HPlogo HP Security Monitor/iX Manager's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Managing System Users with Passwords and Logon Restrictons

Managing System Access With Account and Group Attributes


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Account and group attributes that relate to system access include:

  • Limiting the amount of CPU time available to users. This can be set at the account and group levels.

  • Limiting the amount of session connect time available. This can be set at the account and group levels.

Limiting CPU or session connect time provides some degree of control over system utilization and, therefore, system performance.

Controlling Account and Group CPU Time Limits

The amount of time, in seconds, users can access the CPU is set with the CPU= parameter of the :NEWACCT, :ALTACCT, :NEWGROUP, and :ALTGROUP commands. The default is unlimited time.

For example, a System Manager can set the CPU time for all users in an account to one hour by entering:


Controlling Account and Group Connect Time

The amount of time a session can remain connected is set with the CONNECT= parameter of the :NEWACCT, :ALTACCT, :NEWGROUP, and :ALTGROUP commands. The time is set in minutes. Default is unlimited time.

For example, an Account Manager can set the connect time for all users in an existing account to two hours by logging on to the account and entering:

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