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Displays information about the files which were used to build the operating system SOM portion of the NL.PUB.SYS for MPE XL.


   MPEXL  [fileset]  [optionstring]  [outputfile]

During the build and integration process for MPE XL, valuable submittal build line version numbers, date and time, submittal number, source control version numbers, and user-defined keywords are maintained for every single file which is used to construct the MPE XL operating system SOM portion of NL.PUB.SYS. This information is compressed into a compact table and inserted into the library when it is linked.

The MPEXL command can be used to extract this stored information and display the data in a readable format. Since this command is supported in all debugger products, it is possible to inspect the current system (DEBUG), a dumped system (DAT), and a dead system (SAT).

By default, the information line for a specified file is displayed as follows:

   DHEADNM.HPESTD  A.35.26  19890126:1325  M03678 R4.2.1.4 'integration NewHasH'

The names and formats of each file are as follows:

File     Group      VUF         Date       MSN         Rev           User

FFFFFFFF.GGGGGGGG  V.UU.FF  YYYYMMDD:HHMM  Mnnnnn  R[n[.n[.n]]]  'user keywords'

All field lengths and formats are fixed, except for the source control Rev number and any User keywords which may be defined within the file. These two fields are of variable length.

By default, an information line for each file is displayed on the terminal. Special options are supported which allow the user to enable or disable the display of individual fields within the line. Additional options can be used as filters. For example, you can request to see only those files which are integrated into a particular build line, which were submitted after a certain date, and which contain a specified user keyword.

Output can be directed to a file instead of to the terminal. You can use the output files as input data for other existing tools, such as awk, sort, grep, MPE SORT. Use the backslash delimiter (\) as a field separator, as shown in the following example:

   TDEBUG \CMDEBUG \A.35.21\19890202:0925\MO3724\R4.24\'DaT BuG SaT'\



Specifies the set of files to be listed. The default, @.@, produces a listing of all files used to build the operating system SOM portion of NL.PUB.SYS. You can select the file(s) to be listed by using the fully or partially qualified form for fileset:


You can use wildcards. Each of the wildcard characters counts toward the eight-character limit for the file and group names.


Use the wildcard symbol "#" to specify a single numeric character.


Use the wildcard symbol "?" to specify a single alphanumeric character.


Use the wildcard symbol "@" to specify zero or more alphanumeric characters. By itself, "@" represents all the members of a set.


You can specify a string of options. Two different types of options (field display and field ilter) are supported, and you can specify either or both in a single option string. You can enter the option string as a string literal (surrounded by single or double quotes), or as a string variable or expression. The following is an example of an optionstring:

   "+FGVMR m>1246 m<=4672 u='NewHash'"

Field Display Options: The display of each individual field can be selectively enabled or disabled. By default, all fields are displayed; however, on the terminal, some data may not show up on the screen. Terminal lines are automatically truncated to the current value of the environment variable ENV TERM_WIDTH, which defaults to 79 characters.

Fields are specified by the first letter of the field name:

F File

file name

G Group

group name


V.UU.FF of submittal build line

D Date

date when last submitted


master submittal number

R Rev

revision number (source control)

U User

user-defined keywords within the file

Two different forms of field display selection are supported, but only one form can be used at a time within the option string; they cannot be mixed. The two different forms are:


the minus sign, followed immediately by any number of field name letters, will disable the display of the specified fields. The letters are conceptually subtracted from the default set which displays all fields.


the plus sign, followed immediately by any number of field name letters, will enable the display of the specified fields. The fields are conceptually added to the empty set of fields. Therefore, only the specified fields following the plus signs will be displayed.

For example, the two following option strings are valid and equivalent:


disables Date and User.


enables File, Group, Ver, Msn, and Rev.

Field Filter Options: The fileset parameter supports filtering based on file name. The field filter options allow additional filtering, based on the values of individual fields.

The form of a filter option is:


The field letter must be followed immediately by the relational operator, which must be followed immediately by the value. The field value must be entered in the supported format, which is the same as the way it is displayed.

The following table lists the field abbreviation letter, supported relational operators for that field, and the supported field value formats:

FieldRelational Op.Value (Supported Format)
U[i]  =  <>word
U[i]  =  <>"string of chars"
Where: i=Ignore Case

The following is an example of a valid field filter option:


Ranges of values can be defined by using two separate conditions for the same field. For example, the following example limits the MSN value to the range 100≤M≤1999. The two separate conditions are ANDed together.

