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Using Threshold Manager Commands


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This section introduces you to Threshold Manager commands and teaches you how to get helpful information about them. You also learn how to review the command line history stack and to reissue a command you have previously entered, either as is or with modifications.

Overview of Threshold Manager commands

The Threshold Manager commands have the following major functions:

  • to control the Threshold Manager tool

  • to control monitoring of system resources

  • to set threshold configuration

When you enter a command at the Thmgr: prompt, Threshold Manager validates it, posts it directly to the configuration file, and sends the command to the Threshold Manager process if it is active. If it is not active, the command is saved in the configuration file until you enable Threshold Manager, at which point it is sent to the process.

NOTE: All threshold commands are case-insensitive. All parameters are positional.

The table on the next page briefly explains the commands you can execute at the Threshold Manager prompt. You can enter the full command (for example, EXIT) or use the short version shown in parentheses following the command name (for example, E in place of EXIT).

Table 7-1 Threshold Manager Commands

ADDTHRESHOLD (AT)Adds a threshold to one of the resources.
DELETETHRESHOLD (DT)Deletes a threshold from a resource.
DISABLEMANAGER (DM)Turns off (disables) Threshold Manager.
DISABLENOTIFY (DN)Suppresses messages at the global level.
DISABLERESOURCE (DR)Tells Threshold Manager to ignore a resource and its associated threshold values.
DISPLAY (DP)Shows the current usage of each resource and the associated threshold values in a graphic mode.
DOAllows user to re-execute any command still retained in the command line history stack.
ENABLEMANAGER (EM)Turns on (enables) Threshold Manager.
ENABLENOTIFY (EN)Allows (enables) all notification messages to be sent to the system console.
ENABLERESOURCE (ER)Activates the monitoring of a resource.
EXIT (E)Takes you back to the MPE/iX prompt.
HELP (H)Provides on-line help about each command.
LISTREDODisplays the contents of the command line history stack.
MODIFYINTERVAL (MI)Changes the time interval between each operation cycle.
MODIFYTHRESHOLD (MT)Allows changes on a threshold value, a control or notification associated with a resource.
REDOAllows the user to edit and reexecute any command still retained in the command line history stack.
RESET (RS)Changes all threshold values to the initial configuration as delivered with the product.
SHOW (SH)Displays the configuration file or the configuration for an individual resource.
USEExecutes a specified file until EOF.


To use online help

You can display helpful information about any of the Threshold Manager commands on the screen. To do so, enter the HELP command at the Thmgr: prompt in one of two ways:

  • To get help for a specific command, type HELP and then the command name. For example, to display a description, the syntax, and examples of the ADDTHRESHOLD command, enter:

  • To see a list of all the Threshold Manager commands with a brief description of each one, simply enter HELP or H.

To reissue a command using DO

Use the DO command to edit and reissue a command held in the command line history stack. This command functions like the MPE/iX commands of the same name.

You use the DO and REDO commands for the same purpose. The difference between them is that REDO allows interactive editing of the command whereas DO requires that you enter the changes to the command once, as the parameter editstring.

The syntax is shown below:

DO [CMD=cmdid] [;EDIT=editstring]

cmdidThe command to re-execute. You may specify the command by its relative or absolute order in the command line history stack, or by name (as a string) in whole or in part. The default is -1, the most recent command. Threshold Manager detects an error if cmdid does not exist in the command line history stack.
editstringThe editing you want performed on cmdid before Threshold Manager reissues it. If you specify editstring, it must appear, character forcharacter, and space for space, exactly as it would if you were using the REDO command in interactive mode. If you omit editstring, Threshold Manager re-executes the command immediately, with no changes.

You must surround cmdid and editstring by quotation marks (either " or ') if they contain any delimiters such as ; " ' [, ], =, or a space.

To reissue a command using REDO

Use the REDO command to edit and reissue a command held in the command line history stack. This command functions like the MPE/iX command of the same name.

You use the DO and REDO commands for the same purpose. The difference between them is that REDO allows interactive editing of the command that you want to reissue and DO does not.

The syntax is:

REDO [ [CMD=]cmdid] [ [;EDIT=]editstring]

cmdidThe command to execute. You may specify the command by its relative or absolute order in the stack, or by name (as a string). The default is -1, the most recent command.

A string specifying the first of one or more editing changes to cmdid before the system displays it on your terminal. You must surround the edit string by quotation marks (" ") if it contains any scanner/parser delimiters such as: , ; " ' [ ] or = or spaces.

After the edited command is displayed, you may continue to make further changes. When it looks the way you want, enter Return to execute the command.

If you omit editstring, you can edit the command line interactively and then reissue the command.

For example, to edit the most recent command beginning with the string “PAS”, you enter REDO MOD. Or, to edit the second-to-last command on the stack (one command before the most recent), you enter REDO -2.

To review the command line history stack

Use the LISTREDO command to display the contents of the command line history stack along with an index to each command. By default, the display order is from the earliest command to the most recent command. This command functions like the MPE/iX command of the same name.

You can issue this command at the Thmgr: prompt or from a job. The syntax is:

LISTREDO [START=m] [;END=n] [;OUT=outfile] [ ;{[ABS] [REL] [UNN]} ]

START or ENDSpecifies the range of commands to be displayed.
OUTSends the listing to a disk file named outfile instead of to a terminal. New disk files are created TEMP. File equations are ignored, unless outfile is preceded by an asterisk (*). You must use a file equation to overwrite a permanent file.
ABSDisplays the commands in their absolute order (the order in which they were entered). ABS is the default.
RELDisplays the commands in their relative sequence (from -m to -1), where -1 denotes the most recent command in the stack.
UNNSuppresses numbering of the commands during display.

For example, if there are three commands in the history stack and the third command is LISTREDO, you will see:




To execute a file from Threshold Manager

Use the USE command to execute each line of a specified file until it reaches the end (EOF). The syntax is:

USE {FileName}

You must specify FileName, which can be the name of any valid file that you want to execute and to which you have READ access. For example, to execute a file named myfile, enter:

   Thmgr:USE myfile
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