HPlogo Performing System Management Tasks: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 1 Starting the System

Using Initial System Loader (ISL) Commands


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You use Initial System Loader (ISL) commands to display or change boot path information or to initiate the ISL utilities. The commands are listed and briefly explained in the following table. To issue one of them, enter the command at the ISL prompt (ISL>).

HELP or HE or ?Lists ISL commands and definitions, along with the ISL utilities available through the selected boot media.
LISTF or LSLists the ISL utilities available through the selected boot media.
AUTOBOOTSets or clears the autoboot flag in stable storage. (Stable storage is memory that retains its information until overwritten or subjected to a power loss.)
AUTOSEARCHSets or clears the autosearch flag in stable storage.
PRIMPATHModifies the primary boot path in stable storage.
ALTPATHModifies the alternate boot path in stable storage.
CONSPATHModifies the system console boot path in stable storage.
DISPLAY or DIDisplays the current paths in stable storage for the primary, alternate, and the console boot paths. DISPLAY also shows the status of the autoboot and autosearch flags.
LISTAUTOFL or LSAUTOFLLists the contents of the current AUTOBOOT file.
FASTSIZESets or displays FASTSIZE.
SUPPORTBoots the support tape from the boot device.
READNVMDisplays the contents of one word (four bytes) of nonvolatile memory (NVM). (NVM is memory that retains its information, in standard hexadecimal format, until overwritten.) Specify the word address in either decimal or hexadecimal.
READSSDisplays the contents of one word (four bytes) of stable storage. Specify the word address in either decimal or hexadecimal. The display is in standard hexadecimal format.

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