   "m>=1000 M<=1999"

Filtering based on user-defined keywords is slightly different. The equal sign "=" is used to match a user keyword value. The value can be an unquoted single word (terminated by the next blank or comma), or a quoted string of characters. In both cases, if the specified keyword pattern is found anywhere within the keyword string(s) defined with the file, then comparison succeeds.

By default, keyword matching is case sensitive, unless the Ui (ignore case) form is explicitly used.

When more than one user keyword filter option is specified, they are effectively ORed together.

The following is a valid option string which contains multiple user keywords.

   "D<19890100 u=VSM ui=NewHash ui='new hash'"

This would match VSM, newhash, New Hashing, or NEW Hashed; it would not match vsm or NEW FMT.


When the optional outputfile filename is specified, information lines are written into the file, and not to the terminal.

The output file will be built with fixed-length, ASCII records (NOCCTL). The file record length is automatically set to a length larger than the longest line. This guarantees that no data will be lost.

If the file already exists, an error message is printed. The file must be explicitly deleted by the user using PURGE.

The product SAT does not support this parameter since it is not possible to create files in SAT.


   $nmdebug  > mpex 1

   DPDA    .ACTIVITY  0.00.00  19870817:1917  M00000 R ''

   EACTIV  .ACTIVITY  0.00.00  19870817:1917  M00000 R ''

   OACTIV  .ACTIVITY  1.34.12  19881014:1500  M02933 R ''

   PACTIV  .ACTIVITY  0.00.00  19870817:1917  M00000 R ''

   DAFIFUNC.AFIDAM    A.41.00  19890317:1912  M04190 R ''

   DDAMMSGS.AFIDAM    1.34.04  19880831:1308  M02464 R ''

   OAFIMGR .AFIDAM    A.41.00  19890317:1912  M04190 R ''

   TDAMTABL.AFIDAM    A.41.00  19890317:1912  M04190 R ''

   XABORTPF.AFIDAM    1.34.04  19880831:1308  M02464 R ''

   XAFIMGR .AFIDAM    1.34.04  19890317:1912  M02855 R ''

   XAFITERM.AFIDAM    1.34.04  19880831:1308  M02464 R ''

   XCONXFIG.AFIDAM    1.34.04  19880831:1308  M02464 R ''

   XDAMDATE.AFIDAM    A.41.00  19890317:1912  M04190 R ''

   XDIAGLOG.AFIDAM    1.34.04  19880831:1308  M02464 R ''

   XDMAREQS.AFIDAM    A.41.00  19890317:1912  M04190 R ''

   XEVENT  .AFIDAM    1.34.04  19880831:1308  M02464 R ''

   XLKDIAGS.AFIDAM    1.34.04  19880831:1308  M02464 R ''

   XMSGRJCT.AFIDAM    1.34.04  19880831:1308  M02464 R ''

   DAHLDATA.AHOSTDM   0.00.00  19871016:2141  M00000 R ''

   DALHERRS.AHOSTDM   A.02.00  19880126:1605  M01269 R ''

   OAHOSTDM.AHOSTDM   A.02.00  19880126:1605  M01269 R ''

   TALHMSGS.AHOSTDM   0.00.00  19871016:2141  M00000 R ''

   TALHPORT.AHOSTDM   A.02.00  19800126:1605  M01269 R ''

   TALHPROC.AHOSTDM   0.00.00  19871016:2141  M00000 R ''

   TALHREQ .AHOSTDM   0.00.00  19871016:2141  M00000 R ''

   TINTRO  .AHOSTDM   X.3B.02  19871211:2058  M00773 R ''

   XABEVENT.AHOSTDM   X.3B.02  19871211:2058  M00773 R ''

   XABORT  .AHOSTDM   X.3B.02  19871211:2058  M00773 R ''

   XALHMAIN.AHOSTDM   0.00.00  19871016:2141  M00000 R ''

   XBADMSG .AHOSTDM   0.00.00  19871016:2141  M00000 R ''

   control-y encountered

By default, information is displayed for all files (@.@). Use CTRLY to interrupt the display to the terminal.

In the following example, information for all files (@.@) is written into the file "versions". This file includes the backslash delimiter between each field and is suitable as input for AWK:

   $nmdebug > mpexl @.@,,versions

In the following example, information will be displayed for all files which begin with the letter T in the group AHOSTDM.

