HPlogo Volume Management: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 5 Volume Management Commands

VOLUTIL Commands


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VOLUTIL commands are organized into groups depending on the ending of the command. Commands that end with SET, CLASS, or VOL operate on sets, classes, and volumes, respectively.

All of the VOLUTIL commands are described in this chapter. Enter a VOLUTIL command after the VOLUTIL prompt is displayed. The VOLUTIL prompt, volutil: , displays when the VOLUTIL utility is running.


VOLUTIL commands can be input in uppercase or lowercase like any system command.

Table 5-1 VOLUTIL Commands

ALTERVOLVolumeChanges permanent and transient disk storage space.
COPYVOLVolumeCopies data from one disk volume to another.
DSECTORSVOLVolumeDetects defective sectors.
FORMATVOLVolumeFormats a volume.
INITVOLVolumeInitializes a volume that was previously defined by NEWVOL.
NEWVOLVolumeAdds a new volume to a volume set.
SCRATCHVOLVolumePlaces a volume in the SCRATCH state.
SHOWVOLVolumeDisplays volume information.
UNSCRATCHVOLVolumeUnscratches a volume.
VERIFYVOLVolumeVerifies that the data on a volume can be read.
COPYSETSetCopies data from one volume set to another.
NEWSETSetCreates a new volume set.
SETDEFAULTSETSetChanges the default volume set.
SHOWDEFAULTSETSetShows the default volume set.
SHOWSETSetDisplays volume set information.
EXPANDCLASSClassAdds a volume to an existing volume class.
NEWCLASSClassCreates a new volume class.
SHOWCLASSClassDisplays volume class information.
DOMisc.Reexecutes commands from the command history stack.
HELPMisc.Displays information about VOLUTIL commands online.
LISTREDOMisc.Lists commands in the command history stack.
LOGMisc.Sends user input and output to a log file.
RECOVERMisc.Copies files, from tape, that have been previously saved by the DISCUTIL utility.
REDOMisc.Reexecutes a command from the command history stack.
SHOWUSAGEMisc.Displays contiguous workspace that can be reallocated to make free space.
USEMisc.Processes VOLUTIL commands in an ASCII file.


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