HPlogo Volume Management: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Volume Management Commands



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The ALTERVOL command changes the permanent and transient disk space allocation for a particular volume. Permanent disk space is reserved for files, the label table, and free space map. The default value for permanent storage is 100%. Transient storage on system volumes is used for stacks and other temporary operating structures. For LDEV 1 the system master volume, the default value for transient space is 75% and the default value for permanent storage space is 75%.

The volume to be altered must be in the MASTER or MEMBER state.

NOTE: When updating a new version of MPE XL, it is recommended that all volumes except LDEV 1 have permanent space set to 100% and transient space set to 100%.


Sets permanent and transient disk storage space.


CV, create mountable volume set


   ALTERVOL [VNAME=]sname:vname

            [PERM=]percentperm [TRANS=]percenttrans



The volume set that contains the volume to be modified. The master volume of this set must be mounted in the MASTER state. Required.


The volume to be modified. The volume must already be initialized. Required.


A number between 0 and 100 specifying the new maximum percentage of disk space that can be allocated as permanent space on system and nonsystem volumes. Required.


A number between 0 and 100 specifying the new maximum percentage of disk space that can be allocated as transient space on system volumes only. Required.


This example shows how to change disk space allocation.

  1. Set the maximum allocation of 100% for permanent and transient storage space.

       volutil: ALTERVOL SAMPLE_SET:SAMPLE_VOL 100 100
       Verify: Set maximum permanent to 100[Y/N]? Y
       Verify: Set maximum transient to 100[Y/N]? Y
  2. Use the DISCFREE utility to display disk space allocations. Refer to the MPE/iX Utilities Manual (32650-90081) for more information on this utility.

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