   $nmdebug . mpexl t@.ahostdm

   TALHMSGS.AHOSTDM   0.00.00  19871016:2141  M00000 R ''

   TALHPORT.AHOSTDM   A.02.00  10990126:1605  M01269 R ''

   TALHPROC.AHOSTDM   0.00.00  19871016:2141  M00000 R ''

   TALHREQ .AHOSTDM   0.00.00  19871016:2141  M00000 R ''

   TINTRO  .AHOSTDM   X.3B.02  19871211:2058  M00773 R ''

In the following example, information is displayed for all X-files in the group AFIDAM. The option string disables the display of the Version, Rev, and User keyword fields. The remaining enabled fields (File, Group, Date, and MSN) are displayed.

   $nmdebug > mpexl x@.afidam '-vru'

   XABORTPF.AFIDAM   19880831:1308  M02464

   XAFIMGR .AFIDAM   19890317:1912  M02855

   XAFITERM.AFIDAM   19880831:1308  M02464

   XCONXFIG.AFIDAM   19880831:1308  M02464

   XDAMDATE.AFIDAM   19890317:1912  M04190

   XDIAGLOG.AFIDAM   19880831:1308  M02464

   XDMAREQS.AFIDAM   19890317:1912  M04190

   XEVENT  .AFIDAM   19880831:1308  M02464

   XLKDIAGS.AFIDAM   19880831:1308  M02464

   XMSGRJCT.AFIDAM   19880831:1308  M02464

Three examples follow. The first two examples display all of the files whose Master Submittal Number equals M4129 or M4295. The third example does not display anything, since MSN filters are ANDed, and no file can have both MSN 4129 and MSN 4295.

   $nmdebug > mpexl ,'m=4129';

   EFEQINFO.FSMPEII   A.41.00  19890323:1640 M04129 R ''

   XFEQINFO.FSMPEII   A.41.00  19890323:1640 M04129 R ''

   $nmdebug > mpexl @,'m=4295'

   TCIOPORT.CIOCAM   A.41.02   19890331:1650 M04295 R ''

   XRELEASE.CIOCAM   A.41.02   19890331:1650 M04295 R ''

   XTIMER  .CIOCAM   A.41.02   19890331:1650 M04295 R ''

   $nmdebug > mpexl @,'m=4129 m=4295'

The following example displays all files in the group NLIO whose master submittal numbers fall in the range 4320 to 4330, inclusive (4320 ≤ M ≤ 4330):

   $nmdebug > mepxl @.nlio 'm>=4320 m<=4330'

   OUTIL   .NLIO   A.42.02  19890404:1833 M04322 R ''

The following displays all X-files which were submitted on March 3. 1989.

   $nmdebug > mpexl x@,'d=19890331'

   XRELEASE.CIOCAM   A.41.02  19890331:1650 M04295 R ''

   XTIMER  .CIOCAM   A.41.02  19890331:1650 M04295 R ''

The following displays the filename, gorup name, build version and submittal date for all files which were submitted after April 1, 1989.

   $nmdebug > mpexl ,"+fgvd d>=19890401"

   AVER    .ASMVER  A.41.10  19890502:1906

   HGRPTBL .ASMVER  A.41.00  19890404:1922

   HVER    .ASMVER  A.41.00  19890404:1922

   HVERFILE.ASMVER  A.41.00  19890404:2041

   DBUILDID.MAIN    A.41.10  19890428:1238

   HBUILDID.MAIN    A.41.10  19890428:1238

   OUTIL   .NLIO    A.41.02  19890404:1833

   IODFAULT.SYSG    A.41.02  19890404:1812

The following displays all files in the group VSM which were accepted into submittal build line A.41.00.

   $nmdebug > mpexl @.vsm 'v=A.41.00'

   FVSM    .VSM      A.41.00  19890317:1813 M04018  1.4 ''

   XBTINS  .VSM      A.41.00  19890317:1808 M04017 R1.4 ''

   XBTSCH  .VSM      A.41.00  19890317:1813 M04018 R1.4 ''

   XVDEBUG .VSM      A.41.00  19890317:1813 M04018 R1.4 ''

   XVUTIL  .VSM      A.41.00  19890317:1921 M04187 R1.1.1.1 ''

The following displays all files which meet all the following critera:

  • they are in the group VSM

  • they were accepted into submittal build line A.41.00

  • their source control revision is not equal to 1.4.

   $nmdebug >  mpexl @.vsm 'v=A.41.00 r<>1.4'

   XVUTIL  .VSM      A.41.00  19890317:1921 M04187 R1.1.1.1 ''

The following displays the filename, date, and buld line version for all X-files which were acepted into build A.41.00 or later, submitted after March 1, 1989.

   $nmdebug > mpexl x@.vsm '+fdv d>19890301 v>=A.41.00'

   XBTINS     A.41.00  19890317:1808

   XBTSCH     A.41.00  19890317:1813 

   XVDEBUG    A.41.00  19890317:1813 

   XVUTIL     A.41.00  19890317:1921 

The following displays all files which were accepted into submittal build line A.42.01 after the date March 28, 1989.

   $nmdebug > mpexl ,'v=a.41.02 d>19890328'

   TCIOPORT.CIOCAM   A.41.02   19890331:1650 M04295 R ''

   XRELEASE.CIOCAM   A.41.02   19890331:1650 M04295 R 'MP'

   XTIMER  .CIOCAM   A.41.02   19890331:1650 M04295 R 'MP'

   OUTIL   .NLIO     A.41.02   19890404:1833 MO4322 R ''

   OPMEACC .SAT      A.41.02   19890331:1742 MO4306 R5.3 'MP SaT'

   IODFAULT.SYSG     A.41.02   19890404:1812 M04314 R ''

   OSYS1   .SYSTEM   A.41.02   19890331:1658 M04289 R ''

   TSYS    .SYSTEM   A.41.02   19890331:1658 M04289 R ''

The following displays all files which were accepted into submittal build line A.42.01 after the date March 28, 1989. In addition, the files must contain either the user keyword "sat" (ignoring case) or the user keyword "MP" (case sensitive).

   $nmdebug > mpexl ,"v=a.41.02 d>19890328 ui='sat' u=MP" 

   XRELEASE.CIOCAM   A.41.02   19890331:1650 M04295 R 'MP'

   XTIMER  .CIOCAM   A.41.02   19890331:1650 M04295 R 'MP'

   OPMEACC .SAT      A.41.02   19890331:1742 MO4306 R5.3 'MP SaT'

The following displays all files in the group SAT whose source control revision number is greater than 5.1.

   $nmdebug > mpexl @.sat 'r>5.1'

   ONMMPEXL.SAT    A.41.00  19890327:1500 M04260 R5.2 'BuG DaT SaT'

   OPMEACC .SAT    A.41.02  19890331:1742 M04306 R5.3 'SaT'

The following lists all C-files which were accepted after March 1, 1989, and which contain the user keyword "SaT" (case sensitive).

   $nmdebug > mpexl c@ 'd>19890301 u=SaT'

   CCMUTLC  .CCDAT    A.41.00  19890323:1519 M04043 R5.1 'BuG DaT SaT'

   CCMUTLC  .CCSAT    A.41.00  19890323:1522 M04044 R5.1 'BuG DaT SaT'

The following displays the file name, group name, revision number, and the user keyword(s) for the file AVER.ASMVER. Note that the closing single quote is not displayed. This indicates that some user keyword information has been truncated.

   $nmdebug > mpexl aver.asmver '+fgru'

   AVER  .ASMVER  R1.1 'BuildID_Built A.41.10 Date_Built TUE MAY 2 1989 7.06 PM
CAUTION: The output format of all DAT/DEBUG commands is subject to change without notice. Programs which are developed to postprocess DAT/DEBUG output should not depend on the exact format (spacing, alignment, number of lines, upper or lower case, or spelling) of any DAT/DEBUG command ouput.

Limitations Restrictions

Several (non-restrictive) limits are defined for the field filter options:

  • The total number of all field filter options for the fields Date, VUG, MSN, and Rev must be eight or less. This limit allows a pair of filters (such as a range) to be defined for each field.

  • Impossible non-overlapping ranges can be requested without warning or error. No lines will match if mutually exclusive conditions are defined for the same field. For example, the range "M<=100 M>=200" is impossible. You should use two separate command invocations if you want to display all lines that are less than 100 and all lines that are greater than 200.

  • The total number of all USER field filter options is limited to eight.

  • In field filter options, the DATE values are forced into the format YYYYMMDD[:HHMM], but the individual values are not checked for validity. For example, the filter "D>19890235" is accepted as input, even though the DD portion has an impossible day of the month, 35, and no matches will ever be found.

  • In field filter options, the REV and USER values are limited to a maximum of 32 characters.

  • The total length of the optionstring is limited to 256 characters.

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