virtual_Space_Cache resource from off to on, you can specify each parameter explicitly (including those values you are not changing) by entering:

   Thmgr: MODIFYTHRESHOLD  Virtual_Space_Cache 80 80 YES 


Or, you can use commas for the parameters that you are not going to modify, and enter this instead:

   Thmgr: MT Virtual_Space_Cache  80 ,, YES
NOTE: Before you configure Threshold Manager, it is important to understand the effect on the system when the JOB_SESSION_CONTROL is associated with a threshold. When such a threshold is exceeded, no users can log onto the system. To quickly override this control, enter the DISABLEMANAGER (DM) command.
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