HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual > Chapter 4 Command Definitions



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NM and CM callable.

Adjusts directory space in a USL file by moving the start of the information block forward (or backward) on a user subprogram library (USL) file, thereby increasing (or decreasing) the space available for the file directory block. The overall length of the file does not change. This intrinsic is intended for programmers writing compilers.

NOTE: A USL contains CM object code and is meaningful only in the CM program development process.


  I16                 I16V      I16V


Functional Return


16-bit signed integer (assigned functional return)

Returns the error number if an error occurs (condition code returns CCL (1)). If no error occurs, no value is returned. The error number returned corresponds to the following:

0The file specified by uslfnum was empty, an unexpected end-of-file was encountered while reading the uslfnum, or an unexpected end-of-file was encountered while writing the uslfnum.
1Unexpected I/O error occurred.
4Request exceeds the maximum file directory size (32,768 half words).
5Insufficient directory space.
6Insufficient USL file information block space.



16-bit signed integer by value (required)

Passes the file number of the USL file (returned by FOPEN/HPFOPEN).


16-bit signed integer by value (required)

Returns the assigned record count:

  • If a positive value, the information block is moved toward the end-of-file in the USL file, increasing the directory block and decreasing the information block.

  • If a negative value, the information block is moved toward the start of the USL file, decreasing the directory block and increasing the information block.

Condition Codes

CCE (2)

Request granted.

CCG (0)

Not returned.

CCL (1)

Request denied. An error number was returned to uslferror indicating the reason for this failure.

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