HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual > Chapter 4 Command Definitions



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NM and CM callable.

Changes length of a USL file by creating a USL file with the increment length longer or shorter than the USL file specified by uslfnum. The old USL file is copied to the new file with the same file name; the old USL file is then deleted.

NOTE: A USL contains CM object code and is meaningful only in the CM program development process.


     I16                I16V     I16V


Functional Return


16-bit signed integer (optional)

Returns the new file number. If an error occurs (condition code returns CCL (1)), an error number is returned. The condition code must be tested immediately upon return from this intrinsic. If an error number is used instead of a file number in the uslfnum parameter, unpredictable results occur. Following are the possible error numbers and their meanings:

0File specified by uslfnum was empty, an unexpected end-of-file was encountered when reading the old USL file, or an unexpected end-of-file was encountered when writing the new uslfnum
1Unexpected I/O error occurred; can occur on the old USL file, or the new uslfnum where the information is being copied to
7Unable to open the new USL file
8Unable to close (purge) the old USL file
9Unable to close (save) the new USL file
10Unable to close $NEWPASS
11Unable to open $OLDPASS



16-bit signed integer by value (required)

Passes the file number of the file.


16-bit signed integer by value (required)

Passes the number of records the length of the USL file is to be changed:

  • If a positive value, the new USL file is longer than the old USL.

  • If a negative value, the new USL file is shorter than the old USL.

Condition Codes

CCE (2)

Request granted. The new file number is returned.

CCG (0)

Not returned.

CCL (1)

Request denied. An error number was returned to filenum.

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