HPlogo Volume Management: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Volume Management Commands



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The VSRESERVE command allows a user to reserve a specified volume set. This means that the volume set cannot be taken offline by the operator. Whenever a user opens a file on a volume set, the system issues a VSRESERVE. When the user closes the file, the volume set is released and may be taken offline. A VSRESERVE is usually issued when a user may be opening and closing files over a period of time and wants to make sure the volume set remains available.

The VSRESERVE command is canceled when the user issues a VSRELEASE command, or when the user logs off the system.

Reserves the volume set between file opens for the user. That is, it notifies the system when the user does not explicitly have a file open on the volume set, further access will be forthcoming. This prevents the operator from taking the volume set offline. If no volume set is specified, then the request is for the home volume set of the user's logon group and account. Otherwise, the user must specify the full volume set name. The reservation of the volume automatically ends when the user logs off.


Keeps a volume set online.


No special capability required.


   VSRESERVE [ volsetname ] [;GEN= genindex]



The volume set that will be kept online. If this parameter is omitted, the home volume set of the user's logon group and account will be used. Optional.


A number from 1 to 100 specifying the new generation number of the copied volume set. If it is omitted, the generation number will be one greater than the original volume set. Optional.


This example shows how to reserve a volume set.

  1. Check to make sure that the volume set is mounted and online. Enter the DSTAT command from the system prompt. The master/member status indicates that the set is online.

  2. Reserve the volume set BSET by entering the VSRESERVE command from the system prompt.

  3. Verify that the reserve has taken effect by using the VSUSER command.

       ---------   ------   --------------------------
       21-079350   MASTER   BVOL1          (BSET-0)
       22-079350   MEMBER   BVOL2          (BSET-0)
       23-079350   MEMBER   BVOL3          (BSET-0)
               ---------------   ------   -------
               BSET              #S6      (USER.ACCT)
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