HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 6 System Debug Windows

R - The CM Register Window


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The CM register window displays the current values of the compatibility mode registers.

R % Regs   DB=001000  DBDST=000160  X=000132 STATUS=(mITroc CCG% 301)  PIN=061

SDST=000160  DL=177650     Q=000704     S=000710      CMPC=PROG 000000.001667

 CIR=170005  MAPFLAG=1     MAPDST=000000

window banner line

  • R % Regs - Abbreviation for the window, the current output display radix, and the name for the window.

  • DB, DBDST - The current DB word offset (CM stack base relative) and DBDST data segment number. If DBDST is different from SDST (the stack data segment number), then DB and DBDST are displayed in half-inverse, indicating "split-stack mode."

  • X - The current index register.

  • STATUS - The current status register. (Refer to the conventions pages for a description of the format of this value.)

  • PIN - The process identification number (PIN) for the current process.

window body line(s)

  • SDST - The CM stack data segment number.

  • DL - The DB relative value of DL.

  • Q - The current Q value (stack frame), expressed in CM words, relative to DB.

  • S - The current S value (TOS), expressed in CM words, relative to DB.

  • CMPC - The current CM program location, expressed as a logical code address. This includes the library (PROG, GRP, PUB, LGRP, LPUB, SYS), logical segment number, and program counter in CM words, relative to the base of the current code segment.

  • CIR - The current instruction register.

  • MAPFLAG - If 0, the current CM segment is logically mapped. If 1, the current CM segment is physically mapped. This is used for CM CST expansion.

  • MAPDST - The mapping DST number for CM CST expansion.

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