HPlogo Volume Management: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Volume Management Commands



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The LOG command allows the user to save in a file the dialog between the user and VOLUTIL that is displayed on the screen.


Saves screen input and output to a file.


No special capability required.


   LOG [FILENAME=]filename



Any valid file that has read and write access. If the file does not exist, it is created. Required.


This example shows how to enable logging.

  1. Use the LOG command to start logging all input and output to the file, logfilea.

  2. Use the SHOWSET command to display all volumes in the set.

         volutil: LOG logfilea
         volutil: SHOWSET BSET VOLUMES
         Volume name:             Index:
         -----------              -----
           BVOL1                     1
           BVOL2                     2
           BVOL3                     3
           BVOL4                     4
           BVOL5                     5
           BVOL6                     6
  3. Use the LOG $STDLIST command to disable logging and close the log file.

  4. You can now display the contents of logfilea by using the system PRINT command. If you log to the same file again, you will overwrite its contents.

   volutil: LOG $STDLIST

   volutil: :PRINT logfilea
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