HPlogo Volume Management: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Volume Management Commands



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The INITVOL command initializes a volume that was previously defined by the NEWVOL command.

If a volume was not mounted when the NEWVOL command was used without the ldev parameter, it was only defined. When a volume is defined only, the volume name, initial class assignments, and permanent and transient space allocations are recorded in the volume set information table (VSIT) of the volume set master.

You can then initialize a volume with the INITVOL command and create a volume label, label table, and free space map.

This command is used when it is necessary to create a volume set with more volumes than you have available disks on the system. When the other volumes become available, they need only be initialized.


Initializes a volume that was defined by NEWVOL.


CV, create mountable volume set


   INITVOL [VNAME=]sname:vname




The volume set containing the volume to be initialized. The master volume of this set must be mounted in the MASTER state. This command will not use the default volume set. Required.


The volume to be initialized. This volume must already be defined by a NEWVOL command. Required.


A number from 1 to 100 specifying the logical device number of the volume that will be initialized. It must specify a drive with a volume in the SCRATCH or UNKNOWN state. INITVOL asks for verification before proceeding. Required.


This example shows how to initialize a volume that the NEWVOL command previously defined.

  1. Use the INITVOL command to initialize BVOL6.

  2. Use SHOWSET to display volume status.

  3. Use DSTAT ALL to display that the volume is available.

     volutil: INITVOL BSET:BVOL6 LDEV=23

     Verify: Initialize new member volume BSET:BVOL6 on ldev 23 [Y/N] ?Y

     Note: New member volume has been initialized on ldev 23.


     Volume name:               State:   Ldev:      Type:     Path:

     -----------                -----    ----       ----      ----

       BVOL1                   MASTER      21     079330     8.0.4

       BVOL2                   MEMBER      22     079350     8.0.5

       BVOL3           (VOLUME NOT AVAILABLE)

       BVOL4           (VOLUME NOT AVAILABLE)

       BVOL5           (VOLUME NOT AVAILABLE)

       BVOL6                   MEMBER      23     079350     8.0.6

     volutil: :DSTAT ALL


     -----------  ---------   ---------------------------

      1-079350     MASTER      MEMBER1         (MPEXL_SYSTEM_VOLUME_SET-0)

      2-079350     MEMBER      MEMBER2         (MPEXL_SYSTEM_VOLUME_SET-0)

     21-079330     MASTER      BVOL1           (BSET-0)

     22-079350     MEMBER      BVOL2           (BSET-0)

     23-079350     MEMBER      BVOL6           (BSET-0)
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