HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 System Debug Interface Commands and Intrinsics

STACKDUMP' Intrinsic


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Writes a full stack trace to a previously opened file.

Callable from: CM


   STACKDUMP' (filename, idnumber, flags, selec);



Byte array (required)

The first byte of this array contains the file number of a previously opened file. The file is used as the output file. The file must have a record length between 32 and 256 CM words, and write access must be allowed for the file.


16-bit integer (required)

If the intrinsic fails due to a file system error, the file system specific error number of the failure is returned here. Any value passed into the intrinsic through this parameter is ignored.


16-bit unsigned integer (optional)

This parameter is provided for compatibility with MPE V. If it is present in the intrinsic call, it is ignored and has no effect.


32-bit integer array by reference (optional)

This parameter is provided for compatibility with MPE V. If it is present in the intrinsic call, it is ignored and has no effect.


The STACKDUMP' intrinsic writes a full dual stack trace to a previously opened file. The file number of this file is passed to the intrinsic in the first byte of the filename parameter.

This intrinsic exists only in the compatibility mode library SL.PUB.SYS. No native mode to compatibility mode switch stub is provided.

Condition Codes


Request granted.


Request denied. One of two possible problems causes this condition code. First, an invalid address for the location of the filename parameter was detected. Second, the file record size was not between 32 and 256 CM words.


Request denied. User does not have access to the file number passed in the filename parameter.


The following example is a code fragment from a Pascal/V program. It is a procedure which is passed the file number of an already opened file. The procedure then uses the STACKDUMP' intrinsic to have a stack trace printed to the specified file number. Note the use of the Pascal $ALIAS$ directive in declaring the intrinsic.

PROCEDURE dump_stack_to_fnum(fnum : shortint);

   TYPE  bit8 = 0..255;

         kludge_record = RECORD

            CASE integer OF

               0 : (byte_1 : bit8;

                    byte_2 : bit8);

               1 : (pac     : packed array[1..2] OF char);


   VAR   kludge_var : kludge_record;

   procedure STACKDUMP_PRIME $alias 'stackdump'''$; intrinsic;


      kludge_var.byte_1 := fnum;        { This assumes that the value of FNUM }

                                        { is no bigger than 8 bits.  This is  }

                                        { a valid assumption.                 }

      stackdump_prime(kludge_var.pac);  { Call STACKDUMP' to produce the      }

                                        { stack trace.                        }

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