HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 7 System Debug Window Commands



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Window lines. Sets the number of lines in a window.


   RL   [numlines]                     CM registers           

   GRL  [numlines]                     NM general registers   

   SRL  [numlines]                     NM special registers   

   PL   [numlines]                     Program, current mode  

   CMPL [numlines]                     CM program             

   NMPL [numlines]                     NM program             

   QL   [numlines]                     CM frame,  Q relative  

   SL   [numlines]                     CM stack,  S relative  

   GL   [numlines]                     Group window           

   UL   [numlines] [win_number]          User window        

   VL   [numlines] [win_number]          Virtual window     

   ZL   [numlines]                     Real memory window     

   LL   [numlines]                     LDEV window            

   TXL  [numlines] [win_number]          Text window        



Set the window size to this number of lines. If no value is given, the default is the initial size for the specified window.


The window number for a specific user window (U), text window (TX), or virtual window (V). If win_number is omitted, then the current window is used. The current user window is marked by an asterisk, and the current virtual and text windows are marked in inverse video.


   %cmdebug > pl 7

Set the (current mode) program window to 7 lines.

   %cmdebug > gl 0; vl 5

Turn off the group window and set the current virtual window to 5 lines.

Limitations, Restrictions